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Police Bill 2023 raises red flags & makes way for police abuse of rights

The proposed Police Act, 2023 has been criticised as having many red flags and can possibly make way for police abuse of rights. Photo: RVIPF/File
Police Commissioner Mark Collins. Section 45 of the proposed Police Act, 2023 allows the Police Commissioner to implement a cordon whenever he/she sees fit. Photo: GIS/File
Police Commissioner Mark Collins. Section 45 of the proposed Police Act, 2023 allows the Police Commissioner to implement a cordon whenever he/she sees fit. Photo: GIS/File
Many residents and legal minds, who have taken a look at the proposed Police Act, 2023, said the Bill in its current form has raised some serious issues and will take away the human rights of the people. Photo:
Many residents and legal minds, who have taken a look at the proposed Police Act, 2023, said the Bill in its current form has raised some serious issues and will take away the human rights of the people. Photo:
Police Act 2023
Police Act 2023
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Many residents and legal minds, who have taken a look at the proposed Police Act, 2023, said the Bill in its current form has raised some serious issues and will take away the human rights of the people.

For example, in Section 27-35 that deals with fingerprints, foot impressions and DNA, the Act essentially allows the police to take fingerprints of a person without consent in almost every imaginable circumstance, without a warrant for same. These will be uploaded to a database and will remain on the database for seven years, even if the person is not charged, or has been acquitted or the case discontinued. This, they said, should be alarming for all residents.

Police can search without a warrant

In addition, Section 36 will allow for the police to search persons in their dwellings, without a warrant, if they have reasonable grounds for believing that the person does not live there or does not have permission to be there. It has been argued that this again goes against human rights and the right of privacy.

Section 38 of the proposed Bill will allow a police officer to search the home of someone who is arrested on an arrestable offence without a warrant, even without that person being present. This provision should frighten the public on the face of it, according to one local activist.

A further review of the Bill shows that Section 42 would allow the police to access communications between lawyer and client. It has been long-standing in the international legal community and best practice that legal privilege is a constitutional right enjoyed by every individual and provides that what a client says to a lawyer and what a lawyer says to a client are to remain confidential.

Section 45 allows the Police Commissioner to implement a cordon whenever he/she sees fit, and “knowing our most recent experience with UK Police Chiefs, the public must push back against this,” the same activist noted.

Police can take computer & other property without warrant

Another red flag in the Bill is found in Section 49, which allows the police who are lawfully on the premises of anyone to seize their property without a warrant and require access to their computer without a warrant as is presently required.

Finally, Sections 186-189 alter the right to silence, and allows the court to draw negative inferences from a person exercising their right to silence. Currently, no negative inferences can be drawn from a person wishing to remain silent. Section 186 seeks to change that.

The right to silence is a constitutional right and protects our fundamental rights and freedoms. The social activist noted that constituents should call their House of Assembly (HoA) representatives on their concerns and pay close attention to this Bill.

The Police Act, 2023 had its first reading yesterday, Thursday, February 2, 2023, in the HoA. The Bill is sponsored by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7).

Click here to view Police Act, 2023

79 Responses to “Police Bill 2023 raises red flags & makes way for police abuse of rights”

  • WOW (03/02/2023, 12:35) Like (32) Dislike (4) Reply
    The slavery mill grinding slow but grinding still.
    • @WOW: Trust no one (03/02/2023, 14:43) Like (19) Dislike (3) Reply
      The UK Commissioner of Police & the Governor have so many under cover UK police in the country acting as tourist and sitting and mingling all over but all they are doing all day long is gathering information to make arrest whether there is sufficient evidence or nor. If this bill gives them more power then that is the end of the people of the BVI. Look modern day slavery in front of our eyes.
  • Youth (03/02/2023, 12:36) Like (38) Dislike (5) Reply
    If this passes as is then all our freedom is gone and we will be living in a police state.
  • Not good (03/02/2023, 12:40) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    Clearly the UK want us to legalize slavery so that their UK Commissioner and his UK officers on the force with the Governor can have a field day with the people of the BVI. This is not good. This is not right. I hope our elected officials take this bill to the public and do not let this legislation pass as the Governor and Commissioner of Police has had it presented.
  • Danger Danger (03/02/2023, 12:42) Like (46) Dislike (0) Reply
    So basically they are trying to legitimize police abuse of powers and the breach of constitutional rights of citizens? We need to be very careful!!!
    • To Damger Danger (03/02/2023, 13:00) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
      My team at work and I are here saying the same thing. In America they are concern about police abuse and trying to stop it but in BVI we are trying to legalize it. This is a worrying bill.
  • we the people (03/02/2023, 12:43) Like (16) Dislike (5) Reply
    Oh my God do you see why we need an election?
    • to we the people (03/02/2023, 13:09) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      While I agree with you I must say that an election will not change the intent of the Governor and his senior public servants in the UK who are his bosses because they have no regard for us, never did and never will. This is what the Order in Council is really about, instructing behind the scenes to have laws like these and others passed so that when they pass them and our rights are abused then the UK can say we did it to ourselves when in fact they forced the actions from behind the scenes with things such as the Order in Council which came from the well organized pre-arranged COI and recommendations. The only thing can begin to stop this no matter who is elected is an uprising of the people.
  • The Reality (03/02/2023, 12:43) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    When the face of hope is really the face of hell then it is not right. I support the police 100% but I do not support what the Governor and the Uk commissioner of police and his Uk senior officers are doing that was organized by the well placed and well-organized UK Commissioner of the COI and their pre-authored recommendations and now this so called modernizing of the police Act. We all agree that changes are needed but this is about more than that and it is of racist and colonial nature, and we should not fool ourselves to think otherwise. I ask all involved with this bill to be diligent to ensure that it does not dress up the face of hell as the face of hope
  • balance (03/02/2023, 12:45) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    A group of lawyers need to look over this bill to bring balance or the people of the BVI will suffer if it passes the way the Governor and his gang intend on passing it. Allow the police to do their work but also ensure that they are not allowed to abuse their powers or overreach their authority. This bill raises many red flags especially in light of what is taking place in the BVI currently.
  • EYE opener (03/02/2023, 12:46) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Without a doubt this is not being done with good intentions although the Head of the Police will say otherwise. The Police Welfare needs more authority. Independent bodies to review actions of all levels of Officers needs to be part of this legislation and they must be locals or of Caribbean origin. The police cannot be given legal powers to arrest, or this will be abused. Many other areas must be looked over in this legislation and restructured to avoid abuse camouflaged as modern policing.
  • What about our rights? (03/02/2023, 12:48) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Human Rights Bill needs to pass before this police bill passes or the country will go into bondage through abuse of power by the British Officials and their Police Officers and their Head coupled with the Governor. This is a trap. I hope our elected officials and our people stay awoke on this one. Get the Human Rights Bill pass first.
  • BVI Rise up (03/02/2023, 12:51) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Of course, they think we stupidy as usually by trying to fool us that this is about modernizing the police act when in fact it is about empowering the wicked Uk commissioner of police and his kind from the Uk on the police force to violate the citizen of the BVI's rights with the law now to back them up. They have no good thoughts of the people of the BVI. If you can only hear what they say about the people of the BVI when they are drunk. The people of the BVI needs to watch out on this one.
  • BAR ASSOCIATION (03/02/2023, 12:52) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am appealing to the BAR Association to review this legislation especially lawyers that do criminal cases. Make your voice known before it is too late. Protect our rights.
  • Absolute rubbish! (03/02/2023, 12:54) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    I am surprised you waited this long. Hope lock up your a## very soon.
  • not nice (03/02/2023, 12:56) Like (29) Dislike (2) Reply
    Vi islander if this bill past we a room we have no rights in our vi islanders
  • please (03/02/2023, 12:56) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    To all our elected officials I plead with you not to please the Governor and the Commissioner of Police on this bill passing it with all these abuse of power in it. The people must have some kind recourse. This is not what the law nor justice is about. Do not please them and displease your people or you would have put your people in to bondage.
    • Agree with 'Please' (03/02/2023, 15:37) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      To the premier, if this is the level you have to stoop to for power, tell the UK kiss your aHHS and do the right thing and step down. They are calling you weak! Step down and help the ones they are afraid of leading this country. Sell out the UK, not your country. And do not worry, you can still ask for a job. Your reward is with sticking with your people. This foolishness stops with YOU!
  • no no no (03/02/2023, 13:01) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is inhumane and reckless. WTF really going in this country???
  • True intent (03/02/2023, 13:03) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The true intent of the Governor and his team is coming out now. This is clearly not about right or wrong but about them having no regards for us as a Caribbean people. There is no justification for this abuse of power and it cannot be allowed to pass as presented.
  • 2023 (03/02/2023, 13:03) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    the whips, the chains and slave masters went in 1834

    2023 slave masters back with search warrants and imprisonment for coloured folks

    The only institution the United Kingdom contributes funding towards in this territory is Her Majesty’s Prison

    Look and Live
  • WOW (03/02/2023, 13:04) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Can you imagine if this pass? We the people will have no rights within our rights. The sad part is out elected official will vote for it to please the UK . Tsk tsk.
    • 2023 (03/02/2023, 14:08) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      @WOW-i will continue saying it is poor political leadership that have my country( our country back into the hands of Master….the 13 of them will vote yes (just to please the UK…facts!!!

      keep the faith
  • Urgent (03/02/2023, 13:14) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    First, remove the police from a subject under the Governor and put it either under the full responsibility of the Police Commission and National Security. No one entity should have responsibility of the police because it lends itself to abuse, and plots as is currently evident.
  • Racism (03/02/2023, 13:16) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    People of the BVI do not be fooled or brainwashes. Racism is trying to be down played but it is a factor with all that is going on with our country especially with the actions of the UK. The white police officer and their head do not trust the black police officers nor do they trust the other law enforcement agencies who are predominantly black. They want to discredit them and is being done through abuse of their powers to try to justify their colonial actions but camouflage it as good governance. Let us wake up and be aware and stand up for what it right. Ask yourself when last you saw or heard anyone other than black locals and black Caribbean people been audited, investigated, or arrested. Even in the boating accident they were freed. Wake up people. Racism is at our doorstep. Becareful with how this legislation is handled
  • Public servant (03/02/2023, 13:18) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    All of a sudden everything with a public servant is being referred to the police and not the public service commission. The reason is simple. The Governor can get the results he wants in the way he wants from his UK Commissioner and UK senior officers to justify to the international community why they need the orders of council. This is not about right or wrong or evidence or not. It is about a takeover through instilling fear in the people through a means that seems justifiable to the international community so they can get their support. The same old slavery tactics but in a modernized fashion.
  • guy hill (03/02/2023, 13:19) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Police can take computer & other property without warrant.

    In a dam democracy? What are the exceptions to this rule? can the police remotely access my computer without my knowledge and consent? What happen if you are illegally searched? This is crucial people.
  • The Real Truth (03/02/2023, 13:20) Like (13) Dislike (17) Reply
    This is called modernization! All of the points that the article raises as a concern are in existing legislation in the UK and elsewhere. Good lawyers will already know that! We are catching up in the BVI and if we really want the COP to do his job then give him the tools!
    • @the real truth (03/02/2023, 15:34) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      You sound like a demon with those lies! Go and repent slave pusher. Enough churches in BVi, choose one.
  • Education (03/02/2023, 13:22) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    This Bill is really the Governor's Bill but since he cannot attend Parliament then it must be done by the Premier. So the Governor is finally showing his true colors of their intentions for the people of the BVI. I hope we see this for what it really is...ABUSE OF POWER.
  • resident (03/02/2023, 13:24) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thanks vino we see why they want you closed down keep the pressure on the racist not even in the uk they have this type of law
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (03/02/2023, 13:27) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    There is a saying that a person is not or should not be judged as guilty until first proven guilty. For this reason a trial of the charge or charges takes place or happens, base on the evidence available. Does this principle applied to the topic issue, too? It should also applies in fairness.

    Prove all things holdfast to that which is good (true) that can be proven by genuine evidence, not groundless speculations.

    Fear torments the mind of all who have wicked intention against their neighbors.
  • Abuse of trust & power (03/02/2023, 13:27) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    What this legislation is saying by the UK and all their affiliates locally is that the only right the people of the BVI has is to be wrong. They want to be the Director of Public Prosecution, the Attorney General, the medical director, the human rights, and more all in one as the police through this act because they trust no one other than themselves as a UK offficial team. Let us call it for what it really is. We now officially know what they think of us as a people.
  • Get involved (03/02/2023, 13:33) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Everyone needs to get involved in this Bill because if it passes as is then none of us in the BVI will be immune from the negative effects that will be promoted as otherwise by the Commissioner of Police and the Governor. The next generation, innocent or not, will be doomed.
  • wise up (03/02/2023, 13:37) Like (30) Dislike (2) Reply
    Bill only can be passed with a majority of legislators vote. When this bill does pass put the blame where it belongs and quit blaming the Governor and Britain conveniently so, as always...
  • Not shocked at all (03/02/2023, 13:39) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    We all should have been fully aware what the wicked minded racist UK Commissioner of Police thinks of most of the people of the BVI from the violent video he did claiming he was advertising to get persons to join the police force. The BVI was intentionally painted in a negative light internationally. He never apologized because he and those with him have no good thoughts in their heart towards the people of the BVI. They are just faking it to make it. If this Bill passes as is now, then they would have accomplished their wicked intent of the takeover without any battleship or bloodshed.
  • Curious George (03/02/2023, 13:40) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can anyone, truthfully, tell us who sat and wrote this bill?
    • To Curious George (03/02/2023, 14:37) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      The legal team in the Uk for the Governor and their Commissioner of Police and then hand it down to the Attorney General and Premier.
  • vg youth (03/02/2023, 13:44) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    I am now starting to see more and more why they had to try to get rid of Fahie. Like him or not, he was fighting for the rights of the people but the empire was too strong for him alone.
  • smdh (03/02/2023, 13:46) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    I do not blog but so many people including myself are outraged by many things in this legislation. This time they have gone too far.
  • time will tell (03/02/2023, 13:50) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Who is bringing this to the house? Lets see who vote yes on this one, They're the ones that would be taking away our Liberty and human rights entitlements. People an election might be around the corner. Pay Attention.
  • Really (03/02/2023, 13:51) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    You need to wake Up people. This is only a pinch they are telling you. The won't need police soon . This is not a shocker being that we have no rights. I had no say about the lockdown but I have rights to vote Wow only dumb people think that's normal. Everyone is guilty until proven innocent because you get locked up and then you go to trial. The police also read you your rights which strip you of your rights.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (03/02/2023, 14:04) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
    In reference to the topic issue, we largely brought this on ourselves. In other words, the hole that we have dug for others, we with them are in it. This is a very sad reality, but it is true. What goes around comes around. However, don't panic, all is not lost. In the midst of darkness their is hope ahead on this pathway of life. True freedom is a pathway that is named love: (for God, our neighbors, and self).
    If we sow seed of love, we will sooner or later reap the fruit of love, believe it or not, receive or not. The choice is ours.
    No human live for self alone, after death others are affected.

    Don't lose hope.

    Blessed day, people of the British Virgin Islands, and others that are living among us, tourist included.
    • @Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (03/02/2023, 14:49) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      You always blogging piddle. Who does bring abuse of power by others on themselves. No one has the right to do such. We all know there are improvements needed but the BVI is no worse than anywhere else in the world. The negative picture the UK is trying to paint is why God will deal with them for their deceit and evil.
  • WOWO (03/02/2023, 14:20) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    People need to speak up and be loud about it, we cant do the BVI thing and snicker on the side and let this go through, none of this is best practice. Can you imagine the police kicking in your door to search because your boyfriend who don't live with you was arrested and they want to raid your home? this is insane, police and governmental powers cannot be need to be held in check.
  • Just Wow (03/02/2023, 14:27) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    When do we start the march against this atroucity?
  • U DONE IT AGAIN (03/02/2023, 14:28) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
  • watch out (03/02/2023, 14:39) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Caribbean and BVI people are trusting and caring people. The UK knows this and is taking advantage of our kindness by getting to know us by being through us and then arrest us for crimes we even did not know we committed. This is not right.
  • LET US SEE WHO ALL VOTES FOR IT (03/02/2023, 14:43) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
  • The Reaper (03/02/2023, 14:54) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let them. I k them pigs
  • idiots (03/02/2023, 15:30) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Most of these things are ILLEGAL in the UK. WTF is a law that allows BREACH OF ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE and UNLAWFUL SEARCHES and the like. WTF WTF people, be stupid or wake up and get the garbage out the country. The present politicians are to be blamed for the backwardness, for the fact that anyone had any balls to draft the shid and present this shid for approval. Kick the garbage out the country NOW!
    • To idiots (03/02/2023, 15:58) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Laws in each country are passed for a reason and are based on the environment. What works in the UK or what is done in the UK may not be best for somewhere else given the environment. There is no one size fit all laws. So the only idiot is you. This is abuse of power where ever it is being allowed.
  • We will see. (03/02/2023, 15:39) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Majority in the house have to vote for it. Thsts the process. We will see..
  • bvi (03/02/2023, 16:00) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look at uprising sah
  • Unvaxx 4eva (03/02/2023, 16:15) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    As for me i don't live by those laws. what i buy is minds, and anybody disrespect me under the name of police. They will find out Tola have real people in it. Millions of ways to skin a cat.
  • 2023 (03/02/2023, 16:20) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    what I recognize the people have little or no-say when it comes down to the policies that will affect our well-being. whatever happen to the voice of the people: only a few hours before an election the people have any value: how can it be upfull and right in the year 2023 for five people(AKA “Cabinet”) to lock themselves in a room thereafter the people of the land have to tow the line(joke business for a progressive people) system should change to embrace the thoughts of our people….the UK done have so many white officers in the land and where they came from( they are know to kill black folks) chat that
  • (03/02/2023, 16:27) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    These white boys found a new way to take over
  • Governor needs to GO (03/02/2023, 20:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Take that BS somewhere else... here is a great suggestion for it... back to the UK along with ALL your personal belongings.

    No UK official should be running aka modern-day slavery to the B.V.I. It should always be run and governed by the Citizens of the B.V.I. elected and appointed by the people. Just like they do in most of the world. I vote for the cheif of police AND the governor to be gone and positions to open/available for elections by the people for the people of our beautiful B.V.I.
  • Rhodesia (03/02/2023, 20:13) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    the idea is having white officers dominate the force
    the idea is have no jury during court trials

  • @ Wise Up (03/02/2023, 20:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    With the Order in Council hanging over the heads of our elected reps. they have no choice but to do as told. Right now they are as I said before damned if they do damned if they don't. When this country should have been making meaningful progress it was treasure hunting and crucifying the messengers. Three quarters of the persons blogging here haven't got a clue as to our real situation. These are the same idiots strategically placed in positions to retard the progress of this country. I am afraid we may have already missed the boat. How they say it...." penny wise and pound foolish." When you dig a pit always dig two. A lot of you guys in the house of assembly are going to face some serious mental torment when the seeds you have sown have finally grown. All of you are being used as the agents of the demise of your people and country while you act as if you are superstars. According to the Chipmunks "MAJOR ROCK STARS." Poor Things.
  • colins, ranking and white UK police officers (03/02/2023, 20:35) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    these set of racist white people got it in for some of you all who continue to pork the beer. They coming for ayo fast watch out back to slavery again.
  • Concerned (03/02/2023, 21:37) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

  • Blackbeauty (03/02/2023, 21:42) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Martial Law and New World Order are on the horizon
  • cap (04/02/2023, 05:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who is the author of this bill? Is this country becoming a Totalitarian Country? Do not try to e nslave the people of these beautiful islands again. We will not have it. Why did the politician agree to bring this bill.? Is this to disrupt this place? With such a bill the police will have the opportunity to plant evidence if they wish. When peoples rights are taken away will this be good governance? Premier open your eyes and conscience and see if this trash should be on the agenda. We send (13) thirteen of of you there to look out for the the sole purpose of looking out for the rights and development of our people.
  • bvi (04/02/2023, 06:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Anti Law state?
  • @ SENIOR CITIZEN (04/02/2023, 08:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • ??? (04/02/2023, 09:01) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who actually tabled this Bill?
    Who actually reviewed this Bill?
    Who actually approved this Bill?
    Who actually revised and penned this Bill?
    I don't think they are for the People but power hungry people. Hiw can the AG, the DG, and any high Sitting Judge , Magistrate or Attorney agree and comply with this Bill?
    As for the Members of the Cabinet, you are NOT untouchable according to this Bill.
    We have No Human Rights to Privacy according to this Bill.
    With the type of Officers who have malicious minds and intents, this Bill is giving the green light to violate and discredit a person's life.
    If We stand for equality and justice, then the likelihood of this Bill is going to bring out more harm than good. It will not be easy for either Citizens or those who supposedly are here to harrass and bewittled them.
  • Allow my expression VINO (04/02/2023, 09:03) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    Only criminals will feel the heat. Law-abiding citizens need not worry. There are so many murders in this place. The news sites report them and that's it. They then make Policing the problems because they see it as a way to get to the Governor. Only a few will openly condemn the criminals. No one has ever organized a march against crime. Our brothers are gunned down, the parents mourn, Politicians show up at the funerals then things go back to normal until the next brother is killed. Here is the worst part. People on the block, even the friends of these victims know who murdered them but don't talk. The excuse? They don't trust the Police. Who do you think will be called to do jury duty? No one wants too! In fact one of these murderers could end up on the jury since we don't know who killing who. Wrong place maybe but I have to say this time for judge only trials. Crime is not only a Police problem. It is our problem! I have no sympathy for criminals even if it turned out to be my brother!

  • rights (04/02/2023, 11:25) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    Look at you all BAWLING about police power now!
    Now the police is looking for powers to get around your disgusting secrets and ALL YOU BAWLING ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS!
    Like we ever give a second thoughts to human rights here. What about all those children abused by family members that people know but no one steps in to protect them? What about their rights? What about the people born and living here for DECADES and all you don't want to give them any status because they are not considered BVI enough? What about immigrants working as slaves for local 'liberators'? What about sex trafficking under our nose?
    What about all you stop this nonsense about rights and race and secret conspiracies against this little family and friend circle you claim you want to make into a NATION to stand on its own against the world like the smallest small fry in the sea. You all are high on your own bull and is we all going to suffer because none of all you can't think straight about any single important issue that we face. 'Rights! Race! Hate them people! Kill them wyts!' etc etc
    Nasty set a people now claiming 'human rights'?
  • crazy (04/02/2023, 14:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sowande need to get his ass out!!! He a sell out. U messing up the country more…. Get the $&@? out uncle ruckus!!!
  • "Parliament of Law" (04/02/2023, 20:51) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

    This is a racist bill.
    Let us throw it in the sea!
    Police will abuse the rights and freedoms of the citizen.
    Ma** C****s  is a racist!

  • John doe (05/02/2023, 14:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not even the uk or America have these laws. So why should we accept this
  • Duttyvino (06/02/2023, 14:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I find it very disturbing that the lack of skill and professionalism means that we must revert to being violated to make a case for which they otherwise cannot build. So who will police the police ? It never fails the qualified are often overlooked for the more Malleable and weak .Cheers to the new colony.
  • What's really going on? (06/02/2023, 23:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Politicians, you all better do the right thing, and don't take us to the days of slavery where we have no rights.
    You can't be passing bills just so because racist people forcing it down your throat. We are a peaceful people
    and most people who come here do not understand our culture. For the love of God, do the right thing and
    protect us. Throw this bill out.
  • Forbidden Truth (07/02/2023, 06:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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