US Gov’t authorities seize COVID-19 items destined for VI

The items, according to reports, were about to be placed on a Tropical Shipping Container destined for shipment from Miami, Florida to Tortola when they were intercepted by the United States Customs and Border Protection Agency.
It is believed the United States Government continues to seize orders for foreign countries for its own domestic use even after many countries have paid for supplies from independent suppliers.
It is also our understanding that the US Administration of President Donald J. Trump (R) may have imposed an embargo on COVID-19 medical goods; however, the State Department in Washington DC did not return our phone calls for confirmation.
Reports of such seizures made news as recently as Friday, April 3, 2020 in New York, where Governor Andrew M. Cuomo vowed to seize unused ventilators from private entities through an executive order in the hard-hit city.
And only last week, US authorities seized 20 ventilators destined for Barbados.
Barbados’ Minister of Health and Wellness, Lieutenant Col Jeffrey Bostic on Sunday, April 5, 2020 revealed that the ventilators donated to the Barbados Government as an act of philanthropy were barred from exportation.
“They were seized in the United States. Paid for, but seized, so we are trying to see exactly what is going to transpire there,” Mr Bostic had said during a press conference in Barbados.
Some other Caribbean countries like the Cayman Islands have also reported COVID-19 items seized by US authorities.
Calls to the US Embassy in Barbados went to an answering machine today, April 10, 2020.
As of publication time, neither Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Carvin Marlone (AL) nor Chief Executive Officer of the BVI Health Services Authority Dr Ronald E. Georges could have been reached for comment.
It is unclear whether the Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) Government will ask the British Government to protest this matter on their behalf.
We will bring more details as they unfold.

163 Responses to “US Gov’t authorities seize COVID-19 items destined for VI”
I swear these people always trying to affiliate themselves with thing they took no part of, just so they can justify their sorry experience.
You are a typical Trump supporter one of the many millions with little or no brains who are brainwashed by the biggest Con Man of all. Someday you guys will wake up and see the destruction cause by your President. I do not see any thing in BVIslander's post that would suggest that he hates the US, he is just stating the facts, remember what Trump said after he meet the governor of the USVI, it was something to the effect : I just meet the President of the Virgin Islands. Tell us who is the biggest MORON OF ALL. Oh, just in case you do not know the USVI is owned by the USA .
As for you, DM. If you take that vaccine you will become like a junkie, in reality you will be a slave. If you don't take it you will be blocked from leaving the USA, even by the same wall you were asking Trump to build. Leave the USA now, and stop defending it. We will welcome you and even forgive you of all your stupid comments.
US v Madero-Vaello, First Circuit April 2020 Judge Torruella wrote the opinion...
Virgin Islands B.V.I.
United Stated Virgin Islands USVI/ VI
You paedophile piece of crap generic inferior MS... to hell with your weak genes MS and the president. Go try have a healthy wh**** baby b!ch!
You do not comprehend well. Those items were purchased and seized
Be mindful weather can go in any direction.
wow you really press LMFAOOOOOOOO,, I love how you on here talking about this is Gods way of ridding the world of hate yet here you are ,, SPEWING NASTY WORDS AND HATE LMAOOOO ,, I hope to God your right cause you doing exactly what the %^&$ God tryna rid the earth of. Selfish %^&, swear to God Americans an them entitle a$$$,, honestly you just wasting you time on this platform 1<1000,, cause we don’t GIVE A $%^& about your opinion... Keep your freedom of speech over in the US,,, lmaooooooo I glad we got you over there angry txting lmaooooooooooooo
To do such, so it will make them have their own supplies
I expect from so called PIG to stop giving money to useless people like your island that only want the US to support their a$$. If it wasnt for the US with vacationers and money and supplies, you would be nothing. One reason why I didn't waste my money to travel to your island.
This dm ms sure got alot of mouth..bout aint send a goddamn thing... bout your money...we all pay taxes too you ms you sound just like the pu$%^& ho** trump ms wish you would reveal yourself so i could...
You are an indespicable %^&* runt.
@usa, they dont bother to find the truth here, all they know is to talk sh*t about the USA until they need our help. We are stupid to keep helping the ignorant. Let them fend for themselves and go to their own hospitals. we are tired of paying for the stupid people who take advantage of the USA and turn around and talk shit about them .
Amerika is B***H.
Dm .......the Us never help us with anything!!! Go sit you fat a$$ down!!!! Goat
Follow and at the detriment of us all and the country as a whole.
Too much to comes to mind.
Let their esteemed Premier and his side kick, the Bishop make nice with the US and blow it all away. They full well knew these imports were prohibited when they ordered the items, but following rules are not for these people Wonder how much money down deliberately blown. .
Maybe the VI placed the order prior to the embargo going into effect.
But no surprise more likely,order placed with full knowledge of the embargo but since there is no concept of abiding by the laws and the rules in the VI ,...
U Prick!!!!
Yes, my country needs medical equipment badly but we have to find a way to work together because this problem is a global one and will take a global effort to fix it.
Selfishness is not what we need at this time!!
A world of darkness ,oblivious to reality. Folks ,laws are obeyed and enforced in the modern world. Exporting a prohibited item will result in its
seizure whether or not it was a gift or purchase.Ordering and attempting to import a prohibited item is not acceptable behaviour from the VI.
Laws are enforced in lawful countries...Repeat!!!!,
Church clerics in other countries were ARREsTED,/ are /have been/ will be when and if they disregard an edict to lock down or quarantine or maintain specific distance or cooperate .
Read and listen to World News, How did you miss the seizures of prohibited exported from USA to neighboring Caribbean countries..
Jeeez foljs...Are you on Planet Earth ?
Let them have them! We safe!
Why can't we order straight from South Korea and ship it via London- Antigua- Tortola but the first flight with BA won't be until 01st May. Or maybe purchase some from the Cayman Islands and bring it here on charter. Don't let that go via the USA.
But u All D M ain't see shit yet it's ur generation that going pay .....f....em all c dem in torment...
America neither stands nor does business by itself; it is also a melting pot of humanity. Those of you who have the ears of the White House have them reconsider their actions!
Medical staff in many instances must make a choice , Who should be allowed to die and who should we attempt to save. Ambulance emergency staff have been instructed to not resuscitate .. Can you not understand the restriction regarding the export ? Send good will towards the US at this time? For what its worth, the majority of the Corona virus deaths in the US are Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans..