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'In my household I have two children & I need 2 laptops'- Hon Fraser

- said he requested gov't laptops to no avail
Senior Opposition Member and veteran politician, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), said he requested two government laptops for children in his household, however, is yet to receive word on it. Photo: VINO/File
According to Education Minister, Hon Natalio D. Wheatley, the laptop loan programme was created so that persons who cannot afford and are not equipped for digital learning to be able to access the tools they need to transition to digital learning via virtual means. Photo: VINO/File
According to Education Minister, Hon Natalio D. Wheatley, the laptop loan programme was created so that persons who cannot afford and are not equipped for digital learning to be able to access the tools they need to transition to digital learning via virtual means. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Senior Opposition Member and veteran politician, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) said he requested two government laptops for children in his household; however, is yet to receive word on it.

Hon Fraser was at the time speaking during a Tuesday, May 26, 2020, online meeting, along with Opposition Leader, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) and Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2). 

Hon Fraser requested two laptops 

"In my household, I have two children and I need two laptops, so I asked the Minister about it [and] he told me that they are getting involved in a programme where they would loan laptops to the kids but I haven't seen [and] heard anything about it since," he said. 

As the Virgin Islands adapts to digital schooling, hastened by the COVID-19 pandemic, some 500 laptops will be purchased by the Government of the Virgin Islands to assist students and teachers. Additionally, a further 132 laptops will be made available through private donations.

According to Hon Fraser; however, he is yet to receive the laptops he requested, "Now you telling me about 500 laptops that they are getting... you know we need to know more about the 500 laptops, why 500 why not 1000," he said. 

Laptops to be loaned

According to Minister for Education Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), monies will be taken from the Consolidated Fund to purchase the laptops for students and teachers in the public education system and that an additional 132 will be donated by Unite BVI and Bitter End Yacht Club.

This initiative was announced as part of Phase 1 of the Economic Stimulus Plan in response to COVID-19.

Dr Wheatley noted; however, that the devices will not be given to persons for keeps, but rather be loaned.

“We will be implementing a loan programme and these devices will remain the property of the Government of the Virgin Islands so that more persons coming into the education system will have access to these devices as persons graduate and go along their educational journey,” he said.

The Programme was created so that persons who cannot afford and are not equipped for digital learning to be able to access the tools they need to transition to digital learning via virtual means, which is now the order of the day due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

38 Responses to “'In my household I have two children & I need 2 laptops'- Hon Fraser”

  • To Honorable Fraser (28/05/2020, 13:18) Like (100) Dislike (2) Reply
    Honorable Fraser - You can afford to buy laptops for those children. Don't take just for the sake of it. Did you also take government food packages meant for the needy? Taking when you don't need will lead to those who do need not receiving the help. You should be setting an example for people to follow. shame on you.
    • @To Hon Fraser (28/05/2020, 16:50) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
      I do concur. This initiative is for the NEEDY not the GREEDY.
  • Really (28/05/2020, 13:19) Like (83) Dislike (1) Reply
    Are you in the group of the needy. Can't you purchase two laptops or at least one and loan one. There are households out there that cant even purchase food, much less a laptop.

  • KLAYTO (28/05/2020, 13:24) Like (46) Dislike (0) Reply
  • John Holmes (28/05/2020, 13:24) Like (3) Dislike (18) Reply

    Without the laptops how are his kids going to access the p********** sites ?

    • ? (28/05/2020, 14:23) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
      You think this comment really made sense/was needed? You clearly have nothing better to do.
  • tretretrete (28/05/2020, 13:38) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
    I'm sure there are parents who really can't afford to purchase laptops for their children and what's sad is that some children who got the devices are on it 24/7 watching foolishness on YouTube and doing all kinda p ! $ $ while the children who just want it to do their work, sadly can't get one.
  • @## (28/05/2020, 13:58) Like (40) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am shocked with this nonsense. So many people don't have jobs. They will need to get these laptops from the government for their children. The amount of laptops that will be available will not be enough. Mr. Fraser still receiving a salary. People u see the stupidity we have 2 deal with!

    Fraser just purchase the 2 laptops for your children and leave the government alone. Government is try to help persons that is in need. U still receiving our tax money. smfh
    • priest (28/05/2020, 15:00) Like (30) Dislike (1) Reply
      I am embarrassed that this Honourable Member would make such a comment. From reports coming from around the region where this news site is certainly being followed many Politicians are making sacrifices to ensure that the needs of his/her constituents come first. Some have gone so far as too either give up at half or even all of their salary for at least a month so that others would have a meal. I do not know about the member's financial position but I agree that he could afford the computers for his kids. I cannot believe that they do not have access to at least one computer in their home. Furthermore, what about his district? If he was asking for the electronics for persons there it was quite understandable. I believe that the Hon. Member is just being vengeful. I also believe that if he was really in need of the computers he should have approached the Minister responsible for the distribution "in camera" and make his request. I am really embarrassed for you Sir.
  • A Parent, SCB (28/05/2020, 14:08) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sorry Fraser, but I think that is being greedy. And here is why, you are in the position financially to purchase said laptops for the two children in your household. Get mad if you like but you know you can afford to buy ten laptops if you wanted to.
  • resident (28/05/2020, 14:11) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    Really Honourable Fraser! I could not believe he was talking about himself. I am so shocked and upset I do not know what to say. That computer loan program is for the underprivileged! How did you see yourself in there? Someone please tell me I read wrong!!! Jeez man you people are full of **it!!!
  • Oh My (28/05/2020, 14:13) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is going on? Turks Treatment coming, cuz we tired suffering.
  • ? (28/05/2020, 14:26) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well that's where parents need to step in and monitor their child/children's usage. We don't have any other option but to home school. Take the laptop away when home schooling is done. That should be the only purpose especially if it is a loaned laptop.
    • To ? (28/05/2020, 16:02) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      That's true, they need to be monitored. But sadly, there are some parents who let their children do whatever they want. I have a friend and I try my best to give him advice with his teenage son, but, he is very stubborn and have the belief that one day his son will, how can he learn and you don't want to discipline him? SMH
  • what kinda (28/05/2020, 14:33) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Honorable Fraser. You mean to tell me that with your position and income, you're looking for laptops for your children? A Dell can cost as little as $300.00. Idk what's in your bank account but your portion of the BVI's tax money should be enough to cover two laptops. This is bizarre that you reached out to the media. Let those who cannot afford a laptop be the top priority.
  • Local (28/05/2020, 14:37) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    them give the laptops who them want. A mother of 3 ask since before all this and up to now haven't received it.
    • home girl (28/05/2020, 16:43) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
      If Hon Frazer has children at his house, it is children that he is helping. You people need to stop jumping to conclusions without having the facts. He happens to be a kind and caring person.
  • Ghost (28/05/2020, 14:53) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Minister Frazer hearing this from you is highly disappointing for though I may not know your financial situation I would like to believe that you have the financial means to purchase 2 computers for those kids in your home.. you need to do this and leave those laptops for families that have financial difficulty in getting them.. moreso you should be donating monies to help fund this venture by buying laptops for children instead of asking for them.. just shameful!..
  • Bisa (28/05/2020, 15:03) Like (8) Dislike (6) Reply
    For all you sheep, honorable Frazier has one child who is an adult
    • ?? (29/05/2020, 05:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      In defense of Mr. Fraser's statement, you need to stop and think that maybe the children belong to the son?
      Or maybe they are a relative's or friend's children who are staying with him and his wife or maybe he is supporting a family of relatives with young children? This COVID-19 situation has not been easy on families.

      Yes Mr. Fraser have means but remember by loaning these devices, the children may take better care of them. Children tend to be careless when a device is their own. Maybe Mr. Fraser used this route so the children would not feel entitled to a device until they could take good care of it or use it for which it is intended. Too many children are using these devices for other things including for mischief instead of using them for learning.
  • Please! (28/05/2020, 15:09) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply

    U have ONE f***** son that ain been here in years..... use the district allocated funds and buy those two O****** kids laptops from running your mouth

  • i bought mine (28/05/2020, 15:22) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dear Sir: If you have a good job then why do YOU need the handouts of loaner laptops and grocery hampers? i am proud to say that even with the struggle going on, i recognized that i do have an income, which is more than some can say and i was able to buy my family what it needed. If you do not need help then leave that money and aid in the Kitty for those truly in need. Do not take the help just because it is available. Use it IF you need it only. We have brothers and sisters with families in need.
  • bvistong (28/05/2020, 16:08) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is exactly what the Premier is trying to avoid. Not giving to people who can get by and helping those who are really in need. Sir, with no disrespect you can afford a laptop. There are some of us who don't know where the next dollar is coming from to even save our businesses, keep our kids in college, pay our debts...all of it. You did good speaking until you said this...sorry again but you could be a great leader if you just really put the people first. Sounds like you just want to get your old elementary school rival in paybacks. So immature.
  • rrr (28/05/2020, 16:12) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
  • wow (28/05/2020, 16:16) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    That’s very disgusting of him to say that. You can not only afford to buy to laptops but I’m sure you can afford to provide per laptop for each class at the school in Sea Cows Bay. Hon. Fahie please remember the needy and NOT the greedy.
  • wow (28/05/2020, 16:19) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Shame on you. Making mockery about 2 laptops. Not even 1 for the kids to share but 2..really? Please leave them for the kids who really in need
  • hmm (28/05/2020, 16:19) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    What school kids Fraser have? This is a joke right? Fraser has one Son who is an adult now.
  • hog city (28/05/2020, 16:33) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    Ayo people on here so simple minded....The man just bluffing with the minister while pulling his legs
    • @hog city (28/05/2020, 18:00) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ignorance is truly a bliss. Who bluffs and pull ones leg on social media.
  • Hmm (28/05/2020, 16:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have two children but i am only asking for 1. I hope they are not asking too much for it as im laid off. :(
  • hmm (28/05/2020, 16:42) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    These simpletons cant see that fraser was toying with shawonde??? Geez its so simple ayo is??
  • Challenger (28/05/2020, 16:58) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    this is shocking and just shows how greedy Hon Fraser can be.
    the Premier made it VERY clear when announcing this brilliant piece of government assistance thatbit was for those who are in desparate need of these items because they cannot afford to purchase then.." for the needy not the greedy". I wonder if ( hon ? ) fraser also took full advantage of the government food distribution to those who were in desparate need of food during many people in your household sur applied for that while others went without....
    is this the type of thing you are paid to debate at the hon. house........???
  • Shameful (28/05/2020, 17:26) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Phil McCracin (28/05/2020, 17:37) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    For crying out loud!. Really, does Fraser have his head in the clouds, I almost spat my coffee out and then again after realizing his outrageous request of two!!
    I think it would be a great idea for Fraser to assist the FSN for a couple of weeks where surely it would bring his crying self up to speed.
    Everyone no matter what nationality has been effected, please let’s love and help each other where we can.
    I’m sorry this made headlines as it’s irrelevant when there are much more important things going on right now. Let’s talk about the crime..
  • You were right (28/05/2020, 20:12) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • 3D (28/05/2020, 22:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fraser got one child, doubt any grand children how he get two children in his house. He is talking on behalf of someone in his district.
  • Ms. Smith (29/05/2020, 01:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Many bloggers misinterpreted the headline..

    The phrase that is fenced with the single quotation marks , those were the actual words said to him by a parent ..most likely he retold the story ..just as it was said.

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