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Chief rebel Hon Myron V. Walwyn sworn in as Opposition Leader

Opposition Member Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6) was sworn in as Leader of the Opposition by Governor Daniel Pruce at Government House this morning, March 24, 2025. Photo: GIS
Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) has been ousted as Opposition Leader in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly. Photo: YouTube/File
Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) has been ousted as Opposition Leader in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly. Photo: YouTube/File
GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Tortola, VI- As first and accurately called by our News Centre, de facto leader of the rebel opposition group the Alliance, Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6) has been sworn in as the new Leader of the Opposition.

Hon Walwyn was sworn in by Governor Daniel Pruce at Government House this morning, March 24, 2025, and is expected to take his seat as Leader of the Opposition when the House of Assembly (HoA) meets this afternoon.

Our News Centre had first reported on March 22, 2025, that the three rebel Members of the Alliance, Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6), Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) and Hon Stacy R. Mather (AL), signed a letter on Friday, March 21, 2025, addressed to Governor Daniel Pruce asking that Hon Walwyn be made Opposition Leader.

Constitutional move

The governor was obliged to accept the request because, under the Virgin Islands constitution section 70, there was an opposition majority signing the letter.

The Alliance holds a three-seat majority in the Opposition with the other members being Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) of the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) and Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) of the National Democratic Party (NDP), both of whom did not sign the letter.

Then Leader of the Opposition, Hon Skelton told our News Centre on March 22, 2025, that him being unseated as Opposition Leader was “possible given the rift between myself and my colleagues”.

See link to related article below:

Hon Walwyn In! Hon Skelton Out! as new Opposition Leader in HoA Shake-up  

25 Responses to “Chief rebel Hon Myron V. Walwyn sworn in as Opposition Leader”

  • Laslow (24/03/2025, 13:19) Like (29) Dislike (3) Reply
    lol why you guys call him chief rebel?
    • @ Laslow (24/03/2025, 16:38) Like (3) Dislike (21) Reply
      VINO I love your headline he better go look after his case that is on appeal..... Them boys want him behind bars
    • Formidable Leader (24/03/2025, 18:05) Like (17) Dislike (7) Reply
      Hon. Walwyn will represent a viable challenge to VIP but he must a) rebuild the party from the ground up, just as Hon. Fahie did with the VIP. Fahie had the courage to bring in new faces, place them in powerful positions, and guide them with his experience. Leadership is about shaping the future, not just managing the present, and Walwyn must be bold enough to do the same. He can include some of the more experienced former members, but there must be no ambiguity—he is the leader, and the direction must be clear.
      b)He must be mindful of the mistakes and circumstances that weakened confidence in his leadership before. Yes, much of it was beyond his control ,He was duly elected and there was betrayal within the ranks ; but leadership is about navigating storms, not complaining about the weather. Influence and persuasion are the tools of a great leader, and he must be prepared to use both the carrot and the stick where necessary. The people of the BVI are looking for leadership that is strong, principled, and forward-thinking—all competencies that he possesses.
      If he gets this right—if he brings in the right mix of new, competent individuals—he will not just be rebuilding a party; he will be creating a new political force in the BVI. And when that momentum builds, others—Hon. Penn and even Hon.Skelton will be motivated to get on board
  • Yes (24/03/2025, 13:23) Like (42) Dislike (18) Reply
    We need a chief rebel to handle the crisis we’re in. You’re smart on your own to say this
  • WOWO (24/03/2025, 13:44) Like (32) Dislike (7) Reply
    ever so called democracy need a strong opposition to keep the country informed and hold the government accountable, the previous Opposition Leader was not that. one would believe that he was never interested in that job. Bring the fire
  • Coleslaw (24/03/2025, 13:56) Like (5) Dislike (37) Reply
    Laslow, yes that's what is. A self serving MFr. No respect for the money guru man Ronnie.
  • Just a distraction (24/03/2025, 14:08) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
    They still ain’t doing nothing. Both parties are wasting the people’s time and money.
    • BV Islanders 6 district (25/03/2025, 09:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      All of you all politicians make my stomach sick it's not about the country or the people, it's about power and money. Next election I don't want to hear or see any of you at me darn door. Same shits different days.
  • Migoman (24/03/2025, 15:06) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply

    Sometimes I wonder just how democratic our country really is.
    So much sh** that goes on long after elections. Who got kicked off, who got kicked on, who got fired, who got rehired...
    What's next? Democratically elected member getting permanently fired and sent home,?

  • Citizen (24/03/2025, 16:55) Like (13) Dislike (28) Reply
    Myron and Mitch would do anything for power. Power hungry sets of dogs. Mather is a waste, not wasting my vote next election.
  • Herbs Powa (24/03/2025, 17:22) Like (23) Dislike (9) Reply
    Vino, watch how y'all labelling our Z6ne horse. We are not afraid to send treats.
  • Blacka (24/03/2025, 17:40) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    That was indeed a palace coup.
  • Fallen short (24/03/2025, 18:11) Like (34) Dislike (5) Reply
    I think he’s a good man
    May have fallen short
    I’ve seen him go
    Out for ppl and his professionalism
    At how he deals with ppl
  • Musical chairs (24/03/2025, 23:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    These people have the Governor hopping with all these swearing Ins.
  • Ye (25/03/2025, 05:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where's Tosan? Her beloved ENDEEPEA a struggle for power, yet fresh quiet. Speak on this Ms Charlie Straddler
  • The Mafia. (25/03/2025, 06:03) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    Myron used people he needs thst csn help him achieve his dream or his xesire, then dump them, he is not battle field fighter. I can't forget during the Hurricanes he and NDP turn their backs on people, ammowed people to got abused and disrespected by employers, labour and Immigration. With no help, no effort to assist the people, since then, I done with them.I remember clearly one young man fron long loik was his youth arm president and lost his Jib and went to Myron and he was so disapoiinted, he promised never afain to support him...Ronnie is still the best heart and Soul of all of them all, Ronnie gave us $10.000. That we enjoy now Tax exempt. In this ruff economy I can bet my life, it would have now been 18 or 20k for us to cope. If Ronnie was boss. Too many of us are deceived by a man deeds he shall be known..
  • WOW (25/03/2025, 06:36) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    That's the same thing AF did to JF
  • Blind Man (25/03/2025, 07:06) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    This is a prime examble why they didn't get to form the government . Everyone wants to be in charge and no one wants to be lead three blind mice, election over and they fighting . VIP will be there again next election.
  • Well Sah (25/03/2025, 08:05) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    Mitch and Mather underminded and overthrown Ronnie
  • @The Mafia (25/03/2025, 08:22) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    You don’t know one thing what you talking about. Try go sit down from posting stupidness. That nonsense does not even require a response. Chupes.
    • @@@Mafia. BS. (25/03/2025, 10:31) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      That person who spoke on the Hurricanes and NDP and Myron failures talking facts. I live through it, saw it, experience it. Well it got a response from you and a few likes,So. Cant defend the truth. That's why they got voted out.
  • facts (25/03/2025, 08:29) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now we will get some action from the opposition. Ronnie was not performing and we all know that. So all those above with the negative talk against Myron and trying to big up Ronnie they know that they are not being truthful. I could understand the feelings but facts is facts man.
  • # 1 REBEL (25/03/2025, 08:59) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    One Rebel must know the other .
  • For Real (25/03/2025, 09:19) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    All you Low minded Haters, could tell the Governor, Myron is a Island man, " so don't have him sworn in as Oposition Leader " !!!!

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