Governor Rankin defends ‘biased’ Auditor General

During a press conference today, March 3, 2023, Governor Rankin thanked the Auditor General and her team for their work.
He said the Audit Act 2003 sets out that audits shall be undertaken in accordance with good auditing practices and standards, and “I am satisfied that these audits meet these requirements.”
According to the Governor, the mandate and methodology used in conducting the audits are set out in the reports for everyone to see.
Was the AG taking instructions?
Meanwhile, residents have questioned the motives of the many one-sided reports from the Auditor General and whether she took instructions from the controversial Governor John J. Rankin and the one-man Commissioner Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom.
If that is so, Ms Webster would have violated the Auditor Bill, and it could render her reports illegitimate.
According to Governor Rankin; however, the Auditor General, under the Constitution, is not subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority in the exercise of her functions.
“And I offer my continued support for and confidence in her work,” Governor Rankin stated.
See links to related articles:
‘When you write a report it should be truthful & balanced’- Opposition Leader
Hon Malone slams Auditor General Report on marine platforms as lacking balance
'You do a whole audit on EZ Shipping & you don’t interview' them?- Premier on AG Report

34 Responses to “Governor Rankin defends ‘biased’ Auditor General”
World is very rounded,
Born right here and no not Caucasian.
Rightfully so, this man is doing his job.
The barges were ordered by a guy that is in custody in Miami for selling cocaine, money laundering and racketeering charges. Did nobody notice this when dot the 'audit' report!?
The facts are all there. Yet the audit reports look like someone filled out the forms wrong, or someone reported something but no one paid attention.
The barges were contracted so a drug dealer could bring drugs into the BVI and sell them! The UK was told to take their free War Ships with the fancy radar home!
Am I the only person to notice this?