We have to correct errors about VI history- Jennie N. Wheatley

This is according to Jennie N. Wheatley, retired teacher and author, when she called in to a live discussion about Territory Day aired on ZBVI 780 AM on Wednesday June 20, 2017 on Speak out BVI with host Doug Wheatley.
Dr Allison C. Flax-Archer, Secretary General at BVI National Commission for UNESCO, appeared as a guest on the show.
A serious matter
A worried caller to the show had expressed that he believes the inaccuracy of Virgin Island’s history is a serious matter that needs to be fixed.
“…..there are a number of errors in the historical record that you may want to speak to. For example, the matter of the Sunday Morning Well which is a big lie that we are telling our children.”
He continued, “The letter of emancipation was read out at the Sunday Morning Well. That is untrue. In fact, we now know that it was done on the grounds of the Anglican Church in Road Town. Our history and cultural heritage are quickly disappearing from the island. Would you speak to that just a little bit for us please?”
In response to the caller, Dr Flax-Archer stated that the information surrounding the Morning Well and where the actually reading took place is something that she is familiar with.
Furthermore, Dr FIax-Archer commented that she is aware of two more inaccurate historical information
“We do have to get in alignment. The plaque that has been incorrect in date, incorrect with information...and we have tourists -not only our children- but we have tourists from overseas that are coming and they see this information,” remarked the Secretary General of UNESCO, who was on the show in her capacity as a member of a committee tasked with putting together a programme for Territory Day celebrations.
According to Dr Flax-Archer, the committee of which she is a part of tries to educate persons about the Virgin Islands culture.
Additionally, the committee is in its fifth year and they are making every effort to inform the people of the territory about the real history of the VI.
Don't get offended if corrected
Meanwhile, Mrs Wheatley gave congratulatory remarks to Dr Flax-Archer for the efforts she is making in promoting the VI culture and history and encoraged her to keep up the good work.
“I want to congratulate you on the effort that you are making. We are not going to back down in terms of doing things like that, whether it’s the Virgin Islands studies programme at the college, it has to be done. Many of us who don’t know are sitting back and allowing these things to happen,” said the retired teacher.
Mrs Wheatley emphasised that if she gets information wrong concerning something she has written she ensures she makes the correction
She added that persons should not get offended if they are told that something they wrote is inaccurate. They should listen and ensure that they correct the inaccuracy.
This year’s Theme
Dr Flax-Archer announced that the theme for this year is “a territorial awakening; resilience in the time of challenges and changes.”
Territory Day celebrations will take place on Friday June 30, 2017 at Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park starting at 9:00 AM.

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