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‘We are not where we used to be’ with Pockwood Pond dumpsite– Hon Wheatley

- Health Minister says Gov’t has come a long way in addressing
Fire officers putting out a fire at the Pockwood Pond incinerator in December 2023. One irate resident in Facebook post on April 11, 2024, called on both the government along with the subject Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Wheatley (R9) and Jr Minister for Agriculture & Fisheries, Dr the Hon Karl Dawson (R1) to provide an update over what was referred to as a 'national emergency. Photo: VINO/File
Described as a vexing issue that has been in existence for years, Minister for Health and Social Development, Honorable. Vincent O. Wheatley says significant progress has still been made in relation to the dumpsite and how it was received by the Virgin Islands Party Government. Photo: VINO/File
Described as a vexing issue that has been in existence for years, Minister for Health and Social Development, Honorable. Vincent O. Wheatley says significant progress has still been made in relation to the dumpsite and how it was received by the Virgin Islands Party Government. Photo: VINO/File
CAPPOON'S BAY, Tortola, VI - Described as a vexing issue that has been in existence for years, Minister for Health and Social Development, Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) says significant progress has still been made to the dumpsite at Pockwood Pond and how it was received by the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government.

The minister was at the time speaking at the launch of Dr the Hon Karl Dawson's (R1) First District Report at Cappoon's Bay Playfield on Saturday, April 20, 2024, when he touched briefly on the issue of the dumpsite.

Just recently, residents of the First District had complained bitterly about the continuous smoke emanating from the dumpsite, and whether an end would be soon.

The minister remarked that even on his way to the event he noticed some fumes coming from the dump site.

“I looked up there and I saw a little bit of fumes but that is expected because we haven't been burning in a long time. We've been burying and when you bury waste you get gas being produced that gives off smoke,” he said.

VI came a long way with dumpsite - Hon Wheatley

The Minister pointed out that despite the challenges with the dumpsite, his government has improved the situation.

“I can tell you tonight we are not where we were when we took office. We've come a long way in addressing that dump site and soon from now I have some better news for you, but we're not there yet, we are not where we used to be.”

One irate resident in a Facebook post on April 11, 2024, called on both the government along with the subject Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Wheatley and Jr Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries Dr the Hon Dawson to provide an update on what was referred to as a "national emergency". 

“West End residents continue to frequently endure poor air quality. Unfortunately, it seems only fires make the news. However, deadly smoke continues silently causing damage to our health at an immeasurable rate,” the post detailed.

16 Responses to “‘We are not where we used to be’ with Pockwood Pond dumpsite– Hon Wheatley”

  • Sweeping under the rug (24/04/2024, 08:14) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    A dump fire is a dump fire toxins will emerge how can you it’s ridiculous to claim things have improved!
  • Boo (24/04/2024, 08:32) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    It is much better than before. We need to jump start the recycling and proper streaming of waste sooner rather than later
  • WO (24/04/2024, 08:33) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    I,m sorry,but I went there
    It's not because you painting hold rusty metal infrastructure that will make health better.
    It's still smoking and Specially weekends.
    • @wo (26/04/2024, 06:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      People are going up there hunting for copper. With their method they light fires. This was reported and nothing was done to block entry on the weekend.
  • Shocked D1 Resident (24/04/2024, 08:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • @VincentWheatley (24/04/2024, 09:32) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon. Wheatley, please tell us how you have improved the situation, it is an utter mystery to us. Where is the RFP that was promised nearly 6 months ago? Where are the outstanding parts from Consutech?? No information here apart from we’re not where we were? How have you improved the position? We have NO incinerator, NO RFP for a new one, NO timeline, and still NO proper feedback. It’s a disgrace.
  • fish (24/04/2024, 09:32) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pure talk
  • black (24/04/2024, 09:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    What a croc of BS ! This guy has no clue, as a matter non ah dem have any clue to the problems that they have and continue to create for this country.
    When you bury garbage, people the matter decomposes, thus creating methane gas which cannot be seen (invisible to the eye) unless there is a flame burning which is what happens every time there is an outbreak as they like to call it. where there is smoke there is fire...
  • another bluff (24/04/2024, 09:33) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    He too is a wate ah time
  • WEW (24/04/2024, 09:43) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    You’re right ! IT’S TALLER !
  • WEW (24/04/2024, 09:51) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    No fire, fumes that look like smoke. You really believe we’re that stupid ?
  • herbs power (24/04/2024, 10:54) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bviec pock wood pond workers work in the hart of it without proper compensation to keep the lights on.
  • Maria Louisa Varlack (24/04/2024, 11:00) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    unless the bvi take care the environment that they live in how do you expect to have an economy in agriculture and tourism and marine services. every news article on bvi new online is extremely negative about the politics and government and police and lawmakers in the bvi.
  • politicians (24/04/2024, 12:02) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    They are all the same worthless bunch. They come begging you to vote for them because they can fix it and make a difference. Now after years in power and not fixing anything they are blaming the previous party who did not fix it. All the same worthless bunch right across the Caribbean. The most regretful part is that they still come back and ask you to vote for them again. Waste of time.
  • Garbage (25/04/2024, 09:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There simply is no political will or desire to address waste disposal in the Territory, and there never has been. This has been going on for at least 3 decades or more. Back then, perhaps it didn’t matter so much because the re weren’t that many people. But, just like the frog in cold water on the pot that’s coming to a boil, it’s getting too late. The problem has become more complicated, and there isn’t the know how of how to deal with it. There is no quick fix. That the funding is never on hand to deal with waste management says it all. How this and previous governments spend their monies speaks to their priorities. We’d rather spend 1.8 million on vendor shacks at Pier Park, or $ 1 million for an elevator in the admin building, or $ 1 million for a wall around the school, or countless millions on Prospect Reef etc, etc. Most visitors are shocked when they note there is practically no recycling of waste. Mr. Wheatley himself should be ashamed of waste disposal in Virgin Gorda. It’s become a blight clearly visible from the Valley now. Has he ever even been there? Actions, as always speak louder than words.
  • The Regretful One. (26/04/2024, 13:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    "The most regretful part is that they still come back and ask you to vote for them again. Waste of time."

    No, the most regretful part is that certain segments continue to vote them back in no matter what.

    The voting populace is the regretful one.

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