‘I am very concerned for my country’- Hon Fahie

Mrs Parsons, in a letter dated November 28, 2016 and obtained by our newsroom, blasted the party for their poor running of the country, their attitude towards women in the party and even called for the Ministry of Finance to be re-assigned to Health Minister Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL).
Speaking on the Morning Ride Show on ZROD 103.7 FM with Paul ‘Gadiethz’ Peart today January 5, 2017, Hon Fahie said he had not seen the letter published by this news site on January 4, 2017 and so he did not wish to make any comments on the letter but rather to reiterate his fears as expressed before.
“I am very concerned for my country. And as I told them in the House of Assembly they could launch an attack on me and make it seem as though I trying to score political brownie points but it is not that. If we don’t police ourselves somebody else going to police us in a manner that none of us going to appreciate and I have been saying that from the last time I did my annual First District Report and even before then,” Hon Fahie said with regards to the unaccounted spending of the NDP Government of Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith (AL).
“If you don’t police yourself and make sure whatever is in the law and the constitution is followed then someone is going to make sure you do it in a manner that you and all of us regret that we allow them to do it for us.”
‘I can’t tell them what to do’
Asked by Mr Peart what he thought about the call by Mrs Parsons to re-assign the Finance portfolio to Hon Skelton, Hon Fahie said, “I can’t tell them what to do but ask them to fix what all of them created,” adding that a baseball coach once said that “which failed you can’t be relied upon to get you out.”
Hon Skelton served as Minister of Finance in the NDP Administration of 2003-2007.
Hon Fahie used the opportunity on the Morning Ride Show to hammer home some of his concerns about Government’s handling of the territory’s finances and their perceived constitutional violations.
“When you have over 7 and 8 and more budgets without the audited financial statements coming to the House [of Assembly], those are constitutional violations. When you have a situation where it is not clear now what needs to be done to avoid conflict of interest as an elected official going towards government contracts and services, what you have now is an interpretation that is perceived to be a violation of the constitution….so we have some very serious constitutional issues that can result in this territory taking a step backward.”
See link to related story:

24 Responses to “‘I am very concerned for my country’- Hon Fahie”
In my opinion, that is EXACTLY what the NDP wants to happen so that they can then garner the support of the electorate to vote for independence.
INDEPENDENCE is their ultimate goal, but they know that unless the UK does what they MUST and are REQUIRED to do by LAW, they will never have the support of the people. In my opinion, they want to make it seem as though the "Colonials" are going to come and take us back 100 years, where the people were powerless over their own destiny. I believe we are all being masterfully manipulated.
You will recall that not very long ago, Mr. Skelton tried a little scare mongering by saying that the UK had threatened direct rule not once but twice. Well, he sort of "fudged" that statement so that those of us who don't know any better would fall for his scare mongering tactics. IN FACT, the so called "threat" was made by the leader of the opposition and not by the UK government at all! Nobody in the UK government paid him any attention, and neither should we.
However, if our government continues down the path they are headed, the UK government will eventually have no choice in the matter, as they are REQUIRED to enforce the laws governing OUR finances in order to protect us (the citizens) from exactly the sort of thing that is taking place.
Get out of our face.