More businesses approved to open in partial lockdown

Previously, only certain categories of essential businesses like supermarkets/minimarts, approved delivery services, healthcare providers, pharmacies/drug stores, bakeries, banks, fuel and LPG Station etc were allowed to operate.
Now according to Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in statements released last evening August 28, 2020, the National Security Council has now instructed the Attorney General to draft a new Curfew Order No. 29 to include a list of more business categories.
Additional businesses
Effective today, August 29, 2020, hardware and building supplies stores, suppliers of hurricane shutters, restaurants for takeout and deliveries, Computer equipment and office suppliers, Bakery supplies and Laundries for drop off and delivery/pick up services can now operate in addition to existing approve businesses.
Construction teams, churches and faith-based activities will also be allowed, however, gatherings will have a strict size limit of 10 people.
"We continue as a people to stem the tide as we navigate in ‘The New Regular’ of living and working with COVID-19. We remain under a daily curfew from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. for the time being," Hon Fahie said.
The Premier also strongly encouraged persons to limit their movements during the day in order to give Health Authorities an opportunity to engage in aggressive contact tracing.

29 Responses to “More businesses approved to open in partial lockdown”
Just like we have to tests to graduate from school this earthly life is a test to be accepted into Heaven.
It’s not an automatic pass.
What’s the difference between this and children going to school on a shift system?
There is NO REAL PLAN. Decisions appear to be made on a whim or based on pressure from colleagues.
The Update claims that for the most part people are practicing social distancing and safety when that is not the case.
Drive through any village and you would see.
Police need to be patrolling.
Sadly, the public continues to laugh at the threat of fines.
1 or 2 to check all open business daily to makes sure mask are on properly, hands are sanitize before entering.
protecting the border is a must but that can't be all.
Can’t wait for them to leave soon.
Couldn’t even find Junior Peters their black servant rotting under their noses. Why he had to work 2 jobs? gus and mick don’t even work one job yet we pay them equivalent of 50 black people.....
Wake up VI!
When the bodies commence to load up the hospital, how will these crucial equipment be
distributed?Chances are that the updeislunfolks and dingo folks will be the first to lead entry into the hospital wards and beds
Locals on their own,without ventilators. Local VIslanders are the real victims and in their own country. Their resentments are justified. They have been duped by those pandering for election and reelection. Bars,brothels, strip clubs are not a part of the VI culture. Their economy thrived and they were sustained without these evils.However, their lives and livelihoods are threatened as a result of the overlooked and illicit activities attributed to these establishments.
Why not educate the blogger and the victimized public about ventilators and their crucial role in this pandemic.
Here is hoping you suffocate s l o w l y .you useless piece of protoplasm.
Keep the bars closed. It's not benefiting our children just causing the virus to spread.
Keep the lockdown on as well. Force the men to go home early.
This government needs to repent for having their knee in the neck of the church. God is not pleased. When christians are in church we do not be all up in each other's faces and hugging and kissing up like the people who go to those bars and nightclubs. It is also a shame that the members are not allowed to share the bible or a hymnal!! yet on the job you can pass documents around!! This whole thing is sick!! It is a plot from the pit of hell to treat God's people the way you all are doing.
If those bars and night clubs were remained closed we would not be in this predicament. We were doing so well.
Shame!! Shame!! God is watching and He will stand up for his church!
so learn to praise the LORD anywhere. every where. and everytime