Meteor? Mysterious fireball seen falling from sky

A resident, Angela Prescott messaged Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) inquiring about what the mysterious object could be, "Anyone else see what looked like a meteor from St. John’s this afternoon?' she asked.
A post about the object in the BVI community board group has since amassed several comments, sparking debates and shares from the VI's now puzzled residents.
Object was seen across VI
Residents from Great Mountain, Brewers Bay, Manuel Reef, Virgin Gorda and Norman Island also reported sightings of the mysterious ball of fire descending from the sky.
Another resident, Ixy Wong, detailed what she saw when the unidentified object appeared, "Around 5:30 pm we saw something dropping from the sky heading straight south and super-fast lightning speed (driving towards ESHS). It had the same energy of a shooting star but much much bigger, shiny and flashing but not as graceful as a star," she said.
It should be noted that this is not the first time an object of this nature has been seen in the VI sky, on December 18, 2019, Several residents of the left astonished and spooked by a mysterious light moving across the night sky in the early hours of the morning.
In the almost two minute video, a white light was seen moving in the sky some distance away before finally vanishing as it dissipated into darkness. Similar sightings were spotted in the US Virgin Islands (USVI), Trinidad and Tobago and as far a Guyana.
Many in the VI Community had speculated that the object might have been an Alien UFO; however, some indicated that the lights could have originated from the space rocket, Soyuz Flight VS23 launched into orbit that morning from Spaceport, French Guiana (Guiana Space Center) at 05:54:20 A.M.
Unanswered Questions
Today's sighting, believed to be a meteor, has left many with unanswered questions. In neighbouring Puerto Rico, it is being reported that while many are amazed at the sighting, there is now an air of unsettlement as the object comes just a week after the country was hit by massive earthquakes and tremours.
Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) will bring more information as it becomes available.

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