UK vs BVI - Talking large about doing little
Messages from the Masters:
February, 2024, Black History Month… We can talk about anything, including how Ron DeSantis, a Ringleader for revoking our History with Anti-Woke Nonsense, has suffered a Presidential Nomination defeat... However, the threats are still growing, and we cannot risk the chance of their success, so we must work extra hard to ensure that this and generations to come will not be deprived of their Identity.
Meanwhile, here in the [B]VI, we are seeing the most unwelcomed News; from deaths to Arm Robberies to prominent imprisonment… However, it may be more applicable to start with a recent visit from Hon. David H. Rutley, UK’s Member of Parliament and the Minister for the UK Overseas Territories…
He said: “The Overseas Territories are a core part of the UK family and the UK Government is committed to the security, prosperity and wellbeing of the people of the British Virgin Islands... We want to see a successful, thriving, well-governed BVI, and will continue to do our utmost to support the Governor and the people of the BVI to achieve that goal...
“The Commission of Inquiry has identified serious governance and reputational issues, but progress on implementing its recommendations has been too slow, with agreed deadlines missed… That is why I am here: to listen and understand from those working directly on the reforms how they can be delivered quicker so that the people of BVI get the good governance they deserve...
“The UK will provide further technical assistance if required. However, if there continues to be a lack of progress, we will not hesitate to take further action to help deliver the much-needed reforms.”
Governor Daniel Pruce also said: “The Minister’s visit comes at a crucial time for the BVI, and signals the UK’s interest and commitment to ensuring that the BVI succeeds. Delivering the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry will help us achieve the positive changes we all want to see, including better access to services, a fairer society with opportunities for all, and a more accountable and transparent government.”
Is this a Matter of Reaping what we Sow?
Please check their Words carefully, so you may decide whether to call these men liars, or to acknowledge that I have told you the Truth all along… They make it clear that they own us, and they are losing patience because our Government and Civil Services are not delivering for the People… Furthermore, because we belong to them, they have the authority to impose any directive or reform they feel, anyhow and any time.
Several entries in their Presentations show how much the UK’s Minister and Governor feel that we are being badly governed, and that our existing Laws and Rules are not being upheld by our Government and Civil Services... However, a hidden factor is their own fear that we will become a Financial Burden on UK Taxpayers… This fear empowers the US and UK, to question our integrity, and label us as Corrupt.
I would like to disagree, but I cannot, based on my own experiences, and their ability to show proof of our Leaders being imprisoned at home and abroad… Nonetheless, I still believe that the bulk of our People are honourable, and do not reflect the portraits of our Leaders and Public Service… Besides, we shouldn’t need the US or UK to tell us of our Corruption when we can see it and feel it for ourselves.
Furthermore, what we don’t see in the beginning, we feel in the end, and a couple of such examples may include: #1 - When I said that the Governor had no right to transfer Leadership of the Opposition from Fraser to Fahie - unless it was a trap; and, #2, When I warned that it would be far harder to get Trump out than it was to put him in... Most disagreed with me, but we are now seeing the results for ourselves.
Sometimes, seeing is not believing, and Truth will not set us Free... Obeah may demand much less, but cost far more whenever it backfires, and, putting our Hands in Cookie Jars or where they do not belong, may be seen as Theft or Rape, and cost us Millions… Sometimes we lose by winning, but worry not, for the time will come when those who seek to hurt, harm and hinder, only succeed in destroying themselves.
The entrapped Premier Fahie was found guilty, and now faces Federal Prison… Meanwhile, although Section 3 of the 14th Amendment in the US Constitution makes Trump unqualified to run for office, the US Supreme Court is seeking excuses to ignore their Constitution, and downplay his Insurrection… Ironically, our proposed Constitutional Reforms may cause more Social Confusion and Financial Strain.
Continuing the Denials, or Facing the Facts:
Clearly, any Message by UK’s Minister and Governor is in their own interest, and leaves us still stuck with our ongoing problems, regarding Labour, Immigration, and the Disenfranchisement of our Land and People… We cannot ignore these and other hot-button issues, for they all contribute to the demise of our Country, and our failure to find Solutions will further erode the destiny and identity of our People.
Their usual response is to double down on fooling us with promises they will never deliver… Fact is, the UK’s decision on whether or not to act, depends on whether she believes she can afford us... After all, she is already caught up in promising Tax Cuts during a failing Economy, and at a time when she fails to meet the demands of her NHS Doctors and Nurses… They still think we are too dumb to reason.
However, we have been here before, and only a fool accepts the same old excuses over and over... Their Agenda and Threats are intended to benefit themselves, but every Action comes with Consequences, and we must decide whether or not we are willing to pay the price... Our Country is mortally wounded, and while Corruption remains alive and well, it will take far more than just Band-Aids to perform the Surgery.
Every day we face newer and tougher challenges, but we still pretend not to understand or realize why the Children are going astray… ‘Monkey see, Monkey do’, and except for Lobsters, the Tail is programmed to follow the Head, and while our Politicians should be accountable to their People, let’s not forget that a major part of our Problems come from a Civil Service, that feels only answerable to the Governor and UK.
No wonder we have more Political and Religious Holidays than Months… Leaders fake Righteousness in order that, every weekend they can reprogramme us, to kneel down, close our eyes and clasp our hands - in the execution pose - to their manmade Gods… This allows them to feel justified in their practice and support of mass genocide and apartheid by those claiming to be God’s Children, or his Chosen People.
Fact is, the ‘God of Nature and Laws of Balance’ is based on Fairness and Justice; Quality rules Quantity, and Simplicity breeds Progress - Bigger only seems Better in the Wild Kingdom... As a People who should know better and do better, we don’t, and by taking out more than we put in, we guarantee failure... Whenever Governments bleed the Private Sector to pay themselves above their worth, we are doomed.
We are now facing the Biggest Challenges of our Lives… This is a Test, and it would be wrong to follow blindly, because whatever we do will decide the Destiny and Future of our Children and Country… There is no doubt that we are Able, but the question is, are we Willing? - Many Dogs bark, but the ones that bite, do it best with their Mouths shut… We should believe enough in ourselves to realise, that we can.
PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

3 Responses to “UK vs BVI - Talking large about doing little”
Moreover, as noted the colonizing/administering powers are a law, occupying force/power unto themselves. They have the uncheck authority to threat territorial inhabitants how, when, where, what, etc they want with impunity. They do so with divided, docile, self-discriminating, etc., inhabitants.