VI will be 'lost to crime' if Gov’t fails to create opportunities for youths- Curtis Callwood

Appearing on the September 11, 2023, edition of JTV’s The Big Story with host Cathy O. Richards, Callwood added that should opportunities not be created the territory could be lost to crime.
So much talent in VI - Callwood
“For years I've been an advocate in explaining to government that we have so much talent here amongst our youth and if we don't do anything to preserve it, to create opportunities, we're going to lose the BVI to crime.”
Mr Callwood continued, “And sadly again I'm not here to cast judgment, to condemn anyone… I'm all about positivity and how we can all move forward collaboratively to make a difference in the lives of our people as well as that of a country,” he said.
'I held myself back'
The Virgin Islander acknowledged; however, that there may be instances where young Virgin Islanders are not living up to their potential, despite the opportunities available, because of low self-esteem.
Now a Florida-based fashion designer, Callwood said he has had a passion for fashion for many years but held back himself from reaching his full and true potential.
“I've had so many doors and windows of opportunities, whether it was by myself, through self-sabotage, because I never really had the confidence. I should say I projected it externally, but internally I was a mess for years,” he said.
“So it's like even after I left here and then went to university and then had the President of the university and all the Deans of Fashion and everyone trying to push me to do Project Runway and to do all these amazing experiences… I was talking this good talk for so many years, I had this passion, but… I've held myself back,” he said.
Forgive yourself & past- Callwood
He added that in the past, he has dealt with insecurities including low self-esteem for years. “It's one thing when you get everyone who believes in you and tells you what you can do and you know that you want to do it, but when you get behind closed doors, I'm not good enough. I can't do this."
He said; however, he took the decision and decided that enough was enough and this came through looking into the mirror and acknowledging his shortfalls.
"I'm talking to anyone out there that would be in the same situation that has held yourself back. You know that you've been blessed with a gift, you know that you shouldn't be doing so much, you've heard it your whole life, but you're not doing it.”
Callwood continued, “Look into the mirror and speak to yourself. You need to forgive yourself. You need to forgive your past, you need to forgive everyone and anything that has ever wronged you and just make the decision that now is your time,” he said.

25 Responses to “VI will be 'lost to crime' if Gov’t fails to create opportunities for youths- Curtis Callwood”
required to function adequately in today's world.
A dominant demograhic population of immigrants from the World's top ten crime countries as occupants residents students parents is a recipe for disaster.
Crime and lack of family structures is currently the VI going forward,a no win from all angles.
Unfortunately they don’t want to work