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Waste Management receives parts to repair Incinerator @ Pockwood Pond

Minister for Health and Social Development, Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), left, with Director of Waste Management Marcus E. Solomon. The incinerator has been offline since February 2021, due to fire rendering the facility inoperable. Photo: GIS
The incinerator has been offline since February 2021, due to fire rendering the facility inoperable. Landfill fires have been frequent since, with residents of the First District being the most affected by the smoke and dust. Photo: Team of Reporters
The incinerator has been offline since February 2021, due to fire rendering the facility inoperable. Landfill fires have been frequent since, with residents of the First District being the most affected by the smoke and dust. Photo: Team of Reporters
An explosion that caused a spontaneous fire in the wee hours of Monday morning, February 14, 2022, rocked the incinerator, which resulted in a massive fire. Photo: GIS/File
An explosion that caused a spontaneous fire in the wee hours of Monday morning, February 14, 2022, rocked the incinerator, which resulted in a massive fire. Photo: GIS/File
POCKWOOD POND, Tortola, VI- Director of Waste Management, Mr Marcus E. Solomon has said his department has received the incinerator’s transfer arms as it makes steady strides in bringing the facility at Pockwood Pond back online.

The incinerator has been offline since February 2021, due to fire rendering the facility inoperable. Landfill fires have been frequent since, with residents of the First District being the most affected by the smoke and dust.

Mr Solomon, in a Government Information Service (GIS) press release on November 22, 2023, said the department is expecting the arrival of the control panel and two more pieces of equipment. He said works will begin to remove the roof of the structure housing the incinerator when the full complement of equipment is on island, followed by the changing of the parts and the testing of the incinerator’s electrical system to ensure the facility is operable.

'Fail safe measures'

Minister for Health and Social Development, Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) said that fail-safe measures are in place in the event that the system fails.

Honourable Wheatley said, “The Ministry is currently working on a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a brand new plant and waste strategy. So irrespective of whether this works or not, we are moving forward with a brand new strategy for waste in the Virgin Islands.”

Honourable Wheatley added, “What is currently happening here is not sustainable and we have to move away from this as quickly as possible. That proposal should be out to the public before the end of the month.”

Meanwhile, residents are reminded to do their part to keep the Virgin Islands clean and green.

12 Responses to “Waste Management receives parts to repair Incinerator @ Pockwood Pond”

  • black (24/11/2023, 14:54) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    When will the govt get serious about waste management and stop playing games ? The fix is easy but its not free, stop giving contracts to y'all friends and fam. The VG dump is being f..... up as we speak! Why would SWM bury the garbage and cover it with crushed glass? Glass isn't biodegradable!
    The green deal the govt pushing is a damn scam like NHI. It cost money to go green and you all say that you don't have money to fix the country, but you full speed going green? GTFOH with that BS!
    Tell the people the truth and clear your consciences.
  • mad max (24/11/2023, 15:20) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    The time has come to made clear to the British government that our relationship with the UK relies upon two fundamental principles: attaining full self-governance and enhanced representation of Bvi's global interests.
    after all these years of struggling over this part the UK did not lift a finger to help the bvi people
    • lodger (24/11/2023, 15:43) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      And that will fix the waste management problems, will it?
    • what (24/11/2023, 18:25) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      Go independent and the country will virtually cease to exist in 5 years. Corrupt idiots in suits ... You see it already. Not one person knows anything about proper infrastructure. Good at drug smuggling though.
      • @ what (25/11/2023, 08:01) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        We need to Get rid of this fcking clown like you blogging cow droppings all day ! Brainwashed by white supremacists. We DEMAND OUR INDEPENDENCE NOW
    • bush tea (26/11/2023, 23:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Where is the COI on these UK companies?
  • Hum (24/11/2023, 15:53) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is it ?
    A box of matches
  • 2023 (24/11/2023, 17:40) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    stop fussing with the UK and ask them to come and fix the the roads, stabilize the electricity, assist with the distribution of water. After all we live in a British Overseas Territory. After the hurricane the UK came in to help but the administration back then ran them away. all now we still have stuff that needs fixing
  • Disinterested (25/11/2023, 18:35) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    The BVI does not have the areage to build a landfill for the long term, ie, 100 years, etc. Consquentl, it best option in tge incinerator, coupled with reducing the load on it, ie, recycling. But the incinerator has been an unmitigated failure from its commissioning is as f’cked up as Hogan’s host. The host problems ranged from lack of critical parts, operations, unavailability of critical parts, etc. It is as people were daydreaming and forget the BVI is a remote location with no just in time delivery capability and capacity. Consequently, Solid Waste carry a shel-ready low limit inventory of critical parts. Will this restart effort be any more effective, how long will it stay up and running? Any bets you all? The sad thing is the residents on the western end of Tortola and surround areas are being exposed to hazardous, unhealthy emissions from an unproperly equipped and operated incinerator , ie, no scrubber, and from open burnings. Another blogger suggested that residents residing on the western end of Tortola must be put on a monitoring and provided no cost to them treatments for ailments which has a nexus to the incinerator and open burning emissions. I full throatedly endorsed the monitoring suggestion.
    • GateKeeper (26/11/2023, 08:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      To Disinterested, I fully supports the residents monitoring programme with the cost of any health effects connected to emissions being fully covered by government . Government has a responsibility and obligation to protect the health of residents and should bore the cost to make them whole when its action adversely impacts their health.
      • Facilities Guru (28/11/2023, 14:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Government has the obligation and responsibility to provide a safe and healthy working environment for both employees and customers. The toxic and hazardous emissions from the incinerator and open burning is a negative externality for the residents, ie, incurring heavy and costly unplanned cost.

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