Passenger who travelled from VI to SVG tests positive for COVID-19

During a live COVID-19 update last evening, July 19, 2020, Honourable Malone said the individual was swabbed on arrival in St Vincent and was subsequently reported as positive for COVID-19.
He said the Government of the Virgin Islands was officially informed of the case on Saturday, July 18, 2020.
“To be clear, this individual was not tested in the BVI and was therefore not previously suspected or known to us as an active COVID-19 case,” Hon Malone said.
Active contact tracing
The Health Minister said a Public Health team has been deployed to actively investigate the matter by identifying the persons with whom this passenger is reported to have been in contact, in order to quarantine and test close contacts who remain in the Territory.
“Contact tracing and follow-up testing will provide additional information regarding the level of exposure to the virus so that steps can be taken to rapidly contain and suppress the potential for further spread in the interest of public safety.”
Hon Malone said the public is well aware and is therefore reminded that if the VI is to avoid COVID-19 community spread and thereafter the return to a lockdown protocol, everyone is strongly encouraged to strictly adhere to all Public Health measures that have been put in place for their protection.
The VI has only recorded 8 cases of COVID-19, with one death.
20,000 test kits to be purchased
The Health Minister related that testing remains an important element of the Territory’s strategy to limit the transmission of the virus and that the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) has tested 741 individuals, with 733 returning negative and 8 positive results to date.
He said the laboratory currently has capacity to conduct over 3,000 COVID-19 tests in-house and is actively seeking to purchase an additional 20,000 testing kits with the assistance of Public Health England.
Currently, testing is mainly being carried out on persons who meet the case definition for COVID-19, all Emergency Room admissions, all Hospital Inpatients, all persons undergoing surgery, persons requiring COVID-19 tests for travel, Health Care Workers based on exposure risk, Health Care Workers requesting COVID 19 testing; persons being detained who entered the Territory illegally; and all returning residents exiting mandatory quarantine.
1,400 businesses inspected
In terms of workplace preventive measures, Hon Malone said the members of the Compliance Teams and Social Distancing Task Force inspected close to 1,400 businesses with approximately 96% of these meeting the requirements for re-opening.
In addition to the businesses that met the re-opening criteria, 64 churches were approved based on their compliance with established procedures.
“Engagement was also had with entities that provide janitorial, car rental, taxi and trucking service.”
Hon Malone also said 16 of the 18 schools inspected have been approved subject to reopen once a decision is made by Cabinet on the re-opening of educational facilities.
Robust monitoring
It was noted that a more robust and continuous monitoring of the entities that were approved to reopen will be ongoing.
“Patrons of bars, restaurants and other social spaces must be made aware of the need to adhere to all protocols. To date 514 post-approval inspections were conducted to ensure sustained compliance with the requisite COVID-19 prevention measures related to physical distancing, hand washing and respiratory etiquette,” Hon Malone disclosed.

111 Responses to “Passenger who travelled from VI to SVG tests positive for COVID-19”
Really need help. Tortola is sooo perfect !! You didn't learn from Irma ..well , won't learn again
move your stupid a$$ the people have 2 report it still
And not covid 19 .
Make sure pay the stimulus grand before you lock this island down again !
We will be living with covid 19 .
So continue playing with this lock down
Remind the beautiful island is not a vechile/ house doors
This is my way against Covid -19, which I use, because I dont want the virus into my lungs, and I dont want to experience any difficulties to breath. I need the oxygen and my organs too need the oxygen, so I dont have to go to a hospital and breathe with a breathing machine.
No bad rep for the BVI. It isn’t as if we send the person out knowing they have the virus. The person did not present themself for testing and chose to leave. No blame here in the BVI.
The only concern for the BVI now is how that person caught the virus in the BVI and who all that person came in contact with. That’s the predicament that person has now left the BVI in.
This is no different from the American civil rights era or present day America. It is just that this is Blacks on Blacks now.
And if they did then obviously locking down is not the solution to this problem.
Some people just want a chance to say I told you so and justify however over the top they have been behaving past the sensible precautions. If its that bad where are the hospitalizations and where are the deaths?
Based on a 34,000 population, the VI has tested 741 people, which equates to approx 2% of the population and about 2 people per capita. In order to do more effective monitoring, testing needs to be ramped up significantly, eg, at least triple the current number. It is encouraging that 20,000 more tests are being procured. What was the tall pole in the tent in the slow and low procurement?