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The VI Inquires Bill 2024 is the ‘Willock Bill’- Hon Walwyn

Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (R6) on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, took the opportunity for debate on the Virgin Islands Inquiries Act, 2024 to publicly state that the Bill was vindictive and malicious as it was an attack on sitting members the HoA, as well as former Speaker Mr Julian Willock. Photo: GIS/File
Former Speaker Julian Willock took the Commissioner of Inquiry (CoI) to court for violating the Legal Profession Act 2015. Photo: VINO/File
Former Speaker Julian Willock took the Commissioner of Inquiry (CoI) to court for violating the Legal Profession Act 2015. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Julian Willock has claimed that both the Governor, Daniel Pruce, left, and Police Commissioner Mark Collins, right, have been targeting him over his resistance to the Commission of Inquiry. Photo: GIS/File
Mr Julian Willock has claimed that both the Governor, Daniel Pruce, left, and Police Commissioner Mark Collins, right, have been targeting him over his resistance to the Commission of Inquiry. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Using his right of immunity in the House of Assembly (HoA), legislator Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (R6) on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, took the opportunity for debate on the Virgin Islands Inquiries Act, 2024 to publicly state that the Bill was vindictive and malicious as it was an attack on sitting members of the HoA, as well as former Speaker Mr Julian Willock.

During the heated debate on the proposed Bill at the 15th Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth HoA, the Opposition member—in speaking to Section 11 (1) of the proposed new law, which provides for the employment of staff and legal counsel- told members of the House, “they should name the clause after him.” This was a reference to the former Speaker Mr Willock.

Bill is a violation & vindictive

Hon Walwyn then proceeded to accuse Governor Daniel Pruce of having some clauses which Mr Walwyn described as heavy-handed provisions being meted out to the Virgin Islands (VI), saying, “There are a lot of sections in this Bill that belong to the Former Speaker.”

The Sixth District Representative, in lambasting some provisions of the UK imposed Bill, told Members of the Assembly, “When I did my research in the other acts in the other OTs (Overseas Territories) there is nothing like this in any of them.”

With this in mind, the ex-Education Minister suggested, “It is only now because something happened here that you are now legislating based on what recently happened, and we can't do that; you can’t personalise the law how you want it.”

According to Hon Walywn, “It just shows to me in my mind that you have malice, you have bad thoughts in your minds towards people and you are pretty much targeting people.”

The former Speaker took the Commissioner of Inquiry (CoI) to court for violating the Legal Profession Act 2015. Attorney General Hon Dawn J. Smith also agreed with the Speaker that the lawyers working in the VI for the CoI needed to comply with the laws of the VI. According to her, they were indeed in violation of the Act.

Willock in the bull’s eye

Hon Walwyn, who it is alleged does not always see eye to eye with Mr Willock, noted in his contribution to the debate that “There are a lot of sections in this Bill that belong to the former Speaker, they should name the clause after him because when you read the stuff you can tell what it is they are trying to do in some of the clauses.”

Hon Walwyn condemned many sections in the Bill that were challenged by the former Speaker as “not appropriate to be in this bill."

The Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL), had also earlier noted that another one of the clauses, 22 (5), was in fact, “one of the former Speakers' cross to bear.”

Appearing on Tola Radio 100.5 this morning July 17, 2024, from Dutch St Maarten, Mr Willock said he was yet again vindicated and he is humbled that the people have woken up. He asked, "How is it in 2024 such a law could come to the HoA that violates individuals' rights, the VI Constitution, International Law and Convention and Human Rights?"

Mr Willock is said to have been a target of the UK police officers following his challenge to the CoI. Last week, they came after him with what was described as "a bogus arrest" and charges allegedly dictated by both the Governor and Police Commissioner Mark Collins.

21 Responses to “The VI Inquires Bill 2024 is the ‘Willock Bill’- Hon Walwyn”

  • Rubber Duck (17/07/2024, 14:37) Like (7) Dislike (31) Reply
  • WTF (17/07/2024, 14:46) Like (19) Dislike (10) Reply
    The purpose of the law is to be a living rule set to prevent us from repeating previous mistakes which were to the public detriment and prevent future ones. This man should be ashamed to sit in the house as a legislator. The arrested wall-builder clearly doesn't understand how to build on one's failures.
  • Myron Sir, I like you.. (17/07/2024, 15:45) Like (21) Dislike (5) Reply
    But you all cannot be masters onto you all selves..You all cannot police you all selves. You all had many opportunities to do so, and you all failed..You all main interest are personal interest. So on this one "I am with the Governor on this one".
  • Lb (17/07/2024, 15:50) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Imagine Willock and Myron in the 6 hoa trouble
  • resident (17/07/2024, 16:14) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    This place is just full of vindictive people who want to either make or twist the laws to suit themselves. Time will tell though. As long as there is a God above, people will reap what they sow. Set of wicked people in high places.
  • Citizen (17/07/2024, 16:24) Like (7) Dislike (16) Reply
    The people needs to wake up this is sad I am no fan of them both but Julian Willock fights for people
  • ... (17/07/2024, 16:30) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
    everybody doing them something when they getting catch left and right with their illegal activities, every single Governor that has come to this island has been targeted by these greedy politicians , they don't like eyes on them! its like principal (governor) overseeing a school . when eagle in the sky the rats run and hide , but these bad boys fighting for their cheese.
  • onlooker (17/07/2024, 16:49) Like (22) Dislike (2) Reply
    When I came to the bvi in very early 90's HLS was CM, never heard of any friction with any governor. All through O'Neal's tenure there were no complaints about any governor as far as I know. All this bickering about u.k and governors started with Andrew. Cause he knew what he was into. No body can doubt about the high level of corruption in this place. All the governors are and were just doing their jobs - ensuring transparency and accountability. The intelligent people of this country can see this. I'm very disappointed with Walwyn.
    • @ onlooker (18/07/2024, 03:34) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
      We now have a different constitution with more Rights, these governors are racist
      • @@onlooker (18/07/2024, 10:09) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        Who caused all of this? Why wasn't this done in the past? There are over a million blacks in London alone. A lot of BVIslanders live in the u.k. and love it. They not complaining about racism. All what the governors are doing is because of CORRUPT POLITICIANS. Put the blame where it needs to go. Believe me u.k. has more issues to deal with than to be studying alyo.
  • Hmm (17/07/2024, 17:03) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Tortola ain't going no where and never will....once we keep putting these people in power....ayo so primitive....he ain't fighting for nothing all he doing is keeping we back
  • round rock (17/07/2024, 18:36) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am extremely happy that the legislators have been awaken from their slumber and saw the need to introduce this piece of legislation that sets out the procedure for calling a Commission of Inquiry. We must set the precedent for future generations.
  • REAL DUMB (17/07/2024, 18:42) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    How can Myron as a Lawyer not know that Lawmaking often involves responding to specific events to prevent future occurrences. This is a standard legislative practice and does not equate to personal vendettas. Legislation must evolve to address contemporary issues and challenges. The Virgin Islands Inquiries Act, 2024, is not personalized but rather tailored to ensure that recent incidents of concern are addressed adequately. The Virgin Islands Inquiries Act, 2024, is designed to enhance transparency and accountability within the government. Ensuring that inquiries are conducted with the highest standards is crucial for maintaining public trust and confidence in the governance of the Virgin Islands.Good governance requires mechanisms that can investigate and address any allegations of misconduct or irregularities. This act provides a legal framework to ensure that such inquiries are conducted properly.
    Certain clauses are necessary to ensure comprehensive investigations. These clauses are not unique to the Virgin Islands; similar provisions can be found in other jurisdictions to maintain the integrity of public office. Why do we need to tell Myron a lawyer that legal frameworks need to be robust enough to handle various scenarios, especially those involving potential misconduct.
    Specific provisions aim to close loopholes and ensure compliance with the law. Laws are created for the benefit of the public and the integrity of governance, not for personal vendettas. Any claims of targeting should be substantiated with evidence of who they are aimed at. It can’t be the Speaker as he is no longer the Speaker.
    The Act aims to uphold the rule of law and is not intended to target any individual. It seeks to establish clear guidelines for inquiries, ensuring they are conducted impartially and fairly. This Act looks like it has been carefully reviewed to ensure it complies with the Virgin Islands Constitution, international law, and human rights conventions and will have gone through rigorous scrutiny to ensure it aligns with existing legal frameworks and protects individuals rights, which we should all, lawyers included, be striving for
    The Act aims to uphold the rule of law and is not intended to target any individual. It seeks to establish clear guidelines for inquiries, ensuring they are conducted impartially and fairly and Myron and his political colleagues and elitist friends seem to have a problem with that.
  • Interested (17/07/2024, 18:55) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    One wonders. If all who are protesting the bill so much fear that they have issues that would warrant investigation
  • Erasmus (17/07/2024, 19:51) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    I like Hon Walwyn but on this I don't agree with him. Based on the action of one member,I don't see anything wrong with revision or adjustmennts as necessary as decided by the Governor. Frankly I would be more comfortable with the objectivity .
    Based on the actions of one Andrew Fahie I wouldn't object to revisions or changes or introduction of a new Bill ...a necessity is my view.
  • Yes (17/07/2024, 21:16) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Myron V. Walwyn I hope the UK shut all of you down soon, anything to stop you guys from using the taxpayer’s money and using it like it’s yours you are against it. Walwyn take a seat and shut up we all know what you are about.
  • lodger (17/07/2024, 22:09) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    That's why we voting for Julian Willock in zone 3 all the way
  • None is different (18/07/2024, 03:49) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Everything the Governor or Britain do to stop corruption and push good governance, these people have a problem. They will not make good leaders with their attitude...I now realized that Sowande is the right man go leader us, he has more wisdom than all of them.
  • BuzzBvi (18/07/2024, 11:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Whilst not a fan of MW I always thought he had Statesman class. It has to be said that his recent comments and rhetoric have proven me wrong and the search for worthy political leaders has clearly drawn a blank with him. We are currenty just left with the potentially great Mathers. Let us hope he can stay true.
  • HOA Brand Manager (23/07/2024, 06:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is with this guy and Brands. Everything for him got to be a brand? I wonder what he calls the high school wall? Stop attacking your Friendly Friend.

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