Scotiabank in VG to close; no more banking services left!
It is unclear at this time why the bank would be closing the branch, leaving Virgin Gorda with no banking services.
It means too, there will be no banking services on any of the other sister islands.
Firstbank was, for a short while, on Anegada but that has since also shut their doors. Many see this as another blow, in the treatment of the sister islands and the lack of representation. No officials from the bank could have been reached before publication time.

29 Responses to “Scotiabank in VG to close; no more banking services left!”
Banco, National Bank of the VI, where are you guys? This is a perfect opportunity.
So what are VI residents to do now? True, online banking is available but not all customers are into online banking. Many want a face to face interactions with staff. Will VI residents who want banking services now have to travel to Tortola for banking services, having to take off work, pay transportation among other inconveniences? What is government doing to help the sister islands with banking services? The D-9 rep and the four at large reps must weigh in on this issue or they only come around making promises around election time. Well, VG people are waiting patiently; we are wetting we hands waiting for ah yu. The Bank of the Virgin Islands belongs to the people so it shoulld be looking at delivering services to the sister island. Banco Popular too should at delivering banking services.
I am the one who made the most noise about Scotia past few years. Because after only one year as depositor
with them for small personal account, they demanded I tell them everything about all my money and my family
money in the USA, including how much my father left me and relatives when he died a few months after i moved
to the BVI. This went to the main office of Scotia in Toronto, and Financial Services complaint here, and to
Premier Smith and to past and current governors office - as well as being passed on to my lawyer and family
and the US government about such rot. I was told by an employee that this was to make sure I wans't 'laundering
money' at Scotia BVI - but it seemed a screening as maybe I was not the right 'pedigree' or wealth amount
as a white American recently moved to the BVI. Everyone 'in charge' in the BVI and England blew this off and
did nothing. They abuse the global paranoia about everyone's money being illegal or 'laundered'. If you are poor and just
happen to open an account, you are suspicious to them. But they claim about $500 million in assets in the
BVI branch. Someone filthy rich who deposits here is in this. And as an American, who has some pride in
constitutional rights - I hope the US deals with Scotia here and in Toronto. Good evening.
These guys FAILED us terribly
Sometimes we need to travel out to others caribbean countries and see how structured things are in terms of providing essential services.