Leslie F. Malone ‘rolling in grave’ over 2023 EE/LL emancipation festival– Hon Penn

“We've gone through another emancipation celebration, and I'll be modest and say that I'm disappointed in terms of what we've been able to put down in our community,” Hon Penn said at an EE/LL cultural experience on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at the Greenland Field.
“I've been speaking to the Minister of Culture, the Premier [Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley], and said that we have to get our subcommittee restored within our community,” he added.
Hon Penn detailed that having a strong community involvement will ensure that the people of the community get the level of cultural display that is truly depicting of a free people and a people that fought and bought their own way to freedom.
“And I think we have our responsibility as leaders to ensure that those things are in place,” he said.
Hon Penn described the events as a travesty while adding that the representative who channeled that holiday through the House of Assembly was actually the great uncle of the Premier and himself, the late Leslie F. Malone.
'We have to fix this' - Hon Penn
“So Uncle Leslie is rolling his grave Premier. We have to fix this. We have to get these committees back up and functioning and ensure that the standard that we deserve and come grow accustomed to is restored.”
Hon Penn added that he is reaching out to persons within the community along with the Premier about getting the committees back up and running in a move that will put aside partisan politics to do what is in the best interest of the East End/Long Look community.
Recently, the Chairman of the VI Festival and Fairs committee, Mr Dirl L. Walters was criticized for not allowing community involvement in an East End Community ‘party truck’, initiative however, according to Mr Walters, he was never involved in the project, rather, it was the District Representative Hon Penn who was one of the organizers.

37 Responses to “Leslie F. Malone ‘rolling in grave’ over 2023 EE/LL emancipation festival– Hon Penn”
However I’m proud of myself
I don’t carry my self half naked
I carry myself proper
And my body my temple
But yes things have changed
I miss the long time days
Ppl was loving
And private
Now everything one does is viral
Why that waste of time don't shut his a$$ up
Proposing policy is one thing but the best policy in the world is worthless without proper/effective execution and execution requires effective management. The BVI has a wrong-headed habit of putting non-managers in management position. Dr Pickering didn’t leave a legacy of positive outcomes in D-8. P also talk a good game but track record in Water and Sewage is not ringing with success. She may try to rationalize lack of success with/ that she did not have the resources she needed. But here is a news flash. Most managers rarely, if ever have all the resources needed but used their management and leadership skills to get the best outcomes with the available resources. Success is getting the best outcomes with available resources. Something needs to change for the D-8 and soon. It is about effective planning, organizing, directing….etc. Here is a thought degrees are theoretical learning, not experience; experience comes later and cannot be bought at a store, for it takes time.
For example, it should have banking, medical services, pharmacy, grocery stories, etc. It should aim for relative self-sufficiency, ie, group economics, etc. Cannot look to and depend on government for everything.
You have got to be kidding ! My 3rd grade child could do better!! How pathetic of Mr Penn!
Talk about taking a ride on the rhetoric gravy train !! The smartest in the dumb class!
When is the people of the eight district going to wake up...?? It's too dam expensive...for what it offers so we need to just kill the east end august events
Get rid of Marlon, Natalio...and the rest