Patch work on big West End pothole! Did JvD event make it possible?
The huge pothole was there since Hurricane Maria in September 2017, and the pothole had grown so big with its muddy water and depth of over 3 feet, it had small fishes and tadpoles living in it.
Well a day after our newsroom’s article, officers from the Public Works Department and a private backhoe patched the hole with rocks and dirt, making it much better for motorists traversing the road so close to the West End Ferry Terminal.
Many residents called our newsroom to also debate that maybe our article had nothing to do with the Government addressing the pothole, as they may have fixed it only because of the big Old Year’s-New Year’s celebration at Foxy’s, Jost van Dyke.
While we will never speculate as to why it was fixed to some extent, many motorists, pedestrians and visitors using the road are happy to see some improvements, and that is what matters at the end.
See link to related article:

15 Responses to “Patch work on big West End pothole! Did JvD event make it possible?”
There is now a pool of stagnant water trapped on the landward side of the patchwork.
Have these guys not figured out that putting a few drainage pipe under the patch is the proper way to do things. Hon Vanterpool, are you and your management team at PWD still on vacation since Irma and Maria passed ?
.........and that's just the roads on the south side !