Prematurely announcing minimum wage increase could 'undermine’ process- Hon Smith
“Yesterday at the press conference, I was asked about the potential increase in the minimum wage. In my response, I stated that I didn’t know and reiterated that the review is ongoing, which aligns with my commitment to a thorough and inclusive decision-making process,” Hon Smith declared in a statement today, April 5, 2024.
The minimum wage in the Virgin Islands was last increased on October 1, 2016, from $4.00 per hour to $6.00 per hour.
A Minimum Wage Advisory Committee was formed in November and , following feedback from stakeholders, is expected to submit its report later this month.
‘Increase likely’ but...
“While an increase is likely, at this stage of the review, prematurely announcing an increase could undermine stakeholder consultation, data integrity, and policy confidence.
“I am very much aware that many persons are struggling and are desirous of an increase in wages. I also believe in a process that is participative and supported by evidence-based findings in making decisions. So, in an effort to offer the opportunity for all stakeholders to contribute to informing this important process, I am relying on the advisory committee's work, which includes widespread consultation.”
Hon Smith emphasised the importance of everyone being a part of the process and participating in shaping this “important” decision.
The survey questionnaires are available on the government’s website.
“We will also make time available at my ministry’s conference room location to accommodate engagements on minimum wage discussion from 4 pm – 5 pm over the next two weeks (April 8th – April 19th). You can also make a written submission to
“I am committed to allowing the committee to finalise its review, ensuring that any decision on adjusting the minimum wage is both judicious and grounded in a comprehensive analysis of all relevant factors,” Hon Smith concluded.
See related article below:
Minimum Wage: ‘Is there going to be an increase? I don’t know’- Hon Lorna G. Smith

28 Responses to “Prematurely announcing minimum wage increase could 'undermine’ process- Hon Smith”
Everytime the said Top Issue has been and is now being discuss, many political and business owners trows cold water on it, so to speak.
It didn't took a long processed discussion for the so-called "Greedy Bill" to get approval by all political leaders, I heard. But each time the minimum wage issue was and is now being discuss, fear arises and opposers in the pass and even now closed their mind to accept the pressure (financial hardship) that minimum wage persons are burdened with daily while millions of US are deliberately being misspent to satisfy the the lust of the rich and prideful way of, not all, but most political leaders, particular as of late more than those of the past in the BVI, in many and my opinion.
If truly Governing Body in power desire to see a lowering in certain crimes, hopefully all, the quick approval in minimum wage rise must be approved no later than the end of this Month, April 30, 2024
Are you sure maids and gardeners get so much per hour?
Imagine, the leadership CANNOT decide, whether 6 USD, is too little a wage, for earners to begin with!
How about, paying those legislators, 6 USD. an hour, for six months!
Anddd, after six months, do you think they would want to reveal,how well were they able to manage their households, and their private lives, on such?
You see, who feels it, knows it!
Until those in power are living such realities, they will never understand the issues, that such a salary, actually brings!
I can hear the cry for price control. Nevertheless, price control is a mirage, ie, it is not what it looks like. It leads to shortages and poor quality. True, the minimum wage is a form of price control. It is also true that if minimum wage were to be increased the greedy merchants as true as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west would increase somewhat the prices on their already exorbitant prices under the guise that raising the minimum wage eroded their high profit margin. Nonetheless, the workers would be somewhat better off. If the reporting is true, most employers are paying paid more than the minimum wage, so raising it will affect a small percentage of workers. We always conveniently say workers are a business, agency, organization, etc., most valuable and important resource and if so treat them like it . Why is raising the minimum wage generating more debate, delay, buzz, etc than the Greedy Bill which passed with flying colors in the HoA?
The Frig..: indeed, you are a damn frig, not a useful frig. You can tell you are not a merchants , for you are chatting nonsense. The merchants make the investment , take the risks, delivering a service to community at razor thin profit. But it seems some want merchants to give away their goods or services. R@$$ mon be real and reasonable. Those who want goods and services be provided for free should come forward, instead of just flagging their gumbs, looking attention. Go bark up a tree or chase a car.