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HoA to meet today Feb 10, 2023; Controversial Police Bill on hold

The Third Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) will convene at the Save the Seed Centre, in Duffs Bottom, Tortola, today Friday, February 10, 2023, at 10:00 AM. Photo: VINO/File
Premier and mover of the controversial Police Act 2023, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) will not proceed with the Bill until further consultations and amendments are made. Photo: VINO/File
Premier and mover of the controversial Police Act 2023, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) will not proceed with the Bill until further consultations and amendments are made. Photo: VINO/File
Commissioner of Police Mark Collins was noticeably absent from the HoA informal meeting yesterday, February 9, 2023, to discuss the Police Act 2023, and as it was reported he is overseas. Photo: GIS/File
Commissioner of Police Mark Collins was noticeably absent from the HoA informal meeting yesterday, February 9, 2023, to discuss the Police Act 2023, and as it was reported he is overseas. Photo: GIS/File
DUFFS BOTTOM, Tortola, VI- The Third Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) will convene at the Save the Seed Centre, in Duffs Bottom, Tortola, today Friday, February 10, 2023, at 10:00 AM.

However, the controversial Police Act 2023, which our news site was the first to bring to light in an article on February 3, 2023, entitled ‘Police Bill 2023 raises red flags & makes way for police abuse of rights’, will not get its second and third readings at today’s Sitting.

First steps to change the Bill

Instead, the Premier and mover of the Bill Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) will not proceed with the Bill until further consultations and amendments are made.

The HoA convened an informal meeting yesterday, February 9, 2023, and there were discussions with Drafters from the Attorney General's Chambers, top police brass and Members of the Police Welfare Association. The Commissioner of Police Mark Collins was noticeably absent as it was reported he is overseas. It is unclear whether he is on official or private business.

In addition, none of the UK Police Officers who are pushing this bill in its current form were at the informal meeting with legislators at the Richard Stoutt Building in Road Town, the capital city.

Police state if Bill passes in current form

Legal minds and ordinary citizens have warned that the Bill in its current form will turn the Virgin Islands into a police state, as it will take away rights and liberties from residents. The current Bill allows the police to take fingerprints, foot impressions and DNA without someone’s consent and without a warrant. They can then keep the information for seven years on whether or not a crime was committed.

The same Bill in its current form allows the police, even UK Officers, to search residents’ dwellings without a search warrant, access communications between lawyer and client and allows the Police Commissioner to implement a cordon whenever he or she sees fit.

The controversial Bill also allows the police to alter the right to silence, and allows the courts to draw negative inferences from a person exercising their right to silence. Currently, no negative inferences can be drawn from a person wishing to remain silent.

It is our understanding that before the Bill gets second and third readings, it will go back to the public and the Police to inform them of the changes made, including input from the BVI Bar Association.

The HoA sitting will be aired LIVE on House of Assembly VI Youtube; House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands Facebook; 780 AM ZBVI Radio; CBN-Radio (90.9 FM); FLOW TV Channel 101; and CCT TV Channel 291.

10 Responses to “HoA to meet today Feb 10, 2023; Controversial Police Bill on hold”

  • Really (10/02/2023, 09:40) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Wake up wake up this is what I been warning you all about. Can you see what's going on now? This is stripping away All your freedom. If you think you got free dom then your really dumb and this proves it. The government owns your household once this act is in place and yet these politicians don't know what to talk about oh wow. This is how this beast system works all by control. As much as the net censor the truth you all better start to research things especially and I say especially with the mRNA COVID 19 vaccine. These are signs and wonders. You can see for sure what times were living in if you get outside of the box
  • Mason Taster (10/02/2023, 09:43) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    You mean to tell me that the AG Chambers sent a bill that is overwhelmingly goes against the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of our Constitution go through to the HoA? Somebody not doing their job in the way it should be done. I hope the Governor deal with these ppl for it is a shame and a disgrace for such Socialist bill to reach our HoA.
    • @ mason taster (10/02/2023, 16:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      It he him self is ring leader of this evil against the right of people where there are now after sending it can't be found..hmm some bought some stupid
  • we the people (10/02/2023, 09:50) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    At least the hard headed premier is listening
  • Citizen (10/02/2023, 11:25) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    We want to know who the drafters of this bill. Let's have their names. The Governor said he is all about transparency and yet we have a bill like this made its way to the House of Assembly. I can hear the chains coming, the slave masters at work giving the rapists more power to frame our people.
  • Undercover Observer (10/02/2023, 11:54) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    How did such an atrocious bill get passed the AG. The AG should be protecting human rights, freedoms, and blessings of liberty. These violations of human rights, freedom and blessings of liberty are not a permitted in the U.K. are they? So why is the BVI allowing the colonialists to bring them to the shores of the BVI? Is not the Governor supposed to be representing the BVI people? Oh snap! He is representing the colonial interest and see the BVI people as beasts, heathens and uncivilized bloaks. Colonialism is cloaked under the false premise of civilizing the beasts abd heathens in the colonies. The more things change the more the they stay the same. BVI people better unite and awaken from from their slumber and stand up for their rights. Here is a news flash. These folks are not into you. Don’t be fooled with the fake smile. Are going to let the hard and sacrificial work of Noel Lloyd, Dolph Faulkner, Hope Stevens, etc, go to waste.
  • enforcement (10/02/2023, 12:39) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    I wouldn't be so worried about this bill. Its not like any of the existing laws in the place are enforced.
  • Unity government (10/02/2023, 13:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    kicked the can down the road for the next government to deal with
  • please (10/02/2023, 14:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please pass the Human Rights Bill and the freedom of Information Bill before this police act so we can be allowed due process from abuse of power.
  • Asking For Myself (11/02/2023, 07:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where is Collins?

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