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No Hospital for Virgin Gorda just a larger Clinic - Premier Smith

- Specs complete, bids to be out very soon
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith has given the assurance that the much touted expansion of the Iris O’Neal Clinic in Virgin Gorda is moving ahead towards realization. Photo: VINO
Premier Smith told this to reporters yesterday afternoon May 29, 2014 at press conference called to bring reporters up to date with the current and recent development in the Territory. Photo: VINO
Premier Smith told this to reporters yesterday afternoon May 29, 2014 at press conference called to bring reporters up to date with the current and recent development in the Territory. Photo: VINO
An artist impression of the new Iris O'Neal Clinic for Virgin Gorda. Photo: VINO
An artist impression of the new Iris O'Neal Clinic for Virgin Gorda. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith has given the assurance that the much touted expansion of the Iris O’Neal Clinic in Virgin Gorda is moving ahead towards realization and that it would not be a hospital just a larger clinic.

Premier Smith told this to reporters yesterday afternoon May 29, 2014 at press conference called to bring reporters up to date with the current and recent development in the Territory.

The question about the expansion of the health facility in Virgin Gorda was put to the Premier after he spoke of the forward movements of the basketball facility on that Island.

“The specs of that proposed building has been completed and it will be soon out to tender so that persons who are interested in taking on that project would be able to do so,” said Premier Smith.

He could not say definitely when the project would get off the ground. “We expect to get something started this year of not this year certainly next year,” he told reporters.

Premier Smith blushed as the question as to whether it would be a hospital constructed or an extended clinic. “It will not be a hospital with sixty beds, it will be a larger clinic with facilities for out-patients to stay in the clinic,” he said.

“Some people say it’s a mini hospital, some say it’s difficult to really place but essentially it would be expanding the Iris O’Neal Clinic to be able to offer more services...”

It has been a long cry and call from residents of Virgin Gorda and other neighbouring islands for bigger more advanced health care facilities there. Many are of the opinion that there is need for a fully equipped hospital on the island as the shuttle systems to the Peebles Hospital in many cases compromise emergency cases, sometimes resulting in deaths.

On the other hand the Premier acknowledged that while the keys for the new Peebles Hospital facility were handed over to the Ministry of Health some months ago, it is not yet known when the building will be opened for public use.


23 Responses to “No Hospital for Virgin Gorda just a larger Clinic - Premier Smith”

  • ooooo (30/05/2014, 08:05) Like (13) Dislike (19) Reply
    another big bluff
  • ... (30/05/2014, 08:16) Like (11) Dislike (14) Reply
    so they fool the people saying they getting hopsital now is a bigger clinic...set of untruths
  • HMMMMMMMM!!!! (30/05/2014, 08:47) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
  • cay (30/05/2014, 09:46) Like (20) Dislike (13) Reply
    NDP busted thanks vino
  • qc (30/05/2014, 10:19) Like (18) Dislike (9) Reply
    so the next time I hear them talk about a new hosiptialfor VG I will BOOO THEM in public
  • ABC (30/05/2014, 10:39) Like (27) Dislike (7) Reply
    Just a thought; St. John in the USVI has a bigger population than V. Gorda and what do they have? a well designed, well equipped and working boat which transfers patients to St. Thomas. The BVI has a new million dollar a bed hospital which cannot be finished for lack of funds but we are going to build a $3 million dollar hospital in V. Gorda because election is around the bend. Dr. Smith is simply playing with words.
  • Notonmywatch (30/05/2014, 13:05) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the place and people were not so darn corrupt you would be surprised what could be done.
  • JACK BE STILL (30/05/2014, 14:45) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
    So Virgin Gorda you got played again by the ndp
  • wize up (30/05/2014, 17:57) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    VG you will get loads of attention now ralph is gone, just to make the NDP canidate in the 9th look good come 2015...Hon Ralph made sure VG people were well educated....
  • Reality grip (30/05/2014, 18:12) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Be for real consider a bigger clinic may just operate better with people to work in it and not a bigger hospital with no one to work in it. Just a thought now be thankful in all things.
  • @ Reality Grip (30/05/2014, 18:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dem too stupid to realize they are getting the better deal than people on Tortola
  • TARDOW (30/05/2014, 19:27) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Mr. Premier sir, during your campaign you promised the people of Virgin Gorda a hospital. Please deliver, that is what the people want, not a larger clinic that they have already out grown and it is not yet built. Give the people what they desire and what you have promised. A larger clinic is not going to serve the Vigin Gorda people's problem. Use taxpayer's monies wisely and give taxpayers value for their monies.
  • Whoknowknow (30/05/2014, 20:59) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    But of course a bigger clinic only make sense. What do you want two big empty hospitals no equipment no personnel no doctors? If we had these things already all we would need is a tent. Good medical care is not about a building as we now well know.
  • bay yute (31/05/2014, 00:42) Like (13) Dislike (10) Reply
    Ndp is the worst government in the history of the bvi
  • under the bus (31/05/2014, 11:33) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    they lie in the HOA, they lie on radio, they lie to the people of VG and they lie on a one and one.. ME NEVER GOING BACK TO THE POLLS
    • @ under the bus (01/06/2014, 03:57) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      And do not forget the big fat lie about employment up when everybody loosing dem work!!!
  • time (31/05/2014, 21:01) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    How long will it take them to complete it seems to be a relevant question. Peebles took 14+ years....
  • Liat 521 (01/06/2014, 02:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    So give the man credit for telling the truth
  • JVD (01/06/2014, 03:07) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
  • Pole Needed (04/06/2014, 16:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you VIP fans are so sure your party can will elections this year why don't you do a pole on line?

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