We will be whatever we allow ourselves to be
Being Called on to Fight for a Lost Cause:
All our lives we were taught to ‘go along in order to get along’... Society conditioned us to be weak-kneed and feeble-minded; always ready to ignore our own needs while sacrificing ourselves for others... Welcome to a New World… Today, we are about to embark on a journey of Facts, but if you are stuck on valuing yourself through the Eyes and Mouths of others, this Message may be too deep for you to fathom.
I hate Conflicts, but some Battles are necessary in order to prevent Major Wars… Once again, we are called on to enter Combat, with the political hope that our misguided National Pride will push us into following Leaders without knowing where they are going, what they are doing, or even why… As our haste and emotions overcome any rhyme and reason, we enter with great zeal, only to lose these Wars.
That is unfortunate, because our People deserve better... If we knew our History, we would never be Puppets for the UK, but neither would we make them our Enemies… I have fought against them in the interest of our People, but I also stood with them in the interest of our People… However, we are now at a Roundabout, with everyone claiming the Right of Way, but no one seeming to know the destination.
The longer it takes for cooler heads to prevail, the more likely are the chances for fatal accidents to our way of life… This will only prove to be counterproductive, so before being dragged into another COI and Constitution Conflict, there are important facts that we should know before risking our Lives for Keys to a Castle... Firstly, as their Overseas Territory, we have no real say or vote, in UK’s Laws or Elections.
Furthermore, even as we are fully subjected to their Laws, we can neither create nor enforce our own Laws without their approval… In fact, these Governors are not our Representatives... They are UK Civil Servants, and only answerable to the UK’s Government… Any belief that we can control the Governor, is like Wolves barking at the moon... The Noise may disturb the neighborhood, but that is all it does.
Be careful what you pray for in case those Prayers are answered:
A glimpse at Reality should leave no doubt that we are already under UK’s full control, and any claim to the contrary is just designed to fool us… In fact, we would be far better off asking ourselves, what would be the end results if these Wolves managed to drive away the Moon… Can we really sustain and defend ourselves? Are we ready to take up the mantle of Independence, under our present Leadership?
In the past, we were afforded a good-faith gesture of Self-governance, but we abused that privilege, and fooled our People into believing that it was a giant step towards Independence, and was only achieved by having the UK bend to our Pressure... Our Leaders often played the ‘Victim’ in order to convince us that the UK wants our Money, and that she should instead, be obliged and willing to pay for our mistakes.
Clearly, none of this is true or realistic, for, if we cannot even support ourselves, then how can we ever support the UK?... Unfortunately, many still believed this, so when the UK sent Good Governance Policies to ensure Law and Order, we ignored them... We increased Financial Waste and Bad Management, squandered our Resources, impeded our Progress, and placed ourselves in this present predicament.
Meanwhile, we still enjoy blaming the UK, although facts show that our own Governments did this to us for their personal gain... As you recall, during the Hurricanes and Covid-19, everyone else was forced to suffer financially, except for our Leaders... Not once did they offer or consider a Salary cut, and we are still hearing of the various ways they fattened themselves... Once again, they are regarding us as fools.
Greed knows no Gratitude & Malice has no Friends:
While no problem may be unsolvable, the same Personnel and Practices that created the Problems can never solve them... We know this, Leaders know this, and Masters know this… As long as unfairness and Injustice persist, Oppressors will use the opportunity to achieve what they want, when they want, and how they want... With the World deep in crisis, no one will care to help us, so we must help ourselves.
Maybe we should start by being honest... Thanks to the UK, we survived the Hurricanes and Covid-19, but our damaged Infrastructure and Social Problems are still with us… The UK is simply trying to avoid having her Taxpayers footing our Bills, so, she would welcome our Independence... The belief that any other Nation will adopt us is nonsense; since they too are looking for Resources, and we have none.
Even if we hoped that their moral conscience would allow them to express Pity and come to our rescue, after seeing how Russia, America, UK, and Israel are beating-up on defenseless Palestine, Yemen, and Ukraine, we should realise that this ‘dream of help’ is a mere fantasy... Instead, some Oppressors may see this as a golden opportunity to push their own Agenda, and turn us into their game of convenience.
Accepting the End, or making a New Beginning:
In these troubled times of endless ‘Wars and Rumours of Wars’, many are quick to link it to the last days or Biblical Armageddon… Yes, we may suffer the effects of Hardship, but that is not the final chapter, for this too shall pass... Like Moses, we may never see the Promise Land, but if we prepare the way, the Youth can follow and survive in the presence of Good Leadership, and the practice of Fairness and Justice.
However, be very aware, that in the absence of Wisdom, Fools think they are Conquerors... UK already showed us that by indulging Leaders in Fake Elections, she convinced them that they won by becoming her Puppets… If she tricks us again into achieving her Goals, this could mean increased hardships, loss of Hope, a tightening of belts, rationing of Food, and more wasted Prayers for our elusive Salvation.
There is nothing bliss about Ignorance, and while everyone may have the right to their own opinion, no one has the right to distort the Truth and alter the Facts... In this hour of decision, whatever we do should be based on facts and knowledge, and you are the one ultimately accountable for your own Destiny; therefore, you are also the only one capable of deciding whether or not to believe… I am simply a Messenger.
I say these things to you because I believe them to be True, and as one of those who would suffer most, you have a need to know… As Time runs out, and Consequences draw near, this may be our last chance to prevent a catastrophe, and with so many problems round us, won’t it be great if we found the Solutions?
This is not a matter of taking my word as Gospel, but simply doing your own research to find the Facts.
PS: I will continue addressing some of your Questions and Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

13 Responses to “We will be whatever we allow ourselves to be”
Moreover, the role of slaves was primarily twofold, viz, a) being currency which creates wealth for the Slave masters, and b) providing for the comfort(including rape of women) of slave masters. Willie Lynch divide and rule conditioning has worked and is still working. It resulted in division among slaves and among slave descendants to this day. Our altruistic disposition, ie, setting aside our best interest to promote the best interests of colonialists is to our own detriment. The colonialists during slavery used meritorious manumission to entice slaves to do their dirty deeds and that practice still persists with the sambos today. To move forward requires putting our interests first, uniting , group effort, developing a self-empowerment plan, etc.
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