Minimum Wage: ‘Is there going to be an increase? I don’t know’- Hon Lorna G. Smith
According to Hon Smith, since its inception in November of last year, the Minimum Wage Advisory Committee has been diligently evaluating the current minimum wage structure.
“We value diverse perspectives in this process and therefore we want to get the widest possible cross-section of input from the different types of stakeholders,” Hon Smith stated at a press conference today, April 4, 2024.
Everyone is invited to participate in the minimum wage review and to send their submissions by the middle of April through the online survey on the government’s website or by sending written feedback to
“The public’s voice matters in shaping a better minimum wage policy. I anticipate the report by the end of this month,” Hon Smith stated.
'I don't know' if there will be an increase- Hon Smith
Asked by a reporter whether a minimum wage increase would be introduced in a phased approach, Hon Smith said, “I have been advised by the committee that I cannot say that it is going to be raised.
“We have to get all of the information. We have to get everybody to respond…to respond to the survey, all persons. There is also a survey for employers and based on that information, the economists, and the advisory committee is led by a very able economist in this ministry, so based on the information that they will devise or put together, then we will know whether there will be an increase in the minimum wage.”
Hon Smith said we have “a few weeks to wait” but said she is encouraging everyone to respond to the survey because the more information received the better.
“Is there going to be an increase? I don’t know. It will depend on the information that we receive. But certainly, we would not impose on persons a wage that is unacceptable or will not work."
Hon Smith said once the report from the Minimum Wage Advisory Committee is received, it will go to Cabinet and Cabinet will decide whether it will accept the findings or whether it will introduce the findings.
“Cabinet will make the decision,” Hon Smith said.
The minimum wage in the Virgin Islands was last increased on October 1, 2016, from $4.00 per hour to $6.00 per hour.

32 Responses to “Minimum Wage: ‘Is there going to be an increase? I don’t know’- Hon Lorna G. Smith”
I happy I didn't vote for you...
Inflation is killing poor people and they still there debating about raising minimum wage.
At least they can carry it to $10 an hour or $12.
The issue should be to how much $
All of a sudden the government of the virgin islands want to hear the people's opinions ayo tolan accustom a doing want ayo want now to raise people pay is all kinda run around from November
Them young boy need to show ayo how hungry people is out here
Ayo making twice and three times what people outhere making and feel everything good
A set a retarded government members greedy and senseless all the US money passing through here and this country look like s***
I would like to see the minimum wage increased to 10 USD, however, if it increases by two, to even eight dollars, it would be a great place to start.
It's interesting that every time the discussion is about the minimum wage, some ningcompoop, always chides about the increase of commodities..
HELLO, commodities have been increasing, while wages remains stagnant.. So therefore, the argument is invalid..
WE SHALL SEE what the Premier, Lieutenant Premier, and others will do..
It is safe to conclude, that their political futures, may very well hang, on the balance, on this one!
But now is time to raise minimum wage for the general public and now it's hardest thing to do!
It wasn't hard to dip into treasury for nonsense
It wasn't hard to touch up social security for bull
It wasn't hard to pay yuh friends and family rent every month when yall could of built a government building to house your workers
It wasn't hard Andrew to get caught up with the U.S
Yall for yourself! I hope that if the coi lock yall up that get the hardest punishment!!