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US prosecutors reveal more names in push for lengthy sentence for Andrew A. Fahie

- Fahie is accused of trying to 'rope in' Customs boss Wade N. Smith into drug trafficking conspiracy
US government prosecutors have filed their objection to former Virgin Islands Premier Andrew A. Fahie’s pre-sentencing report, claiming that he was a central figure in the drug trafficking and money laundering conspiracy he was convicted for, rather than a bit player as his lawyers have claimed. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Andrew A. Fahie is accused of trying to rope in former head of HM Customs Mr Wade N. Smith into his drug trafficking conspiracy. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Andrew A. Fahie is accused of trying to rope in former head of HM Customs Mr Wade N. Smith into his drug trafficking conspiracy. Photo: VINO/File
In a Miami courtroom on Thursday, June 20, 2024, former BVI Ports Authority Managing Director Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard was sentenced to nine years and four months in prison.‌ Photo: GIS/File
In a Miami courtroom on Thursday, June 20, 2024, former BVI Ports Authority Managing Director Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard was sentenced to nine years and four months in prison.‌ Photo: GIS/File
Kadeem S. Maynard, the son of former BVI Ports Authority Managing Director Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard, was sentenced in a Miami court to 57 months in jail on Monday, November 20, 2023, for his role in a scheme to traffic cocaine from Colombia through the [British] Virgin Islands to the US mainland. Photo: Team of Reporters
Kadeem S. Maynard, the son of former BVI Ports Authority Managing Director Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard, was sentenced in a Miami court to 57 months in jail on Monday, November 20, 2023, for his role in a scheme to traffic cocaine from Colombia through the [British] Virgin Islands to the US mainland. Photo: Team of Reporters
MIAMI, Florida, USA- US government prosecutors have filed their objection to former Virgin Islands Premier Andrew A. Fahie’s pre-sentencing report, claiming that he was a central figure in the drug trafficking and money laundering conspiracy he was convicted for, rather than a bit player as his lawyers have claimed.

In doing so, prosecutors have named several VI officials – who were not charged as co-conspirators – as participating in the drug trafficking scheme.

Fahie was an ‘organisor or leader’ in conspiracy- US Prosecutors

According to a court document filed June 28, 2024, prosecutors argued that the court should include a 4-level aggravating role adjustment when considering a sentence for Fahie, calling him an “organiser or leader in criminal activity that involved five or more participants.”

They claim that Fahie exercised decision-making authority in the scheme by approving the drug trafficking proposal in the first place, and later, when he instructed convicted co-conspirator Oleanvine Pickering- Maynard and Roxane Sylvester, former Deputy Chair of the BVI Port Authority, to go to Miami to retrieve a purported $500,000 payment he was expecting.

The trip, prosecutors say, was ordered over the objections of Ms Maynard. According to text messages between the two, she was reluctant to go because there would be nobody left in Tortola to sign documents. “Here, again, the defendant wielded his authority and directed Oleanvine Maynard’s international travel to Miami, Florida in furtherance of the cocaine importation scheme,” government prosecutors argue.

Prosecutors also argue that it was Fahie who orchestrated the initial meeting with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s confidential source. At that meeting, he accepted a $20,000 bribe to “seal the arrangements,” according to the court document. Additionally, by ordering Ms Maynard and Ms Sylvester out of a meeting with the DEA source shortly before he was arrested, Fahie established himself as the leader of the drug trafficking scheme, prosecutors stated.

More names called

Mr Fahie is also accused of trying to rope in the Commissioner of HM Customs, Mr Wade N. Smith, into the conspiracy. Prosecutors argued that during a meeting between the former premier and the DEA source, the pair discussed how to “handle” customs officials, with Fahie promising to gain the cooperation of Smith. The next morning, prosecutors say Fahie and Smith spoke for approximately 10 minutes.‌

Another argument for placing Fahie at the head of the conspiracy to import cocaine into VI waters is that the deal was structured in such a way that the former premier received the lion’s share of the proceeds. Twelve per cent – approximately $7 million after the cost of bribes was subtracted – of the sale of each shipment was supposed to go to Fahie, while Ms Maynard was set to receive 5% and her son Kadeem S. Maynard was not allocated any share at all. If the scheme unfolded like Fahie had planned, with twice monthly shipments for four months, he stood to earn approximately $56 million for letting the waters of the VI be used as a safe harbour in the shipment of cocaine from Colombia through to Puerto Rico and onward to Miami and New York.

‌An additional accomplice, named only as “Tattoo” in the court documents, would serve as Fahie’s liaison to collect his payments at sea.

Prosecutors argue that Fahie’s willingness to bribe officials and misuse his authority as premier to bend the bureaucracy of the territory to his will “further undermined the public’s trust in the BVI government.”

Apart from the three convicted in the drug trafficking scheme, prosecutors identified an additional four people as unindicted co-conspirators: Sylvester, Smith, an unnamed “handler” of Kadeem S. Maynard’s at the VI airport, and a Senegalese contact of Fahie named Baye Cisse. Mr Cisse was reportedly promised a cash payment of $133,000 after encouraging Fahie to participate in the scheme when asked, while the handler reportedly provided Kadeem S. Maynard with the list of documentation that would be required for the DEA source’s plane to land in the VI.

Fahie may be eligible for life imprisonment

Prosecutors want the 4-level enhancement be added to the 2-level abuse of trust enhancement already included in the pre-sentencing report. The 2-level reduction for a clean prior record; however, should be removed, as the aggravating role adjustment makes Fahie ineligible for this reduction.

If the court agrees with the prosecutors’ assessment of Fahie’s central leadership role in the conspiracy, it would calculate a total offense level of 43, which under federal sentencing guidelines makes Fahie eligible for a sentence of life imprisonment. The sentencing judge; however, is not required to issue a sentence that falls within the guideline range.

Fahie’s lawyers have already asked the court to consider a minimum sentence of 10 years and proposed that credit must be given for time served. Assuming sentencing takes place as currently scheduled, Mr Fahie will have spent an additional 179 days in custody post-conviction before the day of sentencing.

Mr Fahie is scheduled to be sentenced on August 5, 2024.

39 Responses to “US prosecutors reveal more names in push for lengthy sentence for Andrew A. Fahie”

  • Forbidden Truth (04/07/2024, 07:43) Like (16) Dislike (10) Reply
    This is PURE EVIL
  • Damn (04/07/2024, 08:16) Like (33) Dislike (2) Reply
    That ship ain sinking IT SUNK
  • Hmm (04/07/2024, 08:34) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fahie muah WAS goig to be BIG. Escobar
    • Escobar (04/07/2024, 16:59) Like (18) Dislike (16) Reply
      escobar was making 50 mil a day. ain't no comparison. Fahie was just a greedy fat monkey, cant wait for the rest of these "leaders" to be charged too
  • Hey now (04/07/2024, 08:39) Like (16) Dislike (38) Reply
    Fat Man, leave Mr Smith out of ur folly, the court already lost one attack on him, take ur lashes like a man and stop lookin company, tryn to drag ppl down with you, all ur doing in continuing to disgrace urself and digging ur hole deeper! These new details arent helping ur case, quite the opposite actually, i think its best you just accept ur fate and go and sit down!
    • spiritual (04/07/2024, 19:22) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      I'm with u!! Greedy bird , he was warned many times but the Love of money & power he couldn't stop him self. Take ur punishment & leave the others our of it! You was chosen to lead . All u did was disgrace ur family and the country u calm to love! Wow, wow am so disgust !!! He needs the full penalty. Few young men lost they lives by gun violence ^ u never addressed & show know kind of empathy for the families!! Because u was busy with ur white collar crimes!! Give him life!! Repent ! Not even psalm 92 can help u! Repent, Repent!!!
  • Justice coming (04/07/2024, 08:44) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    Justice coming boiii can't wait!
  • FEO GOMEZ (04/07/2024, 08:47) Like (52) Dislike (5) Reply
    Few questions here. First. What is Roxanne Sylvester educational background? She doesn't strike me as educated at all so how the hell she end up DEPUTY DIRECTOR for BVIPA Board. BVI is a wicked and silly place smh. Everybody who from here know bout Tattoo and Mr. " The PLANE" "The Plane" don't think the Feds don't know your real name. Don't take no trips to any U.S. jurisdiction you just stay put in the BVI. I feel bad for Wade smh the man aint get involved an accept no bribe all the man do is answer he phone when the Premier call now man reputation tarnish for answering the phone while telling Andrew to go F himself during the 10 minutes. This is a bad time for the BVI.
    • @feo (04/07/2024, 09:08) Like (53) Dislike (1) Reply

      This was obviously not their first rodeo. Why do you think Andrew was so confident about being able to bribe him? The question is, “how many of his officers were also on payroll?” 

    • Liar. (04/07/2024, 17:27) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
      Feo Gómez you f…kin lie. He couldn’t tell Fahie Go FHimself. You trying to cover up for Wade. But he still will be convicted. The amount of Big containers of money and Drugs that pass here. He gotta had know about it. You Damn Liard you.
    • Sjic (04/07/2024, 18:13) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      She was pit there to assist Fahie in his diabolical plans.
  • ok (04/07/2024, 09:01) Like (25) Dislike (7) Reply
    OK where is Roxanne's picture above? Wade did not do anything; but we know that all the others did actively participate.
    • Kokane (04/07/2024, 10:29) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
      She still holding her head high collecting her BVIHSA check. You or I would've done been sent home but hey it is what it is.
  • ... (04/07/2024, 09:19) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
    That is sad.

    Sometimes you really have to cuss them out that try lead you astray but they know who they are working for is pure set up they trying. I have my own list in my mind of fools & suspected entrappers because them people think they will get innocent people involved as a game. This a small place if 50 people have STD or the FED flu you walking past them everyday guaranteed.

    I have to agree if the customs boss affirmed then they would plaster it in the paper. My only question is why did fahie think it was something to talk to him about, like maynard saying fahie will go for it when the CI ask if he will.

    Between the ex-governor snickering over his rival's demise, and Fahie's debachery at some level there are both USA & UK using laws as politcal tools & set ups to tarnish our BVI reputation for a wider agenda, and simultaneously there are local enable them by tarnishing our reputation themselves.

    If 'every one know bout tatoo' guy dont you think the feds know too...??? They let them cause havok and reel them in for political points. Some a them they reel in a release as CI & enable more BS.

    We the public pay the cost possible in blood while they screw around. There is no local police force only foreign managment by the UK & USA yet these criminals are let loose to continue.
  • 2024 (04/07/2024, 09:51) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Dont do the crime if you cant do the crime
  • Majestic Life Watch (04/07/2024, 09:56) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    The sun always sets in the west. Tick Tock Tick Tock
  • The Truth is Revealed (04/07/2024, 10:01) Like (24) Dislike (4) Reply
    So this was a plot by the British Government! What hogwash the man’s greed was what created this plot no British no American conspiracy just justice being served to an evil self serving autocrat - never come back here Albert we will be waiting if ya do!
  • BVI Government (04/07/2024, 10:04) Like (34) Dislike (7) Reply
    Please somebody explain why Premier Wheatley and his Government have not condemned this man and his actions that has brought the BVI to its knees. The only discussion has been whether his picture stays on the wall in the big house and they couldn’t even make that decision! smh
  • candy (04/07/2024, 10:08) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    if the drew have gotten al that money where would he put it in the switched bank
  • Responding (04/07/2024, 10:17) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    @FEO GOMEZ - Where you are from must be more "BVI is wicked and silly place smh" than Tortola or you would not be there. Even resorting to paying thousand of $$$$$ to smugglers and not getting back on to the Tourist Ships to stay in Tortola, while hoping for entry into the USA via St Thomas US VI, with the final destination of the "Main Land."
  • Arrion (04/07/2024, 10:23) Like (14) Dislike (16) Reply
    Fahie, Maynard & son, and all of the rest have played right into the UK's hands because they knew how greedy some of our top officials were and could get them out of the way. Now it will be so easy to COMPLETE TAKEOVER of the BVI. with no questions asked. SWOOP SWOOP! We are doomed because of all of these greedy idiots in charge. Watch how fast this happens. The UK police will be here in full force treating Locals like slaves again. Arresting us for nothing, entering our homes illegally and the biggest thing now, all of the police will have guns strapped to their hip for immediate action against us. Thank you, Andrew, and all of his cronies under him. Their families must be so proud to know how the local BVI landers lost their power. All you will see in office will be ex-pats from the UK. It will take time, but keep your eyes and ears open.
    • @arripn (05/07/2024, 09:51) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      On the basis that your assertions about UK police coming here to treat locals like “slaves” and being arrested for due cause are true, you might care to remember that Fahie is a Belonger and was voted in by Belongers. BVIs did this to itself without outside assistance besides the cartel who tried to capitalize on home grown greed.
      • Arrion (06/07/2024, 09:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @arripn. Bull crap!!! We voted Fahie in yes, but 75% of us did not know the crooked things that were going on with his group. I am 79 years old and never knew he was into this as well as many of us who didn't know. We rallied around him after the hurricanes in 2017 because he did an excellent job taking care of the BVI. We voted for the person we thought would be the right choice to lead us. We feel betrayed because we honestly put our faith in him and his group. Please don't come here saying we put him in as though we are all informed because we are not. I pity our future generations who will suffer when the complete takeover happens. I, and so many our age will not be alive to witness this, but we know how dirty politics work. I encourage all BVI landers to NOT SELL YOUR LAND, or you will be forced to move out of your own country because they have a habit of raising rents so high we cannot afford it. DO NOT SELL YOUR LAND!!!!!!
  • candy (04/07/2024, 10:30) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    He is in big trouble why did you you allowed this the us governor would have never done that cause he know he would been. Lost in jailed your poor mother your wife i not studying how it would affect them and your daughters
  • Funny (04/07/2024, 10:45) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    the US just sentenced someone in his position to 45yrs for much less, if i was him i would be in the wind as he will not get out alive
  • headd couch (04/07/2024, 10:52) Like (7) Dislike (19) Reply
    my people pray for me
  • Pictures (04/07/2024, 10:52) Like (20) Dislike (6) Reply
    Why have a picture of Wade, who was not implicated in the facts or otherwise (only mere speculation about a 10 minute phone call) and not Roxanne Sylvester who clearly had an obvious role that she needs to answer for? It's either put both their pics up or put neither up. Choose one.
  • Wait (04/07/2024, 12:06) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    What you ar you saying all this thing going on in this small country wanders never done
  • matt (04/07/2024, 12:08) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    I hope he is sentenced to 100 years behind bars. Greedy SOB
  • customs (04/07/2024, 13:04) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Have a next one in customs running it micromanage in don’t respect his officers always want to spite a office and promoting who doesn’t work and who works ain’t and if u speak up for yuh self they make sure move u in a position your doesn’t like
  • @BVI GOVERNMENT (04/07/2024, 13:05) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    You are not alone / perhaps we can ask nthe hypocrite pastor from CGB on to enlighten us on that but before he does , he must swear on a Bible to tell the truth / INTEGRITY IS A THING OF THE PAST • AND NOT EVEN THE SO CALLED OPPOSITION , ARE USING THE BLAME GAME ( RACISM ) AS A DISTRACTION , WHO CAN WE RESPECT ❓️
  • @pictures (04/07/2024, 13:19) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • The Reaper (04/07/2024, 17:21) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    Tattoo is his brother in law.
  • Truth (04/07/2024, 19:07) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
    Drew always has the highest score when it comes to comments section because he’s very popular. We love you DREW!!!!
  • hmm (05/07/2024, 04:18) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Boy Andrew just give up
  • Foy deal in Progress. (05/07/2024, 06:49) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
    Part of the deal foy now negotiating is for him to testify..Foy not to incline to do that...But if he does. The BVI will need to turn Admin building into a Prison...Then again none of those names called should be on any Govt payroll.
  • home (09/07/2024, 11:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    so what does this have to do with the us send home home let him do his time

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