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‘Is UK morally superior to the people of the VI?’– Dr Wheatley asks

- Questions moral authority of UK to even call a CoI into governance in VI
While questioning the moral authority of the UK to call a Commission of Inquiry on the Virgin Islands (VI), Deputy Premier Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) says he does not fear a transparent local inquiry. Photo: HoA/Youtube
Even as the UK has called an Inquiry on the Virgin Islands, the Government of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson ‘aka ‘Boris’ has resisted calls for an immediate inquiry into his Government’s handling of the pandemic, where officials have been accused of blatant corruption. Photo: Internet Source
Even as the UK has called an Inquiry on the Virgin Islands, the Government of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson ‘aka ‘Boris’ has resisted calls for an immediate inquiry into his Government’s handling of the pandemic, where officials have been accused of blatant corruption. Photo: Internet Source
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said he is not fearful of a transparent and legitimate Commission of Inquiry, but everyone should stay laser-focused and engaged with the process because there is no excuse to roll back the gains which the VI has made as a society. Photo: VINO/File
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said he is not fearful of a transparent and legitimate Commission of Inquiry, but everyone should stay laser-focused and engaged with the process because there is no excuse to roll back the gains which the VI has made as a society. Photo: VINO/File
DUFF'S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI – While questioning the moral authority of the United Kingdom (UK) to call a Commission of Inquiry on the Virgin Islands (VI), Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) said he does not fear a transparent Inquiry.

“I am not fearful of a transparent and legitimate Commission of Inquiry, but I think that everyone out there should stay laser-focused and engaged with the process because, Mr Speaker, there is no excuse to roll back the gains which we have made as a society,” he said.

While debating the Register of Interests (Amendment) Act, 2021 in the House of Assembly on Thursday, March 4, 2021, Dr Wheatley said the VI's relationship with the UK must also evolve to not be one-sided, with one party imposing their will the other.

“There are some persons who have… they see the United Kingdom as some type of watchdog for the BVI. The people have to be the watchdog, we have to create institutions that will be the watchdog in our society. What other nation is a watchdog for the United Kingdom?” he questioned.

UK has challenges - Hon Dr Wheatley 

With the CoI ongoing under the sole commissioner, Sir Gary Hickinbottom, Hon Wheatley questioned the moral authority of the UK to even view the VI as morally inferior compared to UK society.

“I've read media reports, Mr speaker, of persons challenging the United Kingdom for no-bid contracts, for allegations of cronyism and nepotism. Are they morally superior to the people of the Virgin Islands?

Hon Wheatley continued, “I would suggest to you that they are not, I'd suggest to you that there are many things which have happened today and in the past that are questionable in their moral standing and immoral grounds, even in their relationship to we the people,” he said.

Even as the UK has called an Inquiry on the Virgin Islands, the Government of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson ‘aka ‘Boris’ has resisted calls for an immediate inquiry into his Government’s handling of the pandemic, where officials have been accused of blatant corruption.

8 Responses to “‘Is UK morally superior to the people of the VI?’– Dr Wheatley asks”

  • Response (08/03/2021, 11:21) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
    The mere fact that you find it necessary to pose such a questionsuggestts an answer in the affirmative.
    For starters,theUK willingly and openly investigates and polices itself when necessary. The VI resists and complains and in ernest efforts of futilitycasts aspersions and flips the script which solidifies all doubts about its innocence.
    • observant (08/03/2021, 13:00) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      @Response. You answer to the article has me questioning your knowledge of a lot of things. For your sake please seek wisdom and learn the real history of the United Kingdom's terrorist activities of the past to the present time. So when the Honourable Minister speaks in this manner, I desire to believe that it's coming from a place of mistrust and grave concern.

      The UK has proven itself to be very incompetent and corrupted to which there is irrefutable evidence to back up my post.
      The UK hierarchy could and should NEVER be judging any government or person.
      • @obsevant (08/03/2021, 16:27) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        You wrote" wisdom and learn the real history of the UK's terrorist activities of the past and present time"...
        How is the present,our present specifically, any different than the terrorism of the past as you claim to be knowledgeable about. Actually, its worse.. Are you so blinded by the sins of the UK that you cannot see the terrorism of Blacks on Blacks,murder, imprisonment, killings, human trafficking, violence, family and communiy destruction,poverty,disease and a host of other abhorrent effects caused by guns and illicit drugs for profit by a few? How is this different than the UK sins of slavery in the past. Well for starters this is the present and now we are mirroring the incomprehensible of evils buffered with excuses while perpetuating the cycle of abyssmal loss and grief to ourselves.
        I personally am grateful for intervention by the UK because the attitude of shrugging and fingerpointing is key to self destruct with little hope for a future.
  • 007 (08/03/2021, 16:59) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is British territory. There may be a locally elected government to enact day to day legislation but ultimately it is the UK that has the duty of protecting citizens. And that protection might be from members of the local government.
  • josiah'sbay (08/03/2021, 17:52) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    A nation that built it's wealth off the backs of other human beings and routinely threw caution to the wind in exercising their dominance for wealth extraction and control and have world destroying weaponry in their arsenals I don't think that morality is one of their strong traits.
    • ho hum (08/03/2021, 19:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      When it comes to "building its wealth off the backs of other human beings" the BVI is right in the mix.
  • gody (08/03/2021, 19:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    1 love
  • josiah'sbay (08/03/2021, 20:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Do you understand the decision of "Choice" as oppose to a response of "Forced"?

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