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Premier Fahie congratulates US President-Elect Joe R. Biden

- hails historic achievement of VP-Elect Kamala D. Harris; Said VI looks forward to ‘continued warm relations’ with US
Premier of the Virgin Islands, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1), centre, has joined world leaders in congratulating US President-Elect Joe R. Biden, left, and Vice President-Elect Kamala D. Harris, right. Photo: VI Gov’t/Internet Source
Joe R. Biden and Kamala D. Harris have won the 2020 presidential election, according to a projection by the Associated Press on Nov. 7 2020. Photo: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
Joe R. Biden and Kamala D. Harris have won the 2020 presidential election, according to a projection by the Associated Press on Nov. 7 2020. Photo: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
People hug as they celebrate the election victory for Joe R. Biden and Kamala D. Harris in Alphabet City neighborhood of Manhattan. Photo: Reuters
People hug as they celebrate the election victory for Joe R. Biden and Kamala D. Harris in Alphabet City neighborhood of Manhattan. Photo: Reuters
New York City erupts in celebration at Times Square. Photo: Photo: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
New York City erupts in celebration at Times Square. Photo: Photo: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
People celebrate on Black Lives Matter plaza across from the White House. Photo: ALEX EDELMAN via Getty Images
People celebrate on Black Lives Matter plaza across from the White House. Photo: ALEX EDELMAN via Getty Images
People celebrate outside the Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Photo: Associated Press
People celebrate outside the Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Photo: Associated Press
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier of the Virgin Islands, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has joined world leaders in congratulating US President-Elect Joe R. Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala D. Harris.

Democrat Biden and the former Vice-President of Barack H. Obama won the White House, US media said Saturday, November 7, 2020, defeating Donald J. Trump.

CNN, NBC News and CBS News called the race in Biden's favour just before 11:30 am as an insurmountable lead in Pennsylvania took the 77-year-old over the top in the state-by-state count that decides the presidency.

The election has seen the highest turnout since 1900. Mr Biden has won more than 73 million votes so far, the most ever for a US presidential candidate. Mr Trump has drawn almost 70 million, the second-highest tally in history.

‘Robust US leadership needed’

In a statement published on Facebook, Honourable Fahie said the Government and people of the Virgin Islands extend heartfelt congratulations to Mr Biden and Mrs Harris on their successful election to office.

“This election is historical and of tremendous significance to many people around the world as Mrs Harris becomes the first female US Vice President, the first black US Vice President, and the first US Vice President of Caribbean heritage and of South Asian heritage,” Hon Fahie said.

The Premier and Minister of Finance added that there are many global challenges where robust US leadership is needed such as COVID-19, climate change and economic recovery, and the Caribbean region is optimistic that these issues will be engaged by the new Administration.

‘Strong kinship’

He also said the people of the [British] Virgin Islands have a strong kinship with the people of the US Virgin Islands due to the shared history and many familial connections.

“The relationship and friendship between the governments and the people of the British and United States Virgin Islands has been formally celebrated since 1972 as BVI-USVI or USVI-BVI Friendship Day, as an opportunity for our respective Governments to appreciate and reflect on the close ties that bind the neighbouring Territories and their people.

“We also have a special closeness with the people of Puerto Rico. Additionally, the BVI people are proud to have our footprint present in the US through the work of William Thornton, who was born on May 20, 1759, in Jost van Dyke in the BVI, and who was the first architect of the Capitol Building as well as the first Superintendent of the US Patent Office,” Premier Fahie said, adding that St Thomas and Puerto Rico are the VI’s main transit hubs.

VI looks forward to ‘continued warm relations’ with US

The Leader of Government Business related that many of the territory’s students, for decades, have pursued higher education at US colleges and universities and that the United States is one of the VI's main trading partners in goods.

“The BVI, therefore, looks forward to continuation and growth of this strong, positive relationship with the new Administration. We look forward to continued warm relations between the BVI and US.

“Congratulations, once again to the President-elect and Vice President-elect, on this hard fought victory,” Hon Fahie stated.

35 Responses to “Premier Fahie congratulates US President-Elect Joe R. Biden ”

  • facts (07/11/2020, 22:03) Like (40) Dislike (9) Reply
    Fahie is a regional and international leader
    • Precious_Kitten (07/11/2020, 22:34) Like (0) Dislike (31) Reply

      This sounds very familiar to what Mia Mottley (Barbados’ PM) said. 

    • mark my words (07/11/2020, 23:52) Like (17) Dislike (37) Reply
      One Term Premier.
      • @ mark my words (08/11/2020, 02:26) Like (62) Dislike (14) Reply
        You mark the majority of the people of the BVI words...Fahie and his Government will be there for at least the next four terms
        • the rock (08/11/2020, 05:48) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
          we want to congratulate Hon Premier when he make gun laws more serious like if caught with a gun and have liscence, automatic 10-15yrs and dont care who it is!
        • Reply (08/11/2020, 07:21) Like (27) Dislike (6) Reply
          I must agree 100% WE NOT GOING BACK TO THE NDP
  • NDP heckler (07/11/2020, 22:16) Like (17) Dislike (7) Reply
    For the next few weeks, it will be comical watching Trump and the right wing running around on the stage of public and legal opinion.

    Biden and Harris won hands down! Give it up Donald call the man and concede
    • Islander, USA (07/11/2020, 23:19) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
      He would never make that call. He is in the White House crying and throwing a tantrum. Plans is already being made if he refuse to leave the White House, THE UNITED STATES MILITARY WILL ESCORT HIM OUT.
  • GG (07/11/2020, 22:18) Like (22) Dislike (4) Reply
    Look how we in ting now
    • @ wow (08/11/2020, 12:17) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      We in what probably one of the same people who don’t want anything to do with your heritage from other Caribbean islands and only claiming the BVI.

      VP-Elect Harris was born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan arrived in the U.S. from Tamil Nadu in India in 1958.

      Her father, Donald J. Harris, arrived in the U.S. from British Jamaica in 1961.
      • @@wow (09/11/2020, 15:25) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        Interesting! Even more interesting is why she mentioned her dead mother and NEVER said a PEEP about her father, living or deceased in her speech the other night. This speaks volumes about Donald J. Harris. Maybe, he is more like Donald J. Trump, just saying. Obviously she is NOT claiming the Jamaican heritage and I bet that there is a good reason why. SMH.
  • Wrong (07/11/2020, 22:47) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    VP-elect Kamala Harris is not Mrs. Harris!
    Her husband is Douglas Emhoff!
    Ms. Harris would have been a more appropriate title.

    So glad that Biden- Harris have won though.
    Hope 2020 is finally changing for the better.
  • Fake News (07/11/2020, 22:50) Like (11) Dislike (29) Reply
    How come he nah congratulate ralph gonsalves?
  • asking for a friend (07/11/2020, 22:53) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Get that meeting with Biden fast Trump mess up everything
  • SCB Gal (07/11/2020, 22:59) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
    Giving Thanks and shedding tears of Joy in the USA tonight!
  • Trump (08/11/2020, 00:10) Like (9) Dislike (16) Reply
    BVI trumps should be careful now! Hatred towards people don’t lead you to victory but humanity does! Learn lesions
    • Who's Kamala Father (08/11/2020, 05:30) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
      I've heard her Father is a Jamaican from news sites and other places but I never hear it from her lips so I was listening carefully to her speech she didn't mention nothing about her Father.. Wonder Why? She spoke very highly of her Indian mother... I will continue to listen to her to see if decides to talk about her father, until then she remains fatherless...
      • 2021 (08/11/2020, 06:18) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
        That’s what happens when fathers go MIA and mothers are left with the weight of raising the children. Children are observant and they don’t forget!
      • usa (08/11/2020, 09:38) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    • To Trump (10/11/2020, 01:10) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      We got rid of the BVI Trump early when we voted out the NDP. It is our best move in the BVI.
    • Afu (10/11/2020, 16:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Trump. Yes, I most certainly agree.
  • lisa (08/11/2020, 00:25) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
    As an American we have had enough of his incompetence and his tantrums. We the people have taken back America, and it will be restored to a democracy where the world will once again respect US.
    • Don’t hold your breath (08/11/2020, 04:53) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
      Sleepy Joe has been in politics for 47 years and has so far achieved nothing. And the US Senate remains in Republican hands. So don’t expect much.
      • @ dont hold your breath (08/11/2020, 07:23) Like (30) Dislike (8) Reply
  • Nice (08/11/2020, 01:02) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    Before Biden can move into the White House, they will have to fumigate and get all of the stench out left behind by the Trump brigade. Trump, his wife, his children and son-in-law. The slime trail they will leave behind will take a few months to get ride of and with all of the windows open to air out the smell of HATRED and DISGUST.
  • Rubber Duck (08/11/2020, 04:49) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    What an embarrassing joke of an electoral system. Comparing signatures, checking postmarks, hick counties doing the counting behind closed doors. Laughable. They use fingerprinting and computers for immigration control so why not for elections? Too accurate and hard to cheat?
  • wow (08/11/2020, 09:34) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    Miss Harris as mentioned her father so many times she even spoke about where in Jamaica she use to visit. Some people only want to cause trouble. She talked about her father and he was there to support her. She visited orange hill, brown’s town , St Ann Jamaica for all of the haters information. Come on you all like mix up too mich
  • Jah Jah Is The Ruler (08/11/2020, 11:35) Like (16) Dislike (7) Reply
    Don't Let Nobody Fool You

    So many people in the world who don’t think for themselves, and without common sense.
    Soon many will realize that they were lied too and brainwashed by the media, but it will be too late. The damage is already done. Accept the radical left change that will come.

    Where is the covid death count meter on doomsday CNN? Why did they remove it? It was also removed during the Floyd protest.
    Why are they celebrating mass crowds now and during the Floyd protest, and you can't go to church or sports?
    Why are trump supporters not rioting in the streets?
    Why are the same people who were burning the American flags, now waving them?

    You were all scammed. The Covid, Floyd, Race war was all part of a grand plan by the Dems to get rid of Donald Trump. All our lives have been destroyed in one way or another by the Covid. Remember this my people, be careful what you support.
  • Outsider (08/11/2020, 15:05) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Jah Jah Is The Ruler: I am going to put you on my prayer list with Donald Duck. Ignorance is BLISS!
  • Well (09/11/2020, 05:24) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Trump out the virus go with him
  • u (09/11/2020, 05:29) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Trump was a waist of nine months evil shall not prevail
  • Fashie (09/11/2020, 09:55) Like (1) Dislike (17) Reply
    Andrew like to be in things
  • DOOM (09/11/2020, 11:22) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    Biden spells Trouble also for the Financial Services already doomed.
  • Jerry Teeler (09/11/2020, 12:15) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not so fast y'all. We knew this voter fraud was coming months ago. Lawsuits are going out to 10 states today. Then the evidence to Trump's Supreme Court. And let's not forget Al Gore was President-elect for over 30 days as it shook out with Bush winning. It's not over til the fat lady sings. Welcome to the world of Democracy. This will be fun to watch. President Trump is a fighter unlike any other.

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