'You do a whole audit on EZ Shipping & you don’t interview' them?- Premier on AG Report

The report detailed that on March 22, 2020, the Virgin Islands Government closed its territorial borders to incoming travelers as a precautionary measure to control the spread of COVID-19.
Barges used during COVID-19-induced border closures
It added that during the COVID-19-induced border closures, law enforcement agencies were faced with challenges in monitoring unauthorised and illicit activity along and inside the territory’s marine borders. It said this was due primarily to limited resources.
The report further detailed, “On 6 May 2020, the Government received an Unsolicited Proposal from Clyde Chalwell of EZ Shipping Ltd in which he offered to let two of his barges to the Government as marine radar platform to assist with the border security challenges at the rate of $17,000 per day."
The Auditor General disclosed that the Government paid $2.04 million to EZ Shipping Ltd for five months’ services under three contracts which covered the period August 23, 2020, to January 22, 2021. It added that EZ Shipping Ltd was paid a total of $738,000 for the period November 26, 2020, to January 21, 2021, when the barges were not being used by the Government.
Premier Wheatley, while debating the report at the Third Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly in Road Town on February 21, 2023, said while he respects the office of the Auditor General, one of the biggest flaws with the audit report was that all the relevant parties, including that subject company EZ Shipping Ltd, were never interviewed.
“You do a whole audit on EZ shipping, and you don’t interview EZ Shipping. Madam Speaker, I have a problem with that, that’s not the way you go about doing things,” he said, revealing that the proposal was not unsolicited but rather, the company was approached.
Members of NSC not interviewed - Premier
He added that reference was made to the National Security Council and said members were never interviewed.
The Premier added that it would have been useful to interview persons from the Council, given he also has disagreements with what the report stated and that the report is incomplete and show bias towards public opinion.
“I would say without a shadow of a doubt that there was a need to secure the borders and from my standpoint, the idea of barges is not a bad one,” he said while adding that the IV’s borders are large and porous.
Barges served purpose - Premier
“In fact, there was a proposal later, that the government should purchase their own barges or platforms. I don’t think it’s a bad idea, I think it’s one worth examining,” he added in highlighting that the Radar is also needed and that the use of the barges was justified contrary to the Auditor General’s report.
As it related to the cost of the project, Premier Wheatley said to the regular man, they don’t understand the cost of hiring barges and that even the cost of fuel for the use of barges can sometimes reach figures costing $22,500 per day each, which is much higher than the cost paid for the barges rented by Government.

61 Responses to “'You do a whole audit on EZ Shipping & you don’t interview' them?- Premier on AG Report”
You paying $17,000 a day to park up???????!!!???!!!
Everyone who holds an education doctorate puts that credit at the end of their name.
Only in BVI do we let our ego dictate protocol…
That’s how wrong news spread.
And the COI questioned the Honorable, and the Honorable defeated Sir Gary Hickinbottom in the COI, but the police still charge the honorable maliciously, with breaching -
Government protocols
Finance Act
Fionance Regulations.
The dpp called that [Breach of Trust]?????
Place need cleaning but we cant give the can of spray to the same roaches to exterminate the place. That cannot work. We been in deep sh..y long time and it keep herring stinker and stinker by the hour
But we see! EZ shipping is in his district and finances the VIP, so Sowande dare not throw him under the bus. Here he goes selling his soul again just like he did under the Head Coach. This cost us $2 million! $700k for times the barges aren’t even in the water! CSC cost us $400k but you ready to crucify him! But Chalwell gets a free pass?
Boy you killing yourself every time you open your mouth.
Somebody got to answer and be held accountable for this kind of giveaway.
The Auditor General’s report is based on public accounting standards and best practice, as well as her duties under the Constitution. Her report is ONE PART of a continued process and must be viewed in the context of her role. It would now be necessary to determine the next steps including full investigations and asking the questions referred to by the Premier. Unless he can point to a specific issue with her methods and process given the confines and context of her role as Auditor General, the Premier has NO BASIS TO QUESTION HER CONCLUSIONS and should not be making these comments – VERY IRRESPONSIBLE and NOT HELPFUL AT ALL….Lack of Leadership and discretion which is needed now more than ever to repair and rebuild these Virgin Islands!
I feel so disgusted by this man's remark Mark called him a puppet and took it back but you are a puppet that message sounds so rehearsed and one directly from the owner of Esea Shipping but he could jump high and low you all going down one by one we are taking back our country from you Jokers in the name of Jesus.
I come before You to petition the court of heaven for immediate intervention on behalf of Your people in the BVI. Father, by the blood of Your precious Son, these people have been purchased. They belong to Jesus Christ, not to the government of BVI nor the UK. They do not belong to the politicians or corrupt politicians and lawmakers. Others did not shed their blood or bear the weight of our sin as Jesus Christ has; therefore they have no legitimate claim to our lives. They seek to make us their slaves. These modern day “Egyptians” and “Pharaohs” arrogantly believe they have the right and the power to injure Your children. But, they did not give us our life or our rights; You did. They do not have the right to strip Your people of the right to life and liberty that You gave us.
Therefore, by the blood of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, I humbly yet boldly come to you now in the time of our need. Please, O God, do not resist our petition. We know, as a nation of people, that we have failed to honor You. We have rebelled. As a nation of people, we are guilty of shedding innocent blood through the abortion industry and the demand to legalize the murder of babies at whim. We have turned to idols and rejected Your law in so many ways, yet I plead for mercy. We truly do not deserve it, but I know how merciful and gracious You are. You have said in Your word that You do not wish that any person would perish, but all would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Please forgive us and help us. Send Your angels on assignment to overturn unjust laws and help us save our nation.
Father, please send out Your command to the earth and allow Your word to run very swiftly. I ask You to establish Your word, for it is written in Psalm 149: 7-9 that You have given Your people the power to execute vengeance on nations and punishment on peoples; to bind their kings with fetters of iron and execute the written judgment of Your word.
Therefore, I declare:
I bind the spirits of murder, lust, covetousness, idolatry, witchcraft, slander, corruption and selfish ambition in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. I loose justice, equity, and righteousness in Jesus name. I release the Fear of the Lord.
I declare the slain shall fall in the enemy’s camp and Your people are spared in the day of calamity, O God. Your people, Israel, are not forsaken, nor Judah (those who praise You). By our God, the Lord of Hosts, though our land has been filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel, let Your people be preserved according to Jeremiah 51:4,5.
I declare this is the time of the Lord’s recompense towards His people, for the judgment of those who conspire to harm innocent life has reached to heaven. Let the arrows be released into the enemy’s camp! Let the evil kingdoms be broken and destroyed according to Jeremiah 51:20-21.
Let Your hand be stretched out against the destroying mountains according to Jeremiah 51:25.
I declare the LORD is a great God and a great King above all gods. (Psalm 95:3)
For You are the LORD Most High over all the earth; You are exalted far above all gods. (Psalm 97:9)
I declare You O God have performed mighty deeds with Your arm; You have scattered those who are proud in the thoughts of their hearts. (Luke 1:51)
I declare that you frustrate the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot carry out their plans. You catch the wise in their own craftiness and the counsel of the cunning comes quickly upon them according to Job 5:12,13.
I declare the King of heaven should be honored for all Your works are true and Your ways just, and You are able to humble those who walk in pride according to Daniel 4:37.
Blessed be the LORD who delivered us from the hand of the Egyptians and from the hands of political pharaohs, and who delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians. Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods: for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly He was above them. Exodus 18:11
Father, there are corrupt politicians, lawmakers, judges, business people that have conspired against Your people. They have conspired for the sake of evil gain, and have plotted against the lives of the innocent. They seek to destroy our children. YOUR CHILDREN, LORD. Let the curse enter the house of the thief that consumes their entire house, as it is written in Zechariah 5:3-4.
I specifically address those responsible for overturning and silencing the voice of the Virgin Islanders and others that are at the forefront of political corruption. You know everyone and everything that has been done in secret, Lord. Bring their evil deeds out of hiding so that true motives can be evaluated by all. Those that have conspired to do injustice and oppression. These people have committed crimes against humanity for selfish gain, and I ask that You cut off their ability to continue in evil. I ask You to consider their actions against Your people and deal with them as You see fit. Not as I will, but as You will, O God.
Let ungodly stewards be deposed from their office and let another more righteous person take their place. Let their authority be stripped from them according to Isaiah 22:20-22.
Let those businesses who make their gain through immoral means and get rich at the expense of the well-being of others wither and dry up immediately. As You cursed the fig tree and it supernaturally dried up overnight, let the same be done to corrupt politicians and business people who conspire to profit by violence against innocent the citizens of this nation. Father, these people have rejoiced at destroying Your heritage. They have silenced people that have understood the amount of corruption and took a stand against it. They have silenced whistle blowers and destroyed their families. They have willfully destroyed others and rejoiced in it. They conspire to rob Your people of health and life. Let the weapons of your armory be opened. Bring out the weapons of Your indignation according to Jeremiah 50:25. Let Your arrows be released to carry out the judgment against those bearing the oppressing sword. Those oppressing Your people have refused to let them go. I ask You for judgment with mercy against those that refuse to let Your people be free.
Father, expose the wrongdoing, the corruption, and the harm that politicians are perpetuating against the citizens of this nation. Give us judges that aren’t bought off with a bribe. Your promise in Isaiah 1:26 is that You would give us good judges and wise counselors again. Please give us our liberty back, in Jesus name!
Show Your power, O Lord. You are the Lord of Hosts! Let our Redeemer thoroughly plead our case! Give us rest from evil taskmasters and against evil princes that oppress Your people.
I declare a sword of justice is against the mighty that seek to perpetuate evil plans and conspire against our nation.
I declare a sword is against their treasures and they will be robbed, according to Jeremiah 50:37.
I declare that according to Psalm 89:23 that You have crushed Your foes and you have stricken down our enemies. Also according to Psalm 18:40, you have given us the necks of our enemies and their heads (authority) have been removed from them in Jesus name.
Let the power of the wicked be broken, according to Psalm 37:17.
Father, it is written in Isaiah 49:25 where You affirmed that “captives would be taken from warriors and plunder retrieved from the fierce; You said that You would contend with those that contend with us, and our children You would save.”
I declare these evil powers' ability to multiply, take dominion and subdue others is cut off, for their master has already been defeated. It is written in John 16:11 that the ruler of this world has been judged, and in John 12:31 it is written that the ruler of this world shall be cast out. According to Your word, let him be cast out of these systems now in Jesus name.
Let those that have been caught in the enemy’s snare escape and turn to You, O God. Convict their conscience. Let them repent and be saved in Jesus name.
We declare that You will ruin the enemy's plans and remove the crown from those unworthy to govern. You will give the right to rule to the people who will rule in righteousness, and those You have chosen, according to Your promise in Ezekiel 21:27 and Jeremiah 23:6.
We declare ungodly thrones are overturned and the power of foreign kingdoms are shattered. You have overthrown the driving forces and those that are in league with evil forces according to Haggai 2:2.
Father, Your word in Jeremiah 30:10 tells us that You will save us and our seed from captivity. Your word also in Isaiah 49:25 declares that You will take the captives of the mighty away from them and You will contend with those that contend with us. You promised to save our children. I thank You for Your promise. I thank You that You are a God of justice.
I thank You, Father, that the idols of evil thrones are broken. I thank you that the bows of the mighty men and corrupt politicians are broken according to Jeremiah 51:56. I thank You that evil shield bearers that protect the ungodly from judgment and thwart justice for the oppressed are taken down and removed. I thank You that You have pleaded our case and taken vengeance for Your people according to Jeremiah 51:36. Your kingdom come, Lord Jesus, Your will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.