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LGBT ‘pride parade’ scheduled for Saturday June 9, 2018 on St. Croix

-some plan to protest the event
LGBT ‘pride parade’ scheduled for Saturday June 9, 2018 on St. Croix, USVI. Photo: VI CONSORTIUM

FREDERIKSTED, St Croix, USVI— A furor raged on Virgin Islands social media circles on Tuesday, June 6, 2018, more specifically St. Croix, after it became widely known that a parade to celebrate Virgin Islanders in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community will be held on Saturday June 9, 2018, from the Frederiksted Pier to Dorsch Beach, where the first St. Croix “Rainbow Games” will also be held, according to the event’s organizers.

Being the first of its kind, talk raged throughout the community about what the event meant. On radio talk shows, callers blamed the LGBT community for spreading diseases; that “outsiders” were coming into the territory and bringing along their influences, and that with St. Croix being a “Christian” community, the parade should be called off.

But even as those opposed to the LGBT lifestyle and hence the parade, freely expressed their opinions, supporters of the LGBT community came out swinging as well, with multiple posts on social media criticizing the uproar over the parade as hysteria.

A long post on Facebook in defense of the planned event by Khnuma Simmonds Esannason, executive director at the VI Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Council, received over 100 shares and over 200 favorable reactions. Mrs. Esannason’s 10-paragraph post went into detail and sought to dismantle notions that painted the L.G.B.T. community as the cause of the territory’s ills.

In her rebuttal missive, she wrote, “Accusation: ‘We (referring to St. Croix) are a Christian community’

“Correction: St. Croix is a ‘Christian Looking’ community not a ‘Christian Practicing Community’. If we were, the Christian Community would ‘raise hell’ about issues like domestic violence in the church, sexual assault and rape of wives (including pastor’s wives), child abuse – issues that plague our community damn near every minute. Until such time, St. Croix’s ‘Christian community’ is a facade and a hypocritical one at that. (And by the way, I go to church but I am not blinded or brainwashed; I see the world for what it is and because of that, I don’t adhere to any religious label. I am a child of God and I am content with that.)”


21 Responses to “LGBT ‘pride parade’ scheduled for Saturday June 9, 2018 on St. Croix”

  • 123 (06/06/2018, 17:33) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    some of them in the BVI will be there
  • Dubai (06/06/2018, 18:19) Like (31) Dislike (12) Reply
    Let the USVI keep that filth over there. It will soon be a cesspool of disease and shame where only LGBT will visit. The US Virgin Islands will then be called the Whorish Devils Islands. Get ready for the backlash from GOD HIMSELF! Stop allowing everything and everyone bring the wrath down on us like SODOM and GAMORA.
    • yrral (09/06/2018, 11:40) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      I guess you believe Irma and Maria,was punishment for people of the island for living a wicked lifestyle and he will rebuild it by himself,without any federal aid
  • Jessica Jones (06/06/2018, 20:00) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
    St Croix has a gay hotel for years not a word said . Call a parade, now they mad. SMH.
    • NezRez (08/06/2018, 07:05) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
      @ Jessica Jones....At a gay hotel they are doing what they want in the privacy of their own rooms like we all do. To parade in the street forcing most of us who don’t agree with their lifestyle, to watch this crap and our children seeing this mess is totally wrong. And why because you are gay you feel you must be treated special with your rawnchy behavior men kissing men openly and women with women openly. Stop trying to shove it down our throats! Our children need to be taught normalcy so the human race can reproduce the way GOD planned it. Gay people are not any better than straight people, but act as though they are.
      • PinTheTailOnTheJackass (08/06/2018, 11:14) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
        We as a territory in serious trouble.. we have yet to OVERSTAND the balance to things.. the balance to life. There is heterosexuality and homosexuality.. there always has been and always will be. We POSE as a Christian society and have yet to OVERSTAND the mythology behind it... Parading is not shoving anything down anyone’s throat.. just like they have a right to be who they are openly, of course naysayers that same right BUT to claim rightousnessand holiness over the other is that same crab in a barrel
        Mentality the players of this game want us to have. they have a right to do as they please just like we blindly parade to celebrate emancipation all while still living under a NEO-COLONIAL system. Point is.. the world is made up of variations of people culture language etc.. that is what makes us who we are as spiritual beings having a human experience.. our vessels come in different shapes and sizes, our preferences differ for ‘GOD’S’ sake we have to RE-REMEMBER WHO WE ARE -we have to CO-EXIST.. that’s the only way we can move forward as a people.. but hey, with all the domestication we get from SOCIETY.. will we ever be able to reset our minds?
        • yrral (09/06/2018, 12:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Have any of these people been to America,and know the US Constitution,rights spell out in it
      • yrral (09/06/2018, 10:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        These people got Constitutional right to live their lives the way ,they want too,it mean people do not have to agree with,some people believe White and Black people ,should not have relationship,if people concentrated on their own relationship,they would have time worrying,about other people relationship
  • eyewitness (06/06/2018, 20:24) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    in the us they get their way most of the time anyway, what to protest? in some places you can't refuse to hire
    them no matter how they feel about straight people; you can't insult them or you're sued. you can't refuse to
    bake a cake for them. but they can refuse to rent to or hire straights, and they can be totally prejudice and
    hateful against those who have nothing against them at all. if they need lawyers, its on tap. including the aclu.
    sure its terrible to be descriminated against and hated; but they do that too, and manipulate the lawyers and
    government to do whatever they want. most don't know that.
    • yrral (09/06/2018, 21:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The above post is a hoax,gay people get no special rights,than hetrosexual people,yes our US government have past civil rights laws,protecting gays and other people,that fall within this community,violators can be tried for civil rights conspiracy and sentence to maximum time allowed by law in federal jail,i guess he has problems with laws protecting blacks and other minorities
  • He that is without (06/06/2018, 21:41) Like (21) Dislike (18) Reply
    Sin casteth the first stone.Remember when you point your finger at someone 3 pointing back at you.Who are we to judge our brothers and sisters? The bible speaks about Sodom and Gomorrah it also spoke of murderers whoremongers etc. For all have sin and come short of the glory of God.Among us are various types of people with various issues some good/evil,beautiful/ugly,kind /unkind.For while we are yet sinners Christ die for us. Many of us who are now saints were once sinners and some continue to endulge themselves into sinful acts seen and unseen.Let everyone have their fun as we sin God punishes and He also redeems and reclaims. What we may come to forget is most of the things that happened is happening and will happen already took placed in the Bible just repeat performances of our foreparents ascending to the descendants.Remember too we are all one from tribes of Israel and we have the same DNA.We waste so much time on some silly issues and keep silent holding back to talk out about more important and impactful ones.Live and let your brother live.Let me say some of these people have better hearts than we who call ourselves Christians.Many of us gonna have heart attacks when Christ comes to reclaim his world when we are in the burning Hell and they walking the streets of purest gold. Just Show them love they are people too.
    • Yawah (07/06/2018, 08:23) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    • Hmmmmm (07/06/2018, 13:13) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Saints??? Where did you get that from?

      SIMPLE: We ARE all sinners... and the wages that ALL of us as sinners receive are death!

      So how you now saying: "any of us who are now saints were once sinners..."

  • damage (07/06/2018, 09:47) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Every person should be allowed to live their lives how they want to (In the privacy of their own space), however for these people to decided that the rest of us should approved of their life choices is wrong. I will not quote a bible verse ILL do better (A Man with A Man or a Woman with a Woman equal death to the human race because they can't reproduce, that in itself says it is unnatural and it is wrong).
  • Jon B (07/06/2018, 15:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wonder if I’ll see some of ayo Tolian undercover(s) parlaying.....
  • Lluhh meerak (07/06/2018, 22:27) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I will be there !!
  • ausar (08/06/2018, 14:21) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The BVI also has an LGBT presence so what's with all the noise?

    So many challenges against homosexuality but none against all of the other sexual sins listed in the bible; sex before marriage, children born out of wedlock, fornication, divorcees remarriages, and etc., etc..

    I dont expect any of you and your so-called religious gangs to march against any of the aforementioned, albeit biblically scripted because many of you have engaged and continue to engage in the activities listed above.

    All sins listed in the Bible are of equal measure and is seen in the eyes of the creator as such. So when scripture is used as the guage for sexual lifestyle behaviours, let us always remember that gaydomness in all its forms, is not the sole infraction.

    ALL sexual sins are of equal measure and we should ALL rise to the occasion to march against ALL such activities!

    Who is WITHOUT sin, let him cast the first stone!
    • Quite! (09/06/2018, 14:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Most of those who get all upset are taking women out of wedlock or underage children in the back door, preening and bejewelling themselves, pants hanging down showing their buttocks... SO hypocritical!

  • yrral (09/06/2018, 10:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why do
    some dwell on this mythical hell,when they live in their own hell,you will catch more hell in this lifetime than the made up one,you wish for others

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