VI Gov't reduces cost of travel app, bracelet & COVID-19 tests to $175 total

A previously estimated $450 cost per tourist has been reduced to almost a third, Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) announced in an update to the re-opening protocols last evening, Tuesday, November 10, 2020, alongside Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL).
COVID-19 tests reduced to 2 on VI soil
According to Hon Fahie, the VI Cabinet has decided that all travellers for entry to the Territory, inclusive of citizens, Belongers, permanent residents and work permit holders, will be required to pay just $175 per person in associated costs.
The cost will cover the traveller app, monitoring bracelet and the reduced two COVID-19 tests once on VI soil, as part of another major adjustment to the re-opening strategy.
Previously 4 rounds of PCR testing were being required, including 3 on VI soil.
According to Health Minister Malone, "Cabinet decided that the following tests will be required: A certified PCR COVID-19 negative test within 5 days prior to arrival for all travelers from low-risk countries and within 3 days prior to arrival for all travelers from medium and high-risk countries.
"A test on arrival, which, if negative, allows controlled movement within the confines of an approved property. And a test after four complete days of quarantine, which, if negative, allows movement within the territory unabated.”
A traveler who tests positive before travelling will not be allowed to enter the VI; however, those testing positive on arrival will require 14 days quarantine, “and for the avoidance of doubt to allow a mandatory quarantine period of four days within the confines of an approved property or vessel.”
Meanwhile, those who damage or tamper with the monitoring bracelet will be charged a $125 fee cabinet decided.
“Cabinet also agreed travellers requiring a test from a government facility to facilitate exit from the Territory will be charged seventy dollars ($70.00) per test,” the Premier said.
Steering committee offering input
Premier Fahie said as part of the adjusted protocols, a local steering committee led by Chief Operating Officer of Harneys Ms Felice Swapp, met to set the tone for a successful reopening of the Territory on December 1, 2020.
Tourists opening will be facilitated through the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport from December 1, 2020, and on December 8, 2020, through marine approved areas.
“It is important to note that all these efforts are being guided by the updated health policies to ensure, as much as humanly possible, the safety of our residents and visitors,” he said.
In the face of criticisms over the first draft of re-opening policies, the Premier had said that the VI's COVID-19 response plans remain fluid and is subject to change as the condition around the virus change.

16 Responses to “VI Gov't reduces cost of travel app, bracelet & COVID-19 tests to $175 total”
However. Should have come up with this 4 months ago. We wouldn’t be bankrupt. Now it’s a little too late.
1. How are the testing administered in the BVI at the airports and approved properties and by whom?
2. When do we receive the results after taking the tests
3. What are the lists of approved properties and do we just book them as usual for a minimum of 4 days?
4. Do we still need to wear the bracelet after 4 days if a negative test is produced?
5. What are the situations when a tourist would need a test on exit at $70 and is that a rapid results test or is that just for locals?
When you see price reduce by so much that to show us the prices can be low to begin with.....
They can’t even get the simple portal working yet.
Plane £7.2 million
Useless computer system. $6.4 million
Other question. Do residents have to pay to be quarantined?