No home for Willy T! Gov't denies anchorage @ Norman Island

The floating restaurant that usually operates on the south-west of The Bight at Norman Island was completely destroyed by the powerful winds of Hurricane Irma in September 2017 but was replaced by a new vessel.
The world-renowned Willy T is known for its parties and a place to get away to enjoy some good food and rum, while enjoying the ambience of the water or moonlight.
In addition, Willy T, floating restaurant and bar boat, has attracted local residents and visitors from all over the world, along with day sailors from the neighbouring [US] Virgin Islands.
“They are kicking us out the bay”
In an exclusive interview with our newsroom, Mr Ewan Anderson, owner of Willy T, told our news site today, May 11, 2018 that he was called to a meeting yesterday with Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL), and Honourable Archibald C. Christian (AL), Junior Minister for Tourism, where he was told that he has to find a new location for the Willy T because they have a “large development on Norman Island that does not want the Willy T in the bay”.
He explained, “Basically they are kicking us out the bay. Categorically, they said to me they have a large development they want to sign off on, and Norman Island that does not want the Willy T in the bay.”
Mr Anderson, who has expressed disappointment and frustration with the decision, stated that he spent approximately half a million dollars for the new boat, while disclosing that the decision was based on money.
“I spent a half a million dollars and they are kicking us out of a location that we have been for 35 years and it’s all to do with money. They literally told me about it yesterday and they basically said that we want you to move to another location, just like that,” expressed Mr Anderson angrily.
“I feel disgusted and sick to my stomach”
Meanwhile, the owner of Willy T strongly expressed that he feels “disgusted and sick to his stomach” about the decision taken to have the Willy T removed from its usual location, adding that is has been one of the major tourist attractions for the Virgin Islands (VI).
“...and they just decided that they don’t want us back in the normal location. I don’t get it. Every charter company and everybody promote the BVI and the Willy T is a part of that promotion.”
He further explained that the seabed does not belong to anybody, while pointing out that the Willy T has a seabed lease at its usual location.
Mr Anderson indicated that the Willy T is a brand new boat that is a little bit bigger with all its usual facilities on board and it is all ready to go, but sadly noted that at the moment it has nowhere to go.

173 Responses to “No home for Willy T! Gov't denies anchorage @ Norman Island”
A sensitive subject evidently.
Good luck. With attitude such as this Willy will need it.
Different from Kleptocracy (government by thieves), different from Idiocracy or Kakistocracy (government by the worst possible people).
One Job ... we talk about supporting local businesses and bringing the country back to how it used to be, but yet we’re taking out a major part of what it means to vacation in the BVI ?. This is absolutely ridiculous !!! 35 years it’s been there why should it move now ??
Boycott Pirates Bite!
Now I have been shown the second part. The Taxi Drivers Association has been given absolute right to make all decisions on all matters relating to tourism except on Norman and Guana Islands. They will also be in charge of the New Airport. A government spokesman said “ BVI taxis represent the standards we think all other tourist business should aspire to” before announcing a further $5 million dollar grant to Taxi Drivers that is says comes from an anymous donor on Norman Island.
I wonder if the owners of Pirates Bight restaurant is behind this .... Willie T is the greatest threat in the bay to their business ...
Also, this so called resort has not even begun construction , which will take 3 -5 years. PUT IT BACK !
Pirates Bight is owned by the same company that is developing Norman Island.
That is the same company that owns Guana Island.
That is the same company who has been in the gov’t Pocket for how many years?
It is crystal clear that they are running their competition off their turf and out of their hood.
Charterers come to the Bight for the famous Willy T.
Once the Willy T goes to a different anchorage the clientele will follow.
Pirates Bight business will suffer, because less boats will come to The Bight.
They will be in the Willy T anchorage.
Willy T wins, no matter where they go!
Pirates Bight, Jereki, and BVI Government will just look like a bunch of Elitists in the eyes of the tourists who’s money pays for all the worker bees to feed and house their families.
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!!
Sorry to hear however, willy T is indeed an iconic part of the tourism product!
Shame on you NDP. I hope you are voted out and never see the light of day again politically!
In future all food will be eaten and all drinks to be taken at places owned by New York Russian billionaires only and at the new impressive Backhander Restaurant at the 900 bedroom Holiday Inn express on Norman Island owned by the same.
A special tourist encouragement tax of $100 per day to be charged on all tourists. ( Norman Island excempt )
All the Puerto Rican tha travel to BVI ARE disgust with a decision like this and most definitely will change the route that we will use next time we travel to the Bvi I hope this is a mistake and it will change
Go willy T we will follow
We ain’t welcome here. Well guess what - you ain’t welcome here neither - get out already - we ain’t want you at alll.
Head out towards cooper then VG hopefully Willy Ts will be there. No need to go to Norman. See you in three weeks.
USVI is cheaper. No fees to visit, no Eco tax, park fees, or bullshit exit taxes. You will not be hassled by lame ass customs and immigration officials who know nothing of respect nor customer service. Alcohol is cheaper in the USVI, food choices more plentiful, and you will get served in less than time from friendlier staff. Not so in BVI.
As tourism is a "pillar" of economy, see how fast the BVI crumbles without it...
Ok NDP. Keep on doing and doing and doing until you #$%^ yourselves.
Sail fast to the North side!
There are some people who think they can dictate everything for the Govt. Find a next location. People will follow you..
But don't come on here writing and showing your disrespect for our Govt. It reminds us of something else. Get it straight. The Govt did not say you can't operate. Simple....Find another location. PSHAW man!!
She made a face but complied and the crowd, which was still easily silent, exhaled a collective breath and broke into laughter when I put down some dollars. “Look! he’s tipping you, Anna!” Someone laughed. And so we met a young in her cups Anna Nicole Smith, an American beauty gone before her time. One more Willie T tale that Pirates will never have. Sad. We will never go to Norman if the Willie T does not return.