Regrets ‘set you on the path to your destiny’- Myron V. Walwyn

Today, February 24, 2020 in a Facebook post to his online followers, the Ex-Chairman of the NDP reflected on past regrets, noting that while those regrets may seem like mistakes, they could eventually set you on the course to greatness.
Regrets shape your destiny
“Do you have regrets in life? In retrospect, that thing that you thought was a mistake, a failure or a bad decision might have been by design to set you on the path to your destiny,” he said.
Mr Walwyn's change of heart and reflection comes following criticisms that he remains one of the most divisive and controversial politicians in the history of the Virgin Islands (VI).
On January 27, 2020, Walwyn urged his followers, “We have so much more in common than what differences we have. We should all make a greater effort to live better together. Put the jealousy and envy aside. Put the prejudices aside. Put the malicious behaviour aside.”
During the 2019 election season, Mr Walwyn was accused of running one of the most divisive political campaigns in the history of VI politics; allegedly putting locals against foreigners, locals against locals and even attacking close diplomatic neighbours like the United States Virgin Islands (USVI).
‘Mistakes make you wiser’ – Walwyn
Now, according to the legislator, “Sometimes you have to be taken off your current course in order to get to where you really should be. Mistakes, misfortunes and failure make you wiser, stronger and teaches empathy and humility.”
He said those are all important qualities individuals need to take them on the path of God. “So, don’t wallow in the valley of regrets, it’s a colossal waste of time and energy. Learn from whatever happened and move on with absolutely no regrets,” he said.
Political pundits speculate that Mr Walway’s recent ramblings are attempts to re-win the hearts of Virgin Islanders after they rejected his divisive ideologies and removed him from the House of Assembly (HoA) in 2019.
He was recently under investigation for an alleged corrupt $1.6M wall project commissioned for the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) during his tenure as Education Minister.
According to the Commissioner of Police, Mr Michael B. Matthews, the investigation file is currently in the hands of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to determine if there is sufficient evidence for criminal prosecution.

29 Responses to “Regrets ‘set you on the path to your destiny’- Myron V. Walwyn”
Regrets of having children out of wedlock
A man who mash up the ndp, the ministry of education, the treasury and many young men now trying to make a come back
get it in your head it’s not going to happen !!!
Ayo sound so retard, just like how ayo wan go heaven but ayo doh wan to die,. Atlease ayo could see Myron faults, but ayo faults eating up ayo from inside out,, none of yall can never go public like Myron To confess ayo faults,,, so yall get of the man back.. sin wasn't made for him alone, and y'all there casting stones like ayo is without sin,,, strupes.
When judgement morning come whose name is going to call first, down island people or we born here ??? Nonsense