‘I come with open arms’ for the COVID-19 vaccine - Hon Malone

Speaking at Thursday’s February 4, 2021, arrival of 8000 doses of the Vaccine, Hon Malone said that a total of 40,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines is the goal for the territory as part of UK directives to vaccinate some 100% of the VI population.
“First it was 80% of the population, now they (UK) are looking for the entire population because we already have facilities, we already set-up with COVAX, and we are trying to make sure that this is all done,” he said.
The Minister was at the time speaking on the tarmac at the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island where he also referenced the safety of the vaccine, especially for older adults.
‘Gamechanger’ – Chief Medical Officer
Meanwhile, acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronald E. Georges said the arrival of the vaccines is a game-changer for the territory, “If we get as many persons in our population vaccinated as possible, it's going to change the way we handle or restrictions and all the other things we have to do with the COVID.”
“So for all purposes, we want to get as many persons in the population covered with the COVID vaccine. This is going to make sure that we have a large number of the population potentially immune,” he said.
According to Dr Georges, by having the population immune, economic benefits will come as the territory will be able to look at a full return to normalcy.
The Health Minister said the current batch of vaccines is being managed through a public/private partnership with RiteWay providing cold storage ahead of local distribution and vaccination.

39 Responses to “‘I come with open arms’ for the COVID-19 vaccine - Hon Malone”
The trial, which enrolled around 2,000 volunteers with a median age of 31, was too small and its participants too young to draw broad conclusions on the vaccine’s overall efficacy in protecting against the disease caused by the coronavirus, especially when it comes to hospitalizations or death. However, its findings contribute to concerns that a mutating virus is rendering existing Covid-19 vaccines less effective and that shots will need to be updated to protect against new virus strains.
They should let someone from the public randomly pick one out of box for each of them.
The Coronavirus pandemic is a hoax. Yes the virus is real but it was intentionally released for several globalist agendas:
1. Depopulation - Just like many sub-Saharan African countries subject to intense vaccination programs, birth rates will fall and cases of cervical cancer will rise. These vaccines are designed to produce T-cells that will attack the placenta upon conception, which is why the vaccines aren't recommended for pregnant women. Male fertility rates are plummeting too, sperm counts have dropped by more than 50% in 40 years (Reuters).
2. Eugenics - Control over the genetic makeup of a population has long been the goal of globalist institutions. Julius Huxley (brother of Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World) was a well known eugenicist and the first director of UNESCO. Black people have melanin, which makes genetic engineering more complicated, hence why the MRNA in the Covid vaccines is taken from aborted white male babies.
3. Economic restructuring - Globalist organisations such as Davos Group, The economist, World Economic Forum, etc. are touting "The Great Reset" as the solution to the economic woes that big government through central banks have caused. Since the gold standard was removed by Nixon in 1971, western economies print money from thin air willy nilly. According to Pantera Capital CEO the US Federal Reserve printed more money in June 2020 than in TWO CENTURIES since the country's founding in 1776. And what will happen when China releases its Trillions in US credit into the global economy? All fiat currencies will soon be worthless (research Cryptocurrencies!) Besides all of that, due to the lockdowns, small business have suffered, while big businesses thrive. When the small man is broke and desperate he will do anything for some bread. Governments will coax citizens into complying will the Covid measures through stimulus packages and perhaps even in the future universal income. Our human rights will be stripped (as they are being now, one must wear a mask to buy food), and without a serious Agriculture program, non compliance to the whims of Bill Gates and his cronies will be met with a halting of soft commodity exports to these islands, which no VI government would allow.
Some still see agriculture as a slave ting, when in reality we are lower than serfs, slaves or peasants. We can't even grow our own food.
Thanks for bringing out the truth.
NO LONG LINE. !!!!!!!!!!!!!.
It will never become mandatory for BVIslanders but for everyone else who wishes to stay in the territory is should become mandatory in a year, and anyone new applying for a work permit, residence should need to be vaccinated.