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VINO fires back @ local tabloid BVI Beacon’s malicious article!

- Statement from Advance Marketing & Professional Services on Tabloid BVI Beacon article
Many have even suggested that some of the Caucasian reporters, including Jason Smith, are racist! However, it is not Advance Marketing and Professional Services’, the parent company of VINO, place to go around labelling anyone, as we will leave that for others who are better equipped to make those types of serious declarations. Photo: VINO/File
Many of our readers have called and emailed us and stopped many of our reporters to ask if there are hidden motives and agenda since one tabloid paper continues to spread vicious propaganda when in fact VINO remains the number one media house in the Virgin Islands, with the most advertisers, the most staff and the most readers. Photo: VINO
Many of our readers have called and emailed us and stopped many of our reporters to ask if there are hidden motives and agenda since one tabloid paper continues to spread vicious propaganda when in fact VINO remains the number one media house in the Virgin Islands, with the most advertisers, the most staff and the most readers. Photo: VINO
CANE GARDEN BAY, Tortola, VI - We are not surprised by the article of November 27, 2014 titled ‘News site hit with $20K defamation ruling’ and ‘Questions persist about VINO General Manager’ authored by a Jason Smith in the local tabloid BVI Beacon.

Our esteemed Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Julian Willock, along with Advance Marketing and Professional Services Marketing Manager John E. Leonard, received an email earlier this week from the tabloid reporter Mr. Jason Smith, requesting an interview on the Dr. Hubert O'Neal default judgment matter. 

As is the policy of our firm, any matter of a legal nature is turned over to our legal counsel, so in complying with this, we did just that. 

What is tabloid’s agenda/motive? 

It is our understanding that while our legal representative wanted to speak at length about the judgment the reporter Mr. Smith seems to want to attack Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) with the clear intention at getting the attention of our very busy esteemed Chairman. 

Further,  the tabloid’s malicious intent was to give the impression in keeping with the paper's political line [paper publisher is Russell Harrigan who is a declared National Democratic Party Official and former Chairman of the party] that VINO does not have any staff, as none of our journalists or even our marketing executive exist. 

Well, we are sure by now following the 2011 General Elections, we have heard this narrative before both in the House of Assembly and in this one tabloid. 

While Master Taylor-Alexander was bound to make a recommendation of payment because her hands were tied by the default judgment in the Dr. O'Neal matter, there is no victory here for Dr. O'Neal. The matter now, as is expected, is being appealed. 

The tabloid BVI Beacon continues to engage in yellow journalism and we have grown used to the many nasty, erroneous and deliberate attacks. Many of our readers have called and emailed us and stopped many of our reporters to ask if there are hidden motives and agenda since one tabloid paper continues to spread vicious propaganda when in fact VINO remains the number one media house in the Virgin Islands, with the most advertisers, the most staff and the most readers? 

Is Jason Smith a racist?

Many have even suggested that some of the Caucasian reporters, including Jason Smith, are racist! However, it is not Advance Marketing and Professional Services’ - the parent company of VINO - place to go around labelling anyone, as we will leave that to others who are better equipped to make those types of serious declarations.  

One will have to come to their own conclusion on these matters, knowing that some three other media houses were taken to court including the very same tabloid who has chosen to settle matters such as alleged defamation out of court.

VINO remains no 1 for professional journalism-a fact! 

Virgin Islands News Online has already cemented its reputation for fair, accurate, objective and balanced reporting, and we are not associated, controlled or dictated to by any political party or even anyone on our Board of Directors. The tabloid BVI Beacon can never say that with a straight face! 

So their usual childish, and preemptive attacks have not moved us, in fact they have strengthened our resolve to stay focused, report only the news, and maintain our professional disposition; a position many others can only envy. 

We take this time to say a heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation for the many calls of strong support we have received since the tabloid article made it to newsstands, from both our many advertisers, readers both locally, regionally and internationally as well as others in the media fraternity. We are extremely humbled. 

We pledge to continue to bring you, our more than 20 thousand readers a day, the news first, accurate and without malice, as well as never using our news site to go after anyone to satisfy a personal agenda or even attempt to attack our competitors. 

In the end, those tactics will only undermine the reputation and credibility of those like the tabloid BVI Beacon and others who specialise in them!


46 Responses to “VINO fires back @ local tabloid BVI Beacon’s malicious article!”

  • DON Q (28/11/2014, 08:41) Like (8) Dislike (45) Reply
    Excellent as usual vino you are needed as without you many of us will be in the dark!!!
  • cay (28/11/2014, 08:47) Like (16) Dislike (129) Reply
    I see that dude jason on the road could have sware he was deformed.......did not know he worked for that paper
    • wize up (28/11/2014, 09:52) Like (6) Dislike (67) Reply
      to cay; jason is simply rusel's yard boy!!!!!
    • careful (28/11/2014, 10:25) Like (118) Dislike (5) Reply
      And what if he is deformed? What does deformity have to do with anything?? Many a disabled person are capable of going above and beyond expectations, doing things the "normal" person complain about everyday.

    • MINO (28/11/2014, 10:27) Like (54) Dislike (3) Reply
      Deformed means he can't work??
    • SHAME (01/12/2014, 00:06) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
      So happy the likes are from over 15 different persons real ppl while the dislike all of them is from the same three ppl ha ha ha ha ha poor you all!!!!
  • ...... (28/11/2014, 08:57) Like (14) Dislike (70) Reply
    Three thumps up vino
  • bvi beacon (28/11/2014, 09:24) Like (9) Dislike (69) Reply
    BVI Beacon- The paper of the 1% will never beat VINO the paper of the 99%
  • Vino remains relevant (28/11/2014, 09:46) Like (28) Dislike (54) Reply
    I hardly ever pick up a beacon newspaper any more. Too much insulting and racial undertones directed towards locals. Can't support that crap. Plus if you look to the job ads waste of time. They already have the person for the job and advertise the position just because the labor dept says they should.
  • wize up (28/11/2014, 09:51) Like (13) Dislike (72) Reply
    these white folk in the bvi have issues with us; but i have news for them!!!!!
  • Gina (28/11/2014, 10:27) Like (12) Dislike (73) Reply
    mr willock i know that you could handle them dont let them ever stress you out is what his name is who putting up that handy cap racist to reap up old long time things stand firm mr willock you have them hurting lol ha ha
  • BOTTOM LINE (28/11/2014, 10:34) Like (7) Dislike (94) Reply
    White trash
  • mvw (28/11/2014, 10:56) Like (14) Dislike (63) Reply
    I bet my last dollar ndp behind tis
    • Black racists (28/11/2014, 12:22) Like (10) Dislike (67) Reply
      NDP - house NIg---s who hate their own color- at least Fraser for we
    • wize up (28/11/2014, 16:08) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
      that publication; is owned by an NDP affiliate(the man that pulls all the strings in the that NDP gang).....
  • church (28/11/2014, 11:18) Like (8) Dislike (61) Reply
    My prayers are with vino god bless
  • asura (28/11/2014, 12:14) Like (11) Dislike (29) Reply
    Ndp is desperate look out for more of this.....
  • Len (28/11/2014, 12:45) Like (9) Dislike (39) Reply
    VINO always keep us readers abreast with what is happening in the territory and it is no surprise that this current administration, "et al" wants to see this online business suffer.

    Freedom of the press and freedom of speech! We can't have this current administration take away our right to voice our opinion which is what they're trying to do.

    If we as a people allow them to do that then they will continue to keep us "in the dark" with a lot of their decision making!

    Online business like VINO keep us aware of what's going on in the territory as it looks out for us as a people. A nation can suffer or even perish from "lack of information".

  • back off (28/11/2014, 13:24) Like (4) Dislike (42) Reply
    Them dream killers will know now to keep off vino and the Esteemed one!!!!
  • kkj (28/11/2014, 15:11) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    I am not a racist.. ..
    • one eye roaster (29/11/2014, 15:54) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
      racism was never an issue before them reproters. Now it is all over. Blatantly. The world will never get rid of it but at least respect was maintained in bvi.
  • Expat Paper (28/11/2014, 15:48) Like (5) Dislike (25) Reply
    Beacon is the paper for the expats- where are the local journalists in that paper - and they giving us lectures?
  • ------------------------- (28/11/2014, 16:58) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply

    J..on and the tabloid is really looking fame, but doing NDP dirty work

    • rude (29/11/2014, 15:45) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      they after vino this is what RTO mean when he say we are loosing we democracy... God help us.
  • crazy (28/11/2014, 17:00) Like (4) Dislike (26) Reply
    just looking at him he seems ill
    • next flight out (29/11/2014, 22:37) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      for real cant wait until some of deeds nasty racist people leave the bvi so everyone could go back to their normal lives,
  • yes he is (28/11/2014, 17:02) Like (14) Dislike (14) Reply
    listen out for jason smith come back:: "I am not a racist, I grown up in the deep south fighting racism and I have many black friends since I came to the BVI"
    • white out (30/11/2014, 23:57) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      We smart deeds days we did not eat our school fee we done know if he comes with that it goes to the delete bottom
  • back off (29/11/2014, 01:09) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Ayo back off of Jason... he is a nice child...
    • Local Voice (29/11/2014, 07:30) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
      Where are the local voices in the BVI Beacon
    • drunk (30/11/2014, 11:43) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply

      Who is that jerk J..on trying to write donkey droppings about the best online news site?

  • end game (29/11/2014, 08:57) Like (6) Dislike (13) Reply
    In the end vino always prevails,,,,,
  • farmer brown (29/11/2014, 09:44) Like (3) Dislike (19) Reply
    Thank god for vino
  • ta ta (29/11/2014, 22:24) Like (2) Dislike (12) Reply
    People are coming out of the alleys, throwing up, after reading that pointless article by bvi beacon about john and what mark and funny man said...who cares????? VINO remains the best
  • oh boy! (30/11/2014, 11:22) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
    Lawdy Lawd You guys need to leave vino alone!! Call them the Michael Jordan of Journalism.
  • kelly (30/11/2014, 11:44) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
    Dem need to deport he rass back to the racist south where he come from
  • again (30/11/2014, 18:18) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    the NDP will do anything to maintain getting back in power......
  • flight (30/11/2014, 23:54) Like (5) Dislike (17) Reply
    Vino is the light of the bvi
  • the lil man (02/12/2014, 00:40) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    Just happy that vino live to fight for us another day
  • D Smith (02/12/2014, 23:53) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    There are hundreds of empirical studies indicating that "it" has everything to do with race. Additionally, as a Black woman, you should pick up a copy of "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander - a Black woman.
  • west end police officer (03/12/2014, 00:00) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    VINO please never let them Hire that talent for reporting facts and hard news

    And let the Whites Racist crowd go soak its collective head in a cold bowl of White Privilege and faux outrage over another talented local paper
  • leave (04/12/2014, 23:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the brutal, the corrupt, the racist, the incompetent need to get on the NEXT train out!!

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