‘NDP spring has dried up!’ Strong supporter Mrs Parsons fires shot!

The letter, dated November 28, 2016 and obtained from our senior NDP sources, lambasted the party for their poor running of the country and what the former Education and Culture Minister described in the letter as “the NDP spring seems to have dried up.”
Give Ronnie Finance- Parsons
The longtime supporter of the group, who on many cold and rainy nights was in her wheelchair campaigning for the party, told the NDP regime that “I have waited an inordinate amount of time to see if the situation would improve and I could hope.”
The cultural icon told the elected Members of the NDP in her letter that “it has become obvious to ALL, outside, that all is not as well as it should and could be in our State of BVI”.
The letter went on to say, “as for instance it is being said louder and louder that our Finances portfolio would be better served by being moved from the Office of the Premier to his Minister of Health. It would not be a ‘loss of face’ but it would be a good service to the country,” Mrs Parsons wrote.
She implied in her letter that Premier Smith cannot handle the Finance portfolio and advocated that it be moved to the former Minister of Finance [2003-2007] Hon Ronne W. Skelton (AL) who is also the Minister for Health and Social Development.
Mrs Parsons wrote, “it is an idea whose time has come in spite of who may think differently for whatever reason.”
NDP needs a new leader- Mrs Parsons
In another shot against the president of the NDP, Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL), the former legislator told the NDP members that “on another and even more serious note, while we expected the 11 of you to manage our affairs and manage them well we CAN NOT expect you to also manage the affairs of the body politic.”
The letter went on to read, “for years it has been known and sho-shoed that the party needs Leadership, and MORE SERIOUS Leadership. If you all intend to be elected again, you need an organisation with some modicum of structure. This is sadly lacking and all of you have known it forever.”
Sexist? Is it a man thing?
Mrs Parsons also suggested that the party leadership is sexist saying “it is a man thing at the head and heart” and reminded the leadership of the NDP that “it is women who work there butts off to get you gentlemen elected, and we are in serious need of a leader.”
In her letter she said, in heavily criticising her NDP, “people are willing to work but they need constant energising. This is not happening and it is obvious that there is, presently, not a clue about how to make this happen.”
In another strong indictment of the Party, Mrs Parsons said, “we are not a group that is Alive and well and we are perceived as not feeling our brother’s pain. All that can and should be adaptable to change. I, personally entreat the 11 of you, for the sake of the organisation we love, to seriously consider a change in its structure. This will send a message to most of our supporters that we mean business and we will be a force to contend with for the next elections process.”
The former Deputy Chief Minister warned that the NDP “can be saved, it is not too late..”
In the conclusion of her two-page letter, Mrs Parsons said, “I know all of the above will ruffle all feathers, but who cares? I care for the country for which I gave up an American Passport.”
This is one of the strongest lashes to date of the ruling NDP from one of its most dedicated and passionate supporters.
Efforts to reach Mrs Parsons to find out whether she still stands by her letter were not successful up to the time of publication.

114 Responses to “‘NDP spring has dried up!’ Strong supporter Mrs Parsons fires shot!”
One of the things she did not mention in her letter is the escalation in crime that the NDP appears to be tone deaf about. They need to pay attention to that as well, as the door is wide open for the Opposition to walk into with a solution.
Bless her heart.I hope that they take heed and not allow pride to stand in the way.We must save our party and our country.
So Andrew was right
I think that whether the Premier or Hon. Skelton is in responsible for Finance the decisions are to be made by the Government, not individuals. I am now wondering if the Premier is being run over by others or if there is any order at all. We elected these persons to run our business for us. We did not elect one of them, we elected all of them. They owe it to us to clean up the mess they have made, get the top out of the mud, put aside greed and mistakes and show the world what we are made of. We have a Territory to run, let's act like we know how to act and move ahead. There are other countries that were in worse situations and they recovered. "WE CAN DO THIS, I KNOW WE CAN".
They are selfish, hand dipping in the cookie jar
sell the country out, bunch of power hungry people. For love of self, they in power will let the country continue to fall into an abyss of suffering.
NDP you have heard it from one of your own supporter, who has the guts to stand up to you... I hope more than anything that Mrs. Parsons organizes a protest against this government.
AMEN SISTA... I woulda hold on to that Passport though........They'll have to pry mine from my cold dead hands.....lol
You all is the best.......
I will never understand how anyone could support this bunch in the first place!
I have been using concerned for the past 5 years BUT lets keep our ting separate b cse I dont kno for sure how concerned about this country u are
I will add ORIGINAL to my blog
The signature is shaky !
As close as she are to them, I do not understand why she found it necessary for formality with a letter letter and
provide a readily available, tangible and convenient thrill for VIP.
Naah...fortright and open is her voice we know but she is also smart sensible and discerning.
I am not convinced that this is not another desperate low blow by VIP . If my memory is correct, there was an issue some years ago about a computer and email hacked by VIP but details I do not recall.
Would vino print something if it was not authenticated??? Your silly blog is crazy if you ask me!!
Cabinet reshuffles are not uncommon in Governments as it is a way to shore up any weaknesses in leadership of a particular ministry or portfolio. It also allows for a new Minister with different perspective and ideas that can make a difference in the direction of the Ministry and it is a way to try to prevent corruption by not allowing one Minister to remain in the same position for 4-8 years. In this case she is asking for Dr. Smith to relinquish the post of Ministry of Finance which is a serious blow to Dr. Smith's strength as a leader. Normally in Caribbean politics that Ministry is under the stewardship of the Leader ie. the buck stops here. This is a bold suggestion by Ms. P and although it is laudable, I do not see him relinquishing that purse as it will make him look weak and ineffective. However, let us say he does and Ronnie manages to stabilize the financial situation (daunting task) it could turn out to be a masterstroke by the Premier and work well for his legacy. A worthy sacrifice? In the first NDP Government back in 2007 Ronnie was Minister of Finance so he has held the position before and at the time he was tight with the purse. Some say too tight but maybe that is what is needed now.
Another highlight of the letter is Ms. P's criticism of the lack of structure and I believe she may be hinting at the lack of a constitution like the VIP which provides for voting members who are representative of each district. They would vote on the leader and allow more regular people to have a voice rather than just a chosen elite few, therefore making the party of the people. Also, it is obvious Ms. P was offended when neither of the junior ministerial positions was awarded to a female and she is probably right in that regard. Again, NDP needs to be more representative of the people who they represent.
I know you are a loyal supporter but do not allow yourself to be blinded by loyalty. Well done Ms. P.
the action or fact of ruining someone or something or of being ruined.
"commercial malpractice causes the ruination of thousands of people"
the state of being ruined.
"the headquarters fell into ruination"
She had to have known the letter would be publicised. Hope Dr Smith show some prudent fiscal management and have her pay for the gov chauufered rided and other perks she is not entitled toasa private citizen.
Get it together guys or a new party of challengers are destined to emerge. VIP where are you guys? Next election cycle will be interesting. I can smell a coalition.
Oh, but I was called corrupt for pointing out the same thing......lol
If she is all that why was she never a Chief Minister!
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.