Hon Walwyn In! Hon Skelton Out! as new Opposition Leader in HoA Shake-up

However, as was accurately predicted by our news centre in a story dated March 11, 2025, three rebel Members of the Alliance Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6), Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) and Hon Stacy R. Mather (AL), signed a letter on Friday, March 21, 2025, addressed to Governor Daniel Pruce asking that Hon Walwyn be made Opposition Leader.
Yes it’s constitutional
The governor has accepted because, under the Virgin Islands constitution section 70, there was an opposition majority signing the letter. It means that during the sitting of the House of Assembly (HoA) on Monday, March 24, 2025, there will be a new Opposition Leader, as Hon Walwyn is expected to be appointed by the governor on Monday. Additionally, a new Deputy Speaker will be voted on during the March 24, 2025, Sitting- a big shake-up.
The Alliance holds a three-seat majority in the Opposition with the other members being Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) of the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) and Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) of the National Democratic Party (NDP), both of whom did not sign the letter.
In addition, the ruling Virgin Islands Party (VIP) of Premier and Minister of Finance and VIP Boss Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) will enjoy an eight-seat majority.
Opposition weak and disappointed the people
The opposition was in confusion from day one with mixed messages, a fight for power and alleged dissatisfaction with the Opposition Leader Hon Skelton from the PVIM. With the tri-party Opposition, it is unclear whether things will improve.
Hon Walwyn will make history by becoming the second non-indigenous Virgin Islander to hold this senior post in the parliament, as none of Mr Walwyn’s parents were born in the Virgin Islands. The first was Q William Osborne, who was born in Montserrat.
Hon Walwyn once said, and it continues to haunt his political career, that there is nothing more that can be done for Virgin Islanders.
The Opposition has turned out to be one of the weakest in history as after the 2023 general election; many political pundits believed that they would have been a force to reckon with, experienced and strong.
However, there was weekly infighting, many members asking the same questions (duplicates) in the HoA, most often directed to the wrong Minister of Government, the public not being clear who the opposition leader is and bungling on filing a ‘Vote of No Confidence’ yet to be placed on the HoA agenda.
Hon Skelton betrayed by Hons Mather and Turnbull
Recently, with the formation of the Alliance, Hon Skelton was thrown under the bus by two members that he led in the 2023 general election, Hon Mather and Hon Turnbull. The ultimate betrayal came when they signed on with the controversial Hon Walwyn for him to displace Hon Skelton and become the Opposition Leader in the last two years left of the fifth HoA.
Last month Hon Turnbull labelled his former leader Hon Skelton on public radio as “dishonest” over bringing the NDP and PVIM (aka ‘NDP 1 & 2’) back together.
All eyes will be on the HoA to see how Hon Walwyn performs in his role, although many believe he is still no match for Premier Wheatley, who has out-manoeuvred them all, taking Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) from the Opposition and the return of Hon Smith.
It is possible- Hon Skelton
Hon Skelton, when reached for comment, told our news centre that “it is possible given the rift between myself and my colleagues”.
He did say however that he has not received any formal revocation of his role as Leader of the Opposition.
Hon Skelton reiterated that the VI's constitution outlines the process for appointing and removing the Opposition Leader.
See previous story published on March 11, 2025

151 Responses to “Hon Walwyn In! Hon Skelton Out! as new Opposition Leader in HoA Shake-up ”
If the VIP enforce the immigration and labour policies and legislation (for the benefit of BVIslanders); resolve the water issues and repair the roads, on that ballot all I am going to see is GREEN.
The public education and health care systems are going to take some time to fix. Let's not forget is members of NDP 1, 2 and 3 help muck up both.
Myron has style and can think clearly and sensibly, though has his moments such as the ill fated School wall that has never been completed. I put that down to the old VI system of trying to please all of the people, instead of getting the job done by one reliable contractor. Commendable in spirit but a continuing functional problem with the VI.
Myron could be a great start, alongside real people like Stacy, but Mitch has already shown his weakness for the old ways. Ronnie could still be saved and could be part of a team but we will have to let him through security at the airport with whatever it is he is hiding so may be not. Stacy and Myron are well placed to find younger players and may be a knew start. They have contacts to take advice and listen to older veterans, and benefit from their experience, but at the same time keep them away from the money, and move us away from corruption behind every process. Eventually we may be able to make decisions to benefit the VI and not certain individuals. This would also need a move away from contracts for buddies to corporate entities with capabilities. Not just corportate entities created to cash in. Look at the Northam debacle in Hodges if you want to see a bunch of amateurs run a project. And how many millions shared out for that one!!
We have to wish the opposition well as what we have in power is a disaster.
Frazer needs to be put out to pasture, but maybe Lorna and he could also should pass thier own vote of no confidence and join Walwyn and Co so we can get out of this current Governmental crisis. That would set us up for a new election and Walwyn with youngsters and fresh minds (Fraser and Lorna would have to step aside) we could maybe build a better nation and with that build a constructive path towards a successful future independent of the UK. That should never happen under Natalio as it is the only thing he is fixated on, to get his name in the history books, and has forgotten there currently is a territory to run and not a children's party.
This year Myron had the audacity to ask the premier stupidness about jobs for the local young men in the territory. He think we forget! Look at the businesses Myron manages and is associated with; a set of expats are employed.
Anyone who is so strategic in the cunning way that you are . Cannot be trusted.
To our current leader. I fear that this time around MW will put licks in you at the polls. You did a lot of stupidness. You need to start working for the people but I fear even that would not help you at this point. Too far gone and bvi landers don’t forget and aren’t very forgiving people. You have a up hill battle ahead of you .
I wish you luck . You need it.
P.S … I voted for you . Will I vote for you again? Yes, because I just don’t trust Myron. Something about him does not sit well with me.
That is why it is important to use the term indigenous BVIslander and same should be included in our constitution. We should never forget our history and how we got here - slavery! Our ancestors and their families were separated, they were whipped, tortured and packed on ships like sardines by savages. We, the descendants of those African slaves do not have rights in Africa; the BVI is our home - the BVI is what our ancestors bled and died for.
I hope the next time the term indigenous BVIslander is used you will recall what it means.
Case in point, Myron, who is a lawyer I should add, previously stated that BVIslanders' jobs cannot be protected. I cannot imagine an indigenous BVIslander, especially one who is a lawyer and a politician, stating such rubbish or not trying to enforce legislation or policy to protect the local workforce. How can we trust him to enforce our labour and immigration policies and laws, and to protect indigenous BVIslanders? It is likely that Myron will lean towards and favour persons who are like him (i.e. persons who has no ancestral ties). Labour and immigration are major issues in our territory at the moment; we would be the most foolish people on earth to vote in a non-indigenous BVIslander to lead us.
It is interesting that you reference United States of America. America was taken by force from the natives by Europeans. Consider how native Americans were treated over the years and how much land were stolen from them. The Europeans created rights for them and their offsprings and native Americans are outnumbered today. Today, Trump who is a descendant of immigrants serves and has served as Americans' president. The descendants of the Europeans and Trump supporters continue to marginalise native Americans.
Many expats are here commenting, you all need to keep out.
Like Andrew , Myron also has his own agenda. It ain’t the same as Andrew but the people will suffer ,Be aware. MW is not for the locals. Don’t mind that he laughs with you and promises you things.. if this man gets into power. Locals are doomed. Trust me. I know Myron and all of his sinister ways. You have been warned! I so badly want to say things but I can’t.I was sworn to secrecy. However , I was warn to keep my eyes on Myron. He is one sinister young man with a vengeance! People of the Virgin Islands. Keep Myron from the post of premier . BVI landers you are much more smart than what he perceives . Show him this at the polls. Show him that you see right through him.
Over the next couple years he will do things to earn your trust! He has already started with the older folks. These things are just apart of his major plan. He will cause unnecessary drama in the house to make it look like he if fighting for you . I urge you when these problems arise. Don’t just look at it as a good thing because if your dislike for the current leader. But use your brain and really look past his fancy way of speaking and see if the fight is necessary . We must look past his calculated ways and open our eyes and question , what is truly his motives.
But I warn you . If he is successful at his bid. MW will not change anything( we have seen this before) . You’ll be promised the world but once in power noting will change. It’s all just for a name and a position. Not for love of country or people( locals) .
Locals, I hope you are smart enough to keep MV from running your country. This man to cunning mehson.
I don’t have a problem with island people . Y’all just need to mind your business. Know your lane and stay in it. You have no say if you can’t vote. What’s the point in voicing your opinion when you can’t make a difference? Just to be nosey and mischievous? I know it’s your thing but leave that back in your homeland.
Did I offend you ? Clearly you are one of whom I speak about. Stay in your lane sir. Mind your business.
what goes around truly comes around, dont think one will see Skeleton on the 2027 Ballot
I look at this rather deep!
No thank you. As for Penn - well that's just a lazy and lame duck more interested in a paycheck.
May God help us all.!
And yes, may God help us all. May God bestow on Premier Wheatley the wisdom and strength to lead his people and this territory into prosperity!
Constitution needd to be amended a bit more : Rotation of non -locals every 7 or 10 years.
And when you get some time look up the meaning of indigenous people and tell me if black Africans are indigenous to this part of the world. Seems like we have no intention of learning sense whatsoever.
2. Rotation every 7 or ten years for persons who chooses to seek jobs in the Virgin Islands,, really and truly people just came to work....
Our working Economy in the BVI has enlargen over the years if we focus more on this it will be a great Pillar for these Beautiful Virgin Islands.
Ronnie is a waste of time. Everybody know that so what is the problem? He should stay leader of the opposition because he is a Skelton and he ain’t doing jack sh**? Speak about entitlement!
Ronnie- I have not been impressed with him at all. I think the best thing for him and the country is to retire. Ronnie has done his time. He has no energy. I see no new ideas. He fumbled the vote of no confidence. Natalio continues to steal his people. The opposition is just non-functional under him.
Marlon- I get the feeling on entitlement very much from him. I do not see leadership qualities required to be Premier in him. He was once leader of the opposition and nothing happened. Also look at the state of the NDP with him as leader.
Mitch- He has potential and could be a good leader in years to come. A little hot headed but I believe he means well.
Mather- I could see him trying to make a difference. He genuinely cares about the country. With done experience he will be good for the BVI.
Myron - Myron is a doer. I witnessed his transformation of the ministry of education and I can also see his work in district 6. In all honesty, Myron functioned like the leader of the opposition from day one. You could see he reads and researches. He has the best understanding of the Bills and can break them down for the ordinary man to understand. It is evident that he loves the BVI. I think he is the right person to hold the post of opposition leader.
Some of us work for this MV for 13, 12 15, 16 ,17, 20 years and not a penny have given to us.
It's not fair to none of us but here he is wanting to run a whole country. no law to help US we have gone through Labor nothing has been done to help us
Honourable Skelton after years as an engineer for BVI Electricity actually ran the Corporation for many, many years. Then he built his family business to what we can all see that it is, a huge enterprise. So he is suppose to run around the street playing marbles with Hon. Walwyn and Hon. Turnbull and Hon. Mather and others? He knows his worth.
Persons who have built and are comfortable in their knowledge and experience, can do what these young, young, young people are making look hard with one hand tied behind their backs. So all of this kicking up and saying that Hon. Skelton isn't ready and he is this and he is that, he has nothing to prove. His hard working, experience and capable spirit says it all.
He LOVES this country and wants to see the best for it's people. In fact, I remember when he worked at the Electricity Corporation and some of our young men fell into trouble and went to prison or he even saw them in their movements flirting with criminal activity, he would assist them in getting a job at the Corporation and elsewhere. He would call them after they were released from Prison and settle them in a job. That is a man who cares about his country. Hon. Walwyn cares if he can get a vote out of it. Honourable Skelton cared when he never even had a thought of running for Council. So he has no need to jump up and down to show anyone that he can. When in the Opposition their is no power other than running your mouth and Hon. Walwyn loves to do that. So let him have fun.
Slow and steady wins the race everytime. I pray he doesn't give up because soldiers like him we continue to need on the frontlines. He is honest, hardworking, sensible and do not need to jockey for power like his old PVIM cronies who feel he should line up behind them. No respect for experience and skill. Showing respect for each other is portrayed as weakness. The evil one is really ruling this world. I plead the Blood of Jesus over persons like Hon. Skelton whom he is attacking more than ever and all the people of these Virgin Islands and our Territory as a whole.
Skelton’s only interest is being Premier but he is not up to the task at his age.
In late 2018, Andrew Fahie was the leader of the opposition until he was replaced by Ronnie Skelton. Ronnie had broken off from the NDP after losing the leadership contest to Myron. Ronnie, Mitch and Archie Christian then went to the opposition. The opposition comprised at that time of Andrew and Fraser. There was like only two months to go before election but Ronnie immediately went to the governor to be sworn in as leader of the opposition because he had the majority.
My question is, what is the difference here? The alliance has the majority and they want Myron to lead. So it is ok for Ronnie but not ok for Myron? All who posting negatively just full of it! What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
From observation of the opposition Myron stands head and shoulders above Ronnie and I am not just talking about height. If we want progress we have to put the best people in positions to get that. Ronnie has not done anything! Not even a proper vote of no confidence he could bring. Natalio made a complete fool of him. Time to move on. Myron is a BVIslander btw.
Be honest and call this what it is, persons jockeying to set themselves up for Premiership and other positions for the upcoming election. God's willing we may live to see the shenanigans. Personally I am not looking forward to next election as like in America and other places, the good, decent people are cast aside for the ruthless mouth champions. Last days upon us and we know who rule this world. He is busy mission. But God gave us a choice, I choose Christ.