SSB bought over 138 acres of land in last decade- Hon Wheatley
According to the list read out by the minister during the Tenth Sitting of the Second session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) in Duff's Bottom, Tortola, on Friday, June 19, 2020, these properties are mostly on Tortola.
Minister Wheatley said land purchases were made in areas such as Long Trench, Spooner’s Estate, Joe’s Hill, Mount Sage among others.
He said SSB purchased a plot of land for $705,000 in Long Trench and four acres on Mount Sage for $325,000.
In Joe’s Hill, where the Joe’s Hill Manor will be located to provide ‘affordable’ housing for residents, lots were also acquired. Honourable Wheatley said the acquisition was made in 2016 when the SSB purchased 2.268 acres of land for $360,000 and 0.25 acres for $49,000.
Furthermore, the SSB also bought 2.268 acres of land in Sea Cows Bay for the price of $360,000.
4 plots of land bought on Wickham's Cay
In the meantime, the Board bought several pieces of property in Wickham’s Cay.
The first property was 0.164 acres for the price of $525,000, the second was 0.163 acres for $610,000, the third was 0.167 acres for $445,000, and the fourth was 0.167 acres for $550,000.
The SSB in addition, purchased10.01 acres of real estate in South Sound, Virgin Gorda for $1 million.
Land was also purchased by SSB in McNamara Estate, where some 7.4 acres was bought for $1.5 million.
In Butu Mountain, SSB acquired 9.69 acres of land for $1.69 million.
Minister Wheatley said land was also purchased in Georges Northside and Josiah’s Bay.
He concluded that the investments above came at a “total of 138.6 acres at the cost of 18,835,957.50.”
13 Responses to “SSB bought over 138 acres of land in last decade- Hon Wheatley”
Smells like more money being thrown away to the already rich, who are benefitting from the land our ancestors sacrificed and fought hard to redeem... Noel Lloyd would be shamed if he were alive to see this.
Don't trust your elected leaders to tell the whole truth... they always give half-truths, "spin" it, or seek to blame those who came before. Ask hard questions and demand transparency... whether NDP, VIP or any other party... they are there to benefit the COUNTRY, not themselves and selected friends.
Remember these islands prospered in the slave/sugar industry then became a bird sanctuary and the so called wealthy left. Everything is for a season, for a time and it goes in cycles too.
What investments would you consider more approprite than purchasing local real estate or would you suggest they take your pittance of a contribution and place it in a jar .
What are your choice for your personal investments .
Remember these islands prospered in the slave/sugar industry then became a bird sanctuary and the so called wealthy left. Everything is for a season, for a time and it goes in cycles too.
TO SSB...with all those spending, make sure that our "hard earn money" is secured. The objective is to ensure that our money is "secured".
Thank you.
i have no issues with SSB buying land to develop it or resale if it appreciates but the prices they are paying are far too exorbitant.