Shame! civil servants working under open tent, collecting money, safety compromised

Well this is not the case at the West End port of entry on Tortola. Three government departments- Customs, Immigration and the Treasury- are working in the most despicable, shameful and embarrassing situations yet.
The officers were placed under an open white tent at West End after Hurricane Irma destroyed the ports building.
Not only are the government officers working in poor conditions under a tent not conducive to a professional environment for both workers and users, the staff members have to suffer the frustration of endless flies, mosquitoes, sea blasts and pools of water, nails and debris around the tent and when it rains the officers get wet.
On your own when it rains
It is our newsroom’s understanding that the officers were told to take shelter in their automobiles (assuming they have one) when it rains.
Another part of the embarrassment is the makeshift rest rooms. Female officers, for example, must use some make shift restroom that does not guarantee privacy or even security at the West End port of entry.
In addition, Treasury officers must collect government cash/revenue in an open area under the tent from private boaters coming to the VI using West End as a port of entry. This places all the government officers under the tent, along with users’ safety and security, at risk.
Acting Chief Immigration Officer Geraldine Ritter-Freeman could not be reached for a comment as she is reportedly out of office for the holidays, while Commissioner of Customs Wade N. Smith and Acting Accountant General Laurel L. Smith did not respond to our queries up to time of publication.
However, Acting Managing Director of the BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) Mr Alfred A. Henley aka 'Al' said a temporary structure at West End to house the various departments will be constructed early next year.
“We currently don't have a set time line as we are still in the design phase [for permanent Immigration and Customs building]. A temporary structure will be erected early 2018 so we can resume full service from that location.”
According to Mr Henley, once designs are completed there will be public consultations then the tender process will begin to select contractors.
The BVIPA is responsible for restoring the West End Ferry Terminal.
Big pothole a few feet away from the port of entry
Meanwhile, motorists traversing the road close to the West End port have to contend with a gigantic pothole at least 3 feet deep.
A visit by our newsroom to the area this morning December 28, 2017, after many residents called our newsroom to complain, discovered that because the pothole has been there for so long small fishes and tadpoles are living in it. There is also a small build up of mud in the opening, which continues to expand.
Many residents had gotten past the big potholes on some of the main roads in the Territory following the hurricanes- road conditions that had brought much distress and wreaked havoc on automobiles, causing trucks and buses to get stuck, but it seems that at least some remain on a main road a few feet from the West End Ferry Terminal.
The port is still used for Jost van Dyke ferries that transport residents and visitors to Tortola daily; however, the situation for users appears to be unsafe, and needs to be addressed with some urgency.

25 Responses to “Shame! civil servants working under open tent, collecting money, safety compromised”
In regards to the monster pot hole, Bummer needs to be shame and embarrassed with this pond-he on vacation too? Are Public Works Street Maintenance crews still on vacation? Is there no cold mix or cement, sand and gravel on the island? Is the hot mix plant still down? Has the MCW seen and approve this? Tell me he not on vacation too. He cannot be satisfied with this, can he? By the way, where is Dr. Glasgow? Is not he an expert in transportation? Everybody involved needs a cut ass for embarrassing the territory like this. This looks more like a 1917, not 2017 environment. Furthermore, they all need a dress down and shaming at Sir Olva Georges Square.
Solution: Close the WE port completely and send the workers home to sit and wait for completion of a more suitable building.
With no paycheck they will have time to explore other employment opportunities while evicted from their homes.
Doc's s decision to not lay off gov workers not going well as they are in misery with no appreciation.
Take them out of their misery, Lay den off!!!