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'My child is not a Guinea pig'- Parent of ESHS student

- referring to creative learning programme for morning shift students
A section of the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) that was damaged by Hurricane Irma on September 6, 2017. Photo: VINO
The new Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) being housed at the Old Clarence Thomas building following the destruction of the original location. Photo: VINO/File
The new Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) being housed at the Old Clarence Thomas building following the destruction of the original location. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (AL), the Minister for Education and Culture, has called on all parents to support the new creative learning programme for students enrolled in the morning session of the recent public school shift system.

The new shift system was implemented following the passage of Hurricane Irma that destroyed a number of schools, including Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS).

Some parents have welcomed the system even though concerned about the different changes brought to accomodate the students due to the lack of adequate facilities and resources.

Mr Oshane W. Kelly expressed that he knows the education department is trying to help but he does not like the idea of his child being "a guinea pig", referring to the shift system for high school students.

"This is all new to me and my daughter and she is trying to adjust to this new system," while adding that he hopes that it does not put her at a disadvantage in the end.

After school programme

Hon Walywn, who has already been criticised for rushing the 12th Grade system and not doing enough consultations with the relevant stakeholders, said,"recognising the importance of having our high school students properly occupied once their school day shift has ended, I asked the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports to put together a creative learning programme that will keep students occupied until 3:00 PM. In other words, students at ESHS who are on the 8-12 shift will be expected to go to the after school programmes until 3:00 PM each day immediately following their lunch break period.”

Entrepreneur, Art, academics, sports, speech, drama and community service will be some of the programmes offered during the after-school programme, according to the minister.

He further stated that the Creative Learning Programme will be housed at a different location, while adding that registration will begin next week.

"The Director of Youth Affairs and Sports, Mrs Brenda Lettsome-Tye and her team will be visiting grades 7-9 students of ESHS to register them for the programme during the week of November 6, 2017," explained the education minister.

He continued, “I would like to, however, say to parents now that we expect your full cooperation and assistance in ensuring that your child attends the after school programmes," adding that all students need to be accounted for.

In an interview with Julia C. Mendez, a parent of an eighth grader at ESHS, she told our news reporter that she thinks the new programme is a "good idea".

"I think it's a good idea because I don't finish work until 3:30 PM and that will give me a chance to actually pick up my child as well as give him something to do instead of wasting time," Ms Mendez explained.

14 Responses to “'My child is not a Guinea pig'- Parent of ESHS student”

  • pop (31/10/2017, 11:18) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Myron trying but he just needs to slow down and listen
  • thank god (31/10/2017, 11:23) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    We are glad to be alive to voice our opinions but still we are ungrateful.The ministry is trying its best to creatively have our children occupied until further enhancement can be done .It no come in a day.Think of our neighbour PR as it sea as people are dying like flies.One if my friends gonna bury his mom who died in PR due to the fact she could get access toher medication.Parents see if you can help your children and others especially if you have some skills.
    • Really!!! (31/10/2017, 14:33) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      There was no contingency plan for this so yes it a little to late
  • be patience for now (31/10/2017, 11:37) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
    nothing is wrong with the shift system especially if you lose a lot of time equipment accomadation etc.As I can recall it was done at one of the high schools in SKB after Hurricane George and after the Jamaican Defense Force came and assist in putting on the roof then everything went back to normal.The workers knew what to expect and all thou a bit burn out at times with the 1st and 2 and formers and some 3rd formers coming in the morning then 4th and 5th in the afternoon.Please adjust until things are better.Rome was not built in 1 day and BVI won't be rebuilt in 1 day either.We are frustrated stress worried etc but God will provide .
  • Strupsssss (31/10/2017, 11:37) Like (51) Dislike (6) Reply
    Ungrateful people! Then take your child else where. If you can't afford to do that, shut up and be appreciative of what is being offered or keep your child at home. #simple
  • Jerry (31/10/2017, 11:49) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
    I visit after the hurricanes and I learn a lot from some people . One of thing I gather before the hurricanes the government had the people divided and after the hurricanes everyone was on the same level people of the BVI do not worry GOD is in control and that is a warning for who think they are better than anyone . The PREMIER said the BVI is open to visitors is he for real or he is living in a fantasy world it is a long way off for visitors the roads are all impossible to drive on the smell of sewer will make you sick plus the mosquitoes are wild. For a leader I am disappointed of what he is saying sorry to say BVI this man have amnesia . But I will continue to help send supplies but it left to you all to ask this man to step aside and give it to some one else and remember the world is watching and reading. May the good LORD take care of his people
  • Risk Business (31/10/2017, 13:19) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
    Even in a recovery period you have to be careful not to expose the government to additional liabilities. Has the people who are going to be dealing with the children in the after school had background checks? What gives parents assurance that they can trust these folks with their child? If you can find places to house them for an after school can find places to teach them for a full day. I think the school doesn't have the teaching resources and are not creative enough to get on the internet and find teaching aides. So the shift system is for their conveniences.
  • sense (31/10/2017, 13:55) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    After a school session in the morning children would be safer in their parents houses. What is happening now is a vulnerable situation. Why make it worse.? If the minister would sit with educators and try to understand through dialogue, he will get much more done in education. Do not try to be a dictator. Nothing is wrong in getting ideas from the people who understand the system. We did not elect you because you know everything. No one knows everything. Team work is important. Our students on leaving BVI were able to join students from any country and shine. We would like that to continue. Take your time Mr. Minister and seek help from the community.
  • Seriously? (31/10/2017, 17:37) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    Are people retarded? You don't want your child to be a guinea pig? Remind me when a Category 5-7 hurricane tore through the BVI before for there to be any previous experience to go from? THIS IS THE FIRST TIME! If you don't want your child to be a guinea pig keep her home! Myron ain't say you HAD to send her. The man trying his best. People acting like only them went through the hurricane. The teachers went through it too.. they gotta figure out where they gonna live, how they gonna fix their house, where their kids gonna go just like everyone else. So yes, resources are limited as everyone is trying to get some stability back into their lives. If your child can't learn in the shift system then keep her home and home school her or find another way. You're acting like this has happened before. And with the kind of destruction done, no plan or planning would've/could've changed the system because if there was a plan to keep schools in another building if a storm mashed up the main campus, then that plan would've been foiled too as every building and every place got hit badly!
  • Just Sayin (01/11/2017, 04:00) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please count to ten,take a deep breath,dont forget to exhale and all will be better soon.

    At least we dont have snow to deal with, ty.
  • student (01/11/2017, 12:52) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    If you dont like what is going on in the public school system, you have options switch to the private school system, transfer to a different school overseas or stay in the public system and shut your mouth. Because nothing is wrong with the shift system and we are learning just as much as we were before
  • Irma (02/11/2017, 12:55) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This two storms have not taught many of us anything. To the person who doesn't want their child to be a guinea pig. Do you have a better solution to educating your child right now? The minister of education is doing his best to try and get these children in a safe environment where they can continue their education. So instead of bashing the system try to come up with solutions that can help along the way. No matter what people try to do it's never good enough.

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