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‘It’s an injustice’- Hon Rymer on Gov’t owing vendors for many years

- said debt repayments affecting some infrastructural projects
Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5) has said Government has been seeking to pay vendors owed as far back as a decade. Photo: VINO/File
The Government of the Virgin Islands led by Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) is moving swiftly to honour debts to vendors dating back over a decade; however, this is having an adverse effect on some infrastructural works. Photo: VINO/File
The Government of the Virgin Islands led by Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) is moving swiftly to honour debts to vendors dating back over a decade; however, this is having an adverse effect on some infrastructural works. Photo: VINO/File
DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI- It has been revealed in the House of Assembly (HoA) once again that the ousted National Democratic Party (NDP) Government found it convenient to owe local vendors for years while blindly investing millions in questionable projects, such as the BVI Airways Project.

The Government of the Virgin Islands, led by Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1); however, is moving swiftly to honour debts to vendors dating back to a decade; however, sacrifices have had to be made.

Speaking at the Fourteenth Sitting of the Second Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) of the Virgin Islands, today, September 22, 2020, Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5) recalled that during a previous sitting he had informed the House about the many outstanding invoices he was met with since taking office in early 2019.

$645,173.38 processed as outstanding invoices

According to Hon Rymer, so far his Ministry has processed Six Hundred and Forty-Five Thousand, One Hundred and Seventy-Three Dollars and Thirty-Eight Cents ($645,173.38) of outstanding invoices for services rendered about ten years ago.

He said the balances include the settlement of invoices from multiple vendors for the supply of concrete in the amount of Two Hundred and Fifty-Four Thousand and Sixty-Two Dollars ($254,062.00); the supply of construction materials in the amount of Twenty-Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-Six Dollars and Thirty-Eight Cents ($27,436.38); and hiring of heavy equipment in the amount of One Hundred and Thirty-Two Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($132,350.00).

Adding to the numbers are Barge Services for transportation of equipment and materials to the Sister Islands in the amount of Ninety-Seven Thousand and Six Hundred Dollars ($97,600.00); and the amount of One Hundred and Thirty-Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars ($133,725.00) for various other services rendered to the Government of the Virgin Islands.

10-year-old water debt

Adding to this, Hon Rymer said his Ministry is faced with having to settle outstanding invoices from an old Water Purchase Agreement which dates back to 2010. The outstanding payment to this vendor is to the tune of Eight Hundred and Fifteen Thousand, Seven Hundred and Forty Seven Dollars and Ninety Cents ($815,747.90).

“It is unfathomable that we would have an outstanding bill for a decade long on something as critical and essential to life as water,” Hon Rymer lamented.

Some $2M yet to be paid to vendors

He said that before the end of this year, government hopes to process more unsettled invoices that are in excess of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), but hastened to say, “I cannot stand here today and report on this matter without mentioning the effect that these age-old expenses have had on the Ministry’s infrastructure development and maintenance plans.”

He explained that in order to settle the outstanding invoices, many projects are now delayed, as funding is no longer available to proceed with the execution of some works.

Delayed projects include road improvements, embankment stabilisation, drainage and water optimising.

‘An injustice’

“It is an injustice to anyone, having provided goods or services to any consumer – especially to the Government – and having met the required standards of quality for the goods or services to be accepted, to be delayed payment for such an inordinately long period. Such delays affect the cash flow of these companies. It impedes their ability to meet their own commitments and to pay their own bills. It hampers their growth. It affects their employees. It can cause them to go out of business,” stressed Hon Rymer as he apologised to those businesses affected by the untimely settlement of these payments.

25 Responses to “‘It’s an injustice’- Hon Rymer on Gov’t owing vendors for many years”

  • Hmm Hmm (22/09/2020, 18:00) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
    Not only under NDP BUT VIP too.
  • what (22/09/2020, 18:24) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Well all y'all the same lol ity
    What is it you are really saying
  • blessup (22/09/2020, 18:27) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    make sure you know what you are doing sir
    what goes up will come down the older the moon the brighter it shine .
  • Accountability (22/09/2020, 18:34) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ask the "now" head of the RDA for starters he should have a brilliant response on some of these delinquent sums owing, during his tenure as PS MCW !!
  • Hmmmm (22/09/2020, 18:43) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply

    So why nobody blaming the Auditors and Financial Secretaries of those times. We blame expats/Uk for everything but its our own locals #$%^ the country!!!!!!

    • @Hmmm Amen (23/09/2020, 03:53) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      Oh yea..1000% correct .The greediest and most selfish people on earth... I will add to Justify my point,, Those who getting their full salaries for little or no work keep pushing for the country to stay lock down.. including giovt officials, can't get more greedy, heartless and selfish than that? .
    • Ignorance (23/09/2020, 07:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I guess you dont understand the system. If the Minister of Finance tells the FS not to pay those invoices but use the money for something else the FS has to follow suit. The Auditors can investigate but afterwards its up to the Governor to act.
    • @ Hmmmmm (23/09/2020, 10:10) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      hallelujah; thank you Jesus!!!!!
      peep this: our own vi people behind boycotting companies own and operated vi people

      charity begins at home but today our own walks all over each other so they can move forward or make every possible effort to hold back vi people

  • We in Trouble.. (22/09/2020, 19:31) Like (7) Dislike (9) Reply
    I will suggedt you create a balance because we have a country to build and an economy to revived...NDP messed up big time,,,,,take your time and clean up...Presently providing work for people is key, That should be your #1 Priority...
    • @ We in trouble (22/09/2020, 20:11) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
      You're right we are in trouble more of an understatement !!. When our Government rewards some of the very same incompetent dishonest permanent secretaries that help create this very same mess, instead of sending them home what do we do we reward them with another assignment big title and even more responsibility involving significant sums of $$ to juggle. THIS is not Monopoly Money wake the hell up BVI and call out these corrupt greedy individuals. Send them home and hire individuals who are competent, brilliant, with sound moral standing and values whether from up island or down island, and stop hiring puppets yes yes folks who have already proven they cannot be trusted around the territories coffers!!! AND YES I'M A BVI ISLANDER who calls it as I see it !!!
    • Clarity (23/09/2020, 01:03) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      2010 was VIP. NDP messed up but also inherited a lot of crazy....both governments are guilty!
      • Agree (23/09/2020, 06:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Not so bad though. Bills would leave from government to government but not how this one is. The auditors gave up or wha
  • Des (22/09/2020, 19:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Lucifer (22/09/2020, 19:58) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Completely agree but it works both ways in that there are a lot of businesses that also owe the government money in back taxes. Need to start coming down hard on these thieves and suspending trade licenses for unpaid SSB and Payroll taxes. Would be interesting to know how much the government is actually owed and for them to start naming and shaming the worst offenders.
  • GG (22/09/2020, 20:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is more than an injustice! It’s a wretched sin! Imagine vendors have to work so hard and can’t get a dime for years!!!!
  • Strike a Bargin (22/09/2020, 21:45) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    It make sense to negotiate with these suppliers for a 50% up front payment and settlement of the outstanding balance in the next financial year so you can have a little money to continue some of the present projects. If there is $2million owing I think it make sense to pay down $1million now and you will have some time to make allowance for the next budget.
  • Bunk (22/09/2020, 22:44) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    We were promised bikes! Where is the larger CC legislation?
  • Roadtownrebel (22/09/2020, 23:31) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Stop playing politics and pay the people.
  • money (23/09/2020, 05:01) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    Wgy are you people want to kill the VUP Government for payment of bill or money that is owed to busubess or people. The prwmier is doing the best he can do. People you all need to go to tge past government for your money, Qgar if the premier diies not want to pay due ro the fact that his government has nothing to do with the unoaid monies by the the NDP tgw former government. The ptrmier net a lot of problems wgich the forner Governmebt left the counyry ib a BAD STATR OF AFFAIR. Mt Rhymer pay what and who you can pay until you get more money to payty the rest bills. people pf the BVI ypi all need to hold the NDP responisible for the problems in thid country. The members might be on a cool run now nut time qill tell necause the big SHARKS will soom ne combing the waters to get what is theirs. So your Government best in helping people some day it will clear up. THE NDP National Demon Party will pay the price some day they forget that some of the people who workes with them got amd know the facts and is dishing it out little by little WAIT AND SEE . RHYMER MAY GOD BLESS YOU
  • 1st District (23/09/2020, 06:21) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    As for you STFUP, , your government see and know monies was nil in the treasury after Irma. BUT, are you ALL doing any different to the previous government? NO, more senseless spendings and achieving nil. Look at that piece of waterfront road YOU just did. It can pass for a student from ms Manda school!! That funds should have been to pay owed vendors and increments.
  • priest (23/09/2020, 07:48) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sir Rhymer, Do you want us to have our jobs and salary than to pay these venders a little money owed to them?
  • Interested (23/09/2020, 17:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    All new Givernments inherit bills payable from the former.If the claims are valid,pay the people and move on,No need for grand standing Mr Rhymer.You are new to politics and wii learn.The tables will turn one day soon
  • Hmm (23/09/2020, 22:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    He failed to say that.some.of those outstanding invoices were duplicates which were already paid. Is it not the PS who we rewarded with the RDA top job should be answering as to why these bills were not paid. Plus that Ministry and its department don't like to pay their vendors. I hope he keeping a close watch on the outstanding Bill's for the years 2019-2020 and beyond . Because the same officers who didn't pay those for 10 years are still the ones responsible for paying the current ones.

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