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Premier & new Director of Communications faced hostile press @ Oct 6, 2023 PC

Zan Lewis of ZBVI and Rosemary Cindy Rosan of Guavaberry Media have been accused of being hostile at a recent press conference. Photo: GIS/Facebook
It was her first rodeo as acting Director of Communications, assigned to the Premier’s Office, however, Mrs. Karia J. Christopher faced a hostile and disrespectful press as host of the premier’s press conference. Photo: GIS/Facebook
It was her first rodeo as acting Director of Communications, assigned to the Premier’s Office, however, Mrs. Karia J. Christopher faced a hostile and disrespectful press as host of the premier’s press conference. Photo: GIS/Facebook
It was on Friday, October 6, 2023, when Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) held a press conference to update the Territory on his trip to Monaco and his presentation at the United Nations in New York among other topics. Photo: GIS/Facebook
It was on Friday, October 6, 2023, when Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) held a press conference to update the Territory on his trip to Monaco and his presentation at the United Nations in New York among other topics. Photo: GIS/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - It was her first rodeo as acting Director of Communications in the Premier’s Office; however, Mrs Karia J. Christopher faced a hostile and disrespectful press as host of the most recent Premier’s press conference.

It was on Friday, October 6, 2023, when Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) held a press conference to update the Territory on his trip to Monaco and his presentation at the United Nations in New York among other topics.

Prior to the press conference, the press claimed to be peeved that press passes were necessary for the event as told to them by Mrs Christopher.  

However, on the day of the press conference held at the Premier’s Conference Room, verbal exchanges got hostile. This was particularly so with controversial Rosemary Cindy Rosan from new media Guavaberry Media and Zan Lewis from ZBVI Radio Station 780 AM.

Were they rude?

Ms Rosan, who is labeled by some as a 'hater' of locals (including Premier Wheatley) while protecting the Governor and UK Police Officers, was confrontational over the issue of how many questions to ask.

Mrs Christopher noted that each journalist had three questions, however, there was confusion over whether the follow-up questions were counted as part of the three questions.

Ms Rosan and Mrs Christopher exchanged words, with Ms Rosan being disrespectful and at one time trying to take the microphone from another reporter.

Mrs Christopher asked Ms Rosan to take a seat; however, she fired back, telling the host, “No, you take a seat.” 

This behaviour was displayed on live TV in the presence of the Premier, the Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5), and the Junior Minister for Tourism and Culture Hon Luce D. Hodge-Smith (R4).

Ms Rosan was asked to comment on the matter but only said: "At this point, my position doesn’t matter. The story is written. There’s a continued clear attack on me but it’s all good."

She has also stated she believes the story was written by former Speaker Julian Willock, who is the Chairman of the Board for Virgin Islands News Online (VINO).

Don’t tell me what to ask- Zan Lewis

Then ZBVI’s Zan Lewis also had an exchange, telling Mrs Christopher not to tell him “what questions to ask”, after she made clear that the press conference was about some specific topics. 

He also refused to refer to the Junior Minister, Hon Hodge-Smith, as “Honourable” and instead addressed her as “Luce”.

Mr Lewis, when asked for a comment, said he was not willing to comment on a story he believed was written by Mr Willock.

Many residents and other reporters believed and alleged that both reporters were rude, unprofessional, and out of order. 

It is unclear what will happen at the next press conference and if a press pass system will be instituted.

Mrs Christopher was asked for a comment but only said, "I want to engage with the media more given my role."

51 Responses to “Premier & new Director of Communications faced hostile press @ Oct 6, 2023 PC”

  • HaHa! (09/10/2023, 18:24) Like (33) Dislike (38) Reply
    Lol. I do not give Cindy or Zan any wrong. At all.
    • circus (10/10/2023, 08:32) Like (22) Dislike (7) Reply
      Karia Christopher was too bossy and bullish. The Cow’s people and it came out in that type of platform. Acting as a moderator in these types of forum is not for her. She was fighting with the presss and throwing back words which I deem unprofessional. It was more of a circus to watch. A national embarrassment for all. If I can just get on Luce case as well she had no poise. You can tell she was upset or offended. It showed and it is shameful how she conducted herself with the media. At the end of the day the premier needs credit for always being a calm storm whether likable or not.
    • Blindman (10/10/2023, 10:18) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ HaHa Zan out of place to disrepect a minister by addressing her by her first name this what the BVI come to he couldnt do that in his counrty these people out of order.
      • god is watching (10/10/2023, 11:07) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
        @Blindman you are so right! Zan was out of all order! He needs to be banned from future press conferences until he learn some respect! He couldn't dare do that to Ralph down St. Vincent! I was so mad that he disrespected our leaders like that. He was very pompous and out of order. A journalist should be professional! Even if you do not agree with a politician, you should be polite in your speech and demeanor!

        It breaks my heart to see that our own BVIslanders have not been pursuing degrees in journalism! The government needs to look for its own people to take up their rightful places in their country. All I am seeing in these press conferences are foreigners!
    • faith (10/10/2023, 10:23) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      You agree with them because you are just as rude and disrespectful as them. Birds of a feather flock together
  • Hmmmm (09/10/2023, 18:28) Like (15) Dislike (5) Reply
    Some of the media are bias as the Governor press conference has more stipulations on the media and what they can and cannot ask than the Premier's press conferences However those same media do not complain about the Governor's rules.
  • Kermit the Frog (09/10/2023, 18:31) Like (19) Dislike (11) Reply
    I wonder which media will ask if it is suspected fowl play with the death of the UK undercover white police and if so if any white UK officer or the head are a suspect. Ah gon bac to sipping meh tea.
    • BVI media is the best. (10/10/2023, 01:58) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
      Our media is fairless and cannot be intimidated. Listen to other caribbean govt press conference , seems like the Govt wrote the question and gave them to the media to ask.. You can tell that caribbean media personnel are scared and walking on tight rope, they asked these soft soft question not the real issues hard questions. Can understand that oppression and political victimization is rampant over there. Appreciate what we have. Our media will be the fearless trend setters of the caribbean
  • Cindy or zan (09/10/2023, 18:37) Like (13) Dislike (24) Reply
    Please ask the Governor to please tell the people of the BVI the TOTAL cost of his COI including: All travel, salary and other benefits of the Commissioner & each staff (even if they were UK public officers), accommodations, consultancies (including psychic cloaked as consultant or investigators), all fees to lawyers including Rawat and others, housing, all accommodations, security(even if RVIPF), man hours and fees per hour, and everything else under the sun leaving out nothing. Please make him tell if any of these services were tendered and if not why not? If so, which ones and where was the ad lodged? Until the Governor answers these questions truthfully then I do not want to hear nor see him as he has loss all credibility in most of the public's eyes due to his do as I say with transparency and good governance but not as I do with thier colonial mentality.
    • @ Cindy or zan (10/10/2023, 07:40) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
      Frankly my dear we don’t give a hoot!

  • manners (09/10/2023, 18:39) Like (28) Dislike (5) Reply
    I listened and I wondered if they were speaking to their own children. What a rude set of people you all have no kind of training you should be ashamed of you all selves. You all made your own parents ashamed. If they already passed on you all made them roll over in their graves. Old people say so.
  • hmm (09/10/2023, 18:40) Like (74) Dislike (21) Reply
    Cindy and that other lunatic must understand that we are on show to the world. This shows we have no national pride and we are willing to air our dirty laundry. This will cause much more damage because it exposes us to people who will capitalize on our obvious division in the country. Ask whatever questions you want but for God's sake have class and conduct yourself accordingly.
  • Media please ask the Governor (09/10/2023, 18:40) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
    Ask if it is true the new register of interest act makes it mandatory for all elected and public officials to register their interest and make them public knowledge. However, the Governor and all his UK staff working locally in the BVI have insisted they be exempted from doing the same claiming they did so already in the UK yet many questions continue to linger about ill gain wealth by pass Governors while serving among other UK officials but they can look into anyone but no one can look into them. These kinds of high handedness bothers people about the actions of the Governor and UK while trying to portray that their goal is fairness and balance when in fact it is about dominance and control. We must continue to improve where we need imoroving but we must also fight these things and speak out against them. So to the media please ask the Governor this question.
  • The Street (09/10/2023, 18:41) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
    Everyone knows one is on the Governor & UK pay role and the other is on Myron's pay role so don't expect this to change anytime soon.
  • To be fair (09/10/2023, 18:47) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    Any leader who holds a press conference informs the media of the topic and request their questions be limited to those areas. At times the media press their luck and ask questions outside the press conference topic. However they are brought back into line. To be fair, asking all manner of questions on all kinds of topics by the media in such a case does not allow for proper research to give an accurate answer. It is counter productive and the people are short changed.
  • vg youth (09/10/2023, 18:49) Like (35) Dislike (5) Reply
    It is okay to be aggressive in your job but this lady over do it. Probably this is why Tourist Board let her go. You cannot be the boss when you are an employee. She needs a dose of wisdom and respect.
  • NDP supporter (09/10/2023, 18:51) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
    I must admitt the only two persons I ever heard allowed the media to ask anything and they tried their best to answer at all times were Myron and Fahie.
  • enough (09/10/2023, 19:00) Like (44) Dislike (3) Reply
    Gossip has no place in a pres conference dealing with leaders. Media houses should know this and ask intelligent questions without malicious intent.
  • resident (09/10/2023, 19:01) Like (56) Dislike (7) Reply
    they both need to be banded set of cockroaches
  • pat (09/10/2023, 19:39) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Then crazy Cindy will say Showda muscling the press
  • smh (09/10/2023, 19:58) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    Failure to disclose these facts, because the real issue is Rosan a real journalist? in view of the public her behavior was a breach of duty of candour of a professional journalist
  • Karnage (09/10/2023, 20:00) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Maybe we should reflect on how both of them were allowed to behave that way in the first place and not put out!!!
  • PT09 (09/10/2023, 20:03) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cindy Rosan usual poor attempt to make these press conferences political…
  • NB (09/10/2023, 20:07) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
    Pardon me, but why should we be respectful to group of Hiiiitlor like people who are not only disrespectful to us but inhumane and selfish. If I was a reporter, seeing their faces alone would have made my blood boil let alone listen to the lies they spew and the inability to even give us the people a decent truthful answer to anything. Yall want us to respect these folks who are slowly but surely transforming the BVI into a third world nation. Yall carry on with this petty issue of respect and disrespect and pay no mind to the damning thats approaching. Cindy/Dan keep the pressure on cause some of us aint got a voice. I said it. Come at me..... Peace out!
    • @NB (10/10/2023, 10:35) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      We dont want/need any non-belonger journalists speaking nor representing us, BVI Citizens, with their disrespectful attitudes.
      • Really (10/10/2023, 12:04) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        @NB you are right. You don’t want that. What you need is your own people stumping on you and stagnating you in you own land. You call them leaders. You voted them in. Guess you getting what you need. To he!! with those disrespectful non belonger journalists with the bad attitudes and guts to confront injustice done to the people of the Birgin Islands.
  • His sec went? (09/10/2023, 20:11) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well, for starters, we need all the names on the delegation
  • 2023 (09/10/2023, 20:20) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    black people just cannot get along. we have so many races calling this place and they all seem to get along in harmony but black peoples we steal, we destroy, we loot, we rob and kill each other

    when last a white person, an indian, a Chinese, a Japanese or phillipino gun they own kind in our country

    Our own people just keep destroying our country so when more police comes to our country it is our own people that trigger the move

    We might so because a second class citizens in our own country
    • Native Tongue (10/10/2023, 11:24) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Go to their country and see how much of their own they kill daily. Stop chatting 4king nonsense.
  • Not my favorite. (09/10/2023, 20:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This lady always seem fake to me and an impressionist at most.. Why do Vino call this hostile and disrespectful.? Didn't it written that everyone one day will have to answer for their sins..
  • rude (09/10/2023, 20:37) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Zan been too rude. We just never decided to stop his bad behavior. now he is out of all control.
  • Silly people (09/10/2023, 20:49) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    It’s amazing that you people are highly offended at the media but don’t mind these people traveling all over the world with Taxpayers money and coming back empty handed every single time. People are weird.
    • @ silly people (10/10/2023, 08:09) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      What about the three opposition members who went to Africa go talk that!!!
  • Status (09/10/2023, 21:30) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Born here and status turning some people foolish think they could just disrespect people. Rights and privileges turned a blind eye and a deaf ear. LeRn to respect people and their position you all too rude even the donkey them don't behave so ignorant. Mr need to be tought a lesson for his blatant rudeness and loss of respect. While the other madam need to zip her mouth with personal gossip. Stick to the matter6at hand and leave people personal life alone you to petty.
  • Okay…, (09/10/2023, 21:34) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    First of all. Any proper press conference does have rules. Unfortunately most unruly persons don’t like rules.

    Secondly when you leave certain individuals unchecked for too long this is what happens.

    Thirdly all looters during Irma should have faced the consequences and not be protected.

    Fourthly - it is clear to us the viewing and listening public that this unruly behaviour is personal. This press behaviour would never be tolerated elsewhere. We the public need to demand better.
  • fromafar (09/10/2023, 22:12) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I said this for a while very disrespectful. no excuse for that destroying my country.
  • SHAME (09/10/2023, 22:57) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    I hope the management of ZBVI discipline Zan for his disrespectful behavior Before the Government deport him back to at Vincent. As for that drama queen Mika Barry aka Cindy rosan? She need to be silenced permana try.
  • Malicious (09/10/2023, 23:52) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Utterly out of order and wantonly disrespectful... this rude display of unprofessional behavior is suggestive of very personal animus towards a particular individual as opposed to the topic of concern for the country and its people. There should be swift and harsh repercussions for poor behavior such as both individuals being prohibited from attending ALL future government press conferences.
  • anexperience (10/10/2023, 03:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Aggressiveness on the work is commendable, but this woman takes it to an extreme. It's likely for this reason that the Tourist Board released her. When you are an dordle employee, you do not get to play the role of boss. She needs to be treated with dignity and intelligence.
  • WOWO (10/10/2023, 08:59) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    How do they measure the success of this mission? I heard the Jr Minister in her hearty tone same the accidentally met someone and because of that they had another meeting, my question would be if they did not meet the person by accident what was the plan?
  • Zan Rather (10/10/2023, 10:06) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    In Lavity and Ralph days they would of called up the head of immigration and have him on the first plane smoking out of here
  • My Goodness (10/10/2023, 10:10) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    I listened to the press conference and could not believe my ears. the disrespect of Zan Lewis to or premier. This behavior by Mr. Lewis is going on far too long and must be stopped immediately. Questions must be asked in a professional and respectful manner. I must say the Primer was quite professional in the way he handled the situation. I also admired the way Ms. Luce Hodge-Smith handled herself also Sern but professional. I am sure Zan cannot behave like that to his Premier in St. Vincent.
    I am again asking you to stop it now.
  • jack@$$ (10/10/2023, 11:04) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's disrespectful to address a member of the government while in official capacity so informally. They put their personal feelings and views in front of the job of journalistic reporting. Their lack of respect for their craft, the offices, and the public, shows that they are not worthy of our respect either. To get respect you must give respect that is a universal law and those who cannot comprehend that show their own insecurities and lack of self worth. They are not real media people and I doubt they've had media training. One day we will do better as people will get tired of the tabloid type entertainment value and want real professionals who can separate their personal opinions & emotions from the reporting and save that for the op-ed platforms. Perhaps we need to import new media people so standards can be had as this is an important role in society that they're playing games with.
  • HMMM (10/10/2023, 12:08) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's always them two - Zan and Cindy! I don't hear any other reporter being so disrespectful and out of order. Ban Cindy until she learns her lesson and ZBVI needs to send another reporter!
  • observa (10/10/2023, 14:05) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    2 unprofessional ppl , as for ci dy that woman is not professional in anything she does, such a waste of talent
  • Guest (10/10/2023, 14:10) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am sure if Mr. Merritt Herbert was alive he would have had a quiet word with Zan about his conduct at that press conference.
    I am also sure that Zan would have never monkey up himself like that in front of Comrade Ralph Gonsalves. That is the monster we created in the BVI when we cheered his uncouth behaviour over the years.
    Cindy, Cindy, Cindy. Thats all I am going to say for now.
  • Ban them (10/10/2023, 15:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cindy will never change, she should not be allowed to participate in such capacity. Time for her to stop having a voice in the lime light... Same old, same old BS from her. Ready to not hear her spew her ridiculous garbage any more...
  • Endtimes (10/10/2023, 15:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    @Ban them I was just thinking when you mentioned Cindy's name. What about Damion? Does anyone know?
  • Backward Brawl Day (10/10/2023, 23:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It was like a brawl without fist fight. If it was the Governor’s press conference this type of behavior wouldn’t happen. Monkey know what tree to climb. Why black people hate each other so much? I don’t hate Karia but she needs to give up the post. It’s not for her and she looked uncomfortable. Better elevate some younger folks in communication.
  • Manjack (12/10/2023, 11:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dr. Hon Premier Natalio Wheatley, R-7 and MoF, along with other elected members, non-elected officials and other government officials/reps, must be armed with the information, be prepared and ready to answer any and all questions at any time and at any place, even rude, unprofessional, and got you questions from a restless, seeking love, publicity seeking, etc., press. On the other hand, the press must behave in a professional manner at all time, even when politicians and others are evasive.

    The press provides a valuable service to the community. However, its institutional image, reputation,integrity valuable service, etc is tarnished, trust lost, integrity lost, confidence in diminished , etc when it behaves in an unprofessional manner, trying to score cheap political points. Its focus should be on the facts, not politics. If politics comes out in the facts so be it.
  • Paranoi1 (12/10/2023, 14:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Same People Setting Boundaries have devalued their Own Boundaries.. The Media Personalities Have become the Judge and the Jurers???

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