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Acting Governor confirms Pam Trevillion’s contract has been extended

- Extension reportedly came against the wishes of PSC & NSC
Reports are that the Police Service Commission (PSC) rejected the renewal of a contract for the handpicked Assistant Commissioner of Police Pam Trevillion and this decision was endorsed by the National Security Council (NSC), as there are many current senior police officers more qualified than Ms Trevillion and can do the job. Photo: RVIPF/Facebook
Acting Governor David D. Archer Jr has confirmed VINO’s first and accurate story of November 19, 2024, about United Kingdom (UK) national Pam Trevillion being given a six-month extension on her contract with the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF). Photo: GIS/File
Acting Governor David D. Archer Jr has confirmed VINO’s first and accurate story of November 19, 2024, about United Kingdom (UK) national Pam Trevillion being given a six-month extension on her contract with the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF). Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Acting Governor David D. Archer Jr has confirmed VINO’s first and accurate story of November 19, 2024, about United Kingdom (UK) national Pam Trevillion being given a six-month extension on her contract with the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF).

Reports are that the Police Service Commission (PSC) rejected the renewal of a contract for the handpicked Assistant Commissioner of Police and this decision was endorsed by the National Security Council (NSC), as there are many current senior police officers more qualified than Ms Trevillion and can do the job.

Governor Daniel Pruce; however, came to her rescue and went against the wishes of both the PSC and the NSC and granted Ms Trevillion a six-month extension on her contract.

RVIPF’s leadership ‘reorganised’

“The RVIPF is undergoing a period of change to better meet the evolving needs of the Virgin Islands and we must ensure that the organisation has the continuity and stability that is necessary at this time.

“Therefore, Assistant Commissioner Pamela Trevillion will remain in her role for a further Six (6) Months, from 22 November 2024 to May 2025. This matter and all RVIPF Human Resources matters are considered in accordance with the Constitution,” Mr Archer disclosed in a statement on November 20, 2024.

According to Mr Archer, the immediate leadership of the RVIPF has been reorganised to allow for an “even more streamlined and efficient implementation” of the recommendations outlined in the Law Enforcement Review, which was completed by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS).

He said the RVIPF continues to be steadfast in its work to bring these recommendations to reality, and these organisational changes will bring additional support to the process.

What is Trevillion’s purpose?

“During the period of Assistant Commissioner Trevillion’s extended appointment, her contribution to the RVIPF’s work to implement the HMICFRS recommendations in the Law Enforcement Review will be critical to the future success of the RVIPF. She will also support continuity in the senior leadership team during the recruitment of the new Commissioner of Police,” Mr Archer Jr said.

The Acting Governor said the Office of the Governor will continue to work with Acting Commissioner Jacqueline E. Vanterpool and her senior team through this process, providing complete support as they address the operational challenges of crime in the Virgin Islands.

See link below to related article:

Is Daniel Pruce a rogue Governor? Overrides decision of PSC & NSC


16 Responses to “Acting Governor confirms Pam Trevillion’s contract has been extended”

  • PSC (21/11/2024, 15:26) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    The police service commission does not have any legal authority to interfere with the officer's contract. Under Which statutory instrument did their advice come from? The PSC itself does not have an Act to justify its constitutional existence. The constitutional power still rests in the palm of the Governor's hand, to be simplistic he has the final say.
    • wake up (21/11/2024, 20:15) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
      Colonialism mindset is real. Wake up and see what's really going on around you. If you know that woman, she has nothing good in her for the local/caribbean officers as she thinks they are incompetent. And further the talk is that she lied her way into a contract extension. Wake up people before it is to late. The thing start.
      • hi (21/11/2024, 20:31) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        It is good to stay behind a computer screen and type all kind of robbish about others. If you know something why don't you come forward and say something. We know there are competent and respected police officers in the force. Their problem is ,they are not united. They think like crabs ,pulling down each other for no valid reason.
      • @wake up (21/11/2024, 22:53) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
        You are just trying to bad talk the woman. I’m also glad her contract was extended.
    • @ psc (21/11/2024, 21:23) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
      So when Andrew did the same thing you all wanted to kill him set of hypocrites these white people have no regards for law and order that's why so many police officers have Collins in court
  • WOW (21/11/2024, 17:00) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Our poor tax money mehson , all of our local 8% hard working tax money
  • top cop (21/11/2024, 20:38) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    He quietly gone, tail between his legs, unannounced, not a word - hence Pam annointef
  • one eye (21/11/2024, 21:20) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Pam is a big mistake she has help destroyed the rvipf plus them say she is a racist
  • jack (21/11/2024, 23:41) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Good speech by Mr. Archer but I don’t see how she is going to do that in six months when she had way more than that to complete a specific task and failed. This woman doesn’t know a thing about crime fighting, she been the ACP crime and failed miserably. A sergeant would have done better in that post. The only thing she is good at is being bossy, her way or no way and all the senior officers are afraid of here.
  • Hmmmm (22/11/2024, 01:48) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why this despiration? Boycut her!!
  • ------------------------- (22/11/2024, 03:35) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    thanks vino for this piece first, without you the truth will be gone I see why the UK police officers' hate vino so much but be careful because they will come for you or send crazy Cindy
  • The watchdog (22/11/2024, 03:40) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    She brings nothing to the table only confusion and racism ask senior police officers
  • 2024 (22/11/2024, 07:57) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply

    stop bickering over petty ^%$£ and focus on fixing the country: month after month we driving on very bad roads: fix the water issues: who cares who is commissioner or not, our people have no authority in those areas what we authority to do is fix the dam place: try grow because the times have changed

  • Real Talk (22/11/2024, 07:59) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
  • Norris Turnbull (24/11/2024, 00:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Still on the Dam PLANTATION
  • BRAD BOYNES (25/11/2024, 18:32) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    White people will look out for white people

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