Premier Fahie intervenes to exempt BVIEC from new wharfage fee on fuel

An update from General Manager, Leroy A.E. Abraham, said the Corporation is pleased to announce that it has been working assiduously with the Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and BVI Ports Authority to progress an exemption from the British Virgin Islands Ports Authority (Amendment) Regulations, 2021.
“Wharfage as set out in paragraph (b) of Item E of the Third Schedule shall be charged on petroleum products discharged through ships pipeline direct to private facility of cargo owners” and “$0.10 per gallon on petroleum products discharged through ships pipeline direct to private facility of cargo owners,” the amendment noted said.
Mr Abrahams said the Premier in his exercising of powers has advised that BVIEC will be exempted effective immediately from this Regulation.
“As such, customers' June bills will reflect a reversal of this wharfage fee,” the Corporation noted.

17 Responses to “Premier Fahie intervenes to exempt BVIEC from new wharfage fee on fuel”
they damn well know that they increase the bills already