Incinerator will be ‘fully operational’ in 2 weeks- Premier Fahie

The word they were eagerly waiting to hear came with the announcement that the control panel of the incinerator had been installed.
Relief in 2 weeks!
“I also know that the people in the First District and neighbouring area would be very pleased to know, in case you didn’t know, that the control panel for the incinerator is now installed, thanks to the Minister of Health, Honourable [Carvin] Malone and his team,” Hon Fahie said during the delivery of his annual First District Report.
The Premier continued that the contractor for the control panel is in the Territory and the incinerator is expected to be fully operational within two weeks.
“And the open burning will be significantly that of no more. This is progress, this is moving in one direction, forward,” Premier Fahie stated.
Incinerator down since November 2018
The incinerator has been out of operation since a fire destroyed portions of the facility, including the control panel, on November 26, 2018.
Since then landfill fires- some of major proportions- have been frequent, causing persons to raise health concerns. There have been cases where persons have had to temporarily relocate due to the amount of smoke from landfill fires.
It was on January 7, 2020 that Minister for Health and Social Development, Honourable Carvin Malone (AL) notified the general public via his Facebook page that the incinerator would be operational “within days”.
“Jay Phillips of Consutech is on location at Pockwood Pond for the certification of the electrical connections of the Control Panel for the incinerator. Works are proceeding well by Lambert DeCastro of Skelton Electrical and within days we should be up and running.
“Next -- the 4 years awaited scrubber which when installed would improve the emission from the incinerator. Let's all pray that all goes excellent,” Hon Malone had stated.

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