Hon Walwyn caught discrediting local efforts on bringing non-stop AA flights

Hon Walwyn’s arguments to discredit the work of the government and the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) had centered on his assumption that although the government reached out to American Airlines, the company only commenced its non-stop operations to VI because it wanted to and because it was beneficial for them.
“We can’t direct American Airlines to come here, they only come if they want to. Yes, the Minister made contact and we congratulated him for that, but that decision to come back into the Caribbean was a strategic decision by American Airlines,” Hon Walwyn had told the House of Assembly recently.
Walwyn statements misleading
However, in invited comments today, July 25, 2023, from the British Virgin Islands Airport Authority (BVIAA) Managing Director, Mr Kurt A.G. Menal on the process to get the flights to the VI, his explanation after analysis by our newsroom, showed that Mr Walwyn’s assumptions on the matter were not only misinformed and misleading, but false.
Mr Menal said while American Airlines like most other North American carriers recognise the sustained high demand for the VI as a destination, there has been dialogue ongoing for many years with the Airline on the part of the VI.
VINO is in receipt of correspondence on early negotiations with past Premier, Andrew A. Fahie on route development efforts between the VI and the airline for flights originating from Major US cities like Miami, Atlanta, and New York.
Mr Menal told our news center that during early correspondence, one factor for the commencement of the non-stop service from American Airlines was that the airline would only operate if and when the runway at Beef Island was extended.
“The decision by any carrier to introduce a new route or service will be driven by economics, however, due consideration must be given to safety and operational efficiency,” he said.
New Approach taken to bring AA
Mr Menal illustrated that as such, the VI took on a completely new approach by recognising advancements in aircraft technology and engaging Envoy, the regional jet carrier for AA, ahead of re-engaging the AA for the non-stop flights.
“That is why in 2022 we changed our approach to route development bearing in mind the advances in aircraft technology that would enable them to operate on restrictive runways such as exists on Beef Island.”
He added, “In that regard, we moved away from engaging American Airlines directly and started a conversation with Envoy which is a wholly owned subsidiary operating mainly Embraer regional jets,” he said.
In Essence, the VI in its effort to encourage American Airlines to fly the VI route, had lobbied with its subsidiary regional carrier on whether the aircraft can safely land at Beef Island.
Envoy confirmed feasibility
Mr Menal detailed, “It was only after the Director of Flight Operations-Line for Envoy assessed the feasibility of the service and assured us that it was possible that we engaged the AA route development team. The final step was the BVI team meeting with AA at Routes World 2022.”
He added that the contingent at Routes World 2022 was led by Minister of Communications and Works, Hon Rymer.
Meanwhile, Hon Rymer had called a ‘red letter day’ the official landing of the commercial direct flight from Miami to the Virgin Islands (VI) by American Airlines on June 1, 2023.
“We must acknowledge though, the past efforts of past government, passed boards, past management, private individuals and companies, and I take this time to say thank you, because it's on your shoulders that we stand on today,” Hon Rymer added.
Flights now doubled for December 2023
Since the commencement of the successful non-stop flights, American Airlines has since announced that it will be doubling the number of flights to the Territory for the winter season, which starts in December.
Mr Menal in a June 14, 2023, release had said the move demonstrated confidence in the capabilities of the BVIAA to handle the increased number of flights and greater passenger movements and to provide quality service to travelers.

50 Responses to “Hon Walwyn caught discrediting local efforts on bringing non-stop AA flights”
be Win-Win for both AA and the VI. The traffic is available and is profitable for its bottom line. AA came because of potential boost to its its bottomline; the route will cease if it becomes unprofitable. AA is a business and is not coming to the VI out of its compassion for the VI and its people;it is coming because of the potential route profitably. What was the Hon Walwyn point? Politicians need to stop taking the term ‘opposition’ literally. In politics, it does not mean opposing every thing or tearing down everything government does. There is a time to do that and there is a time to give government its just do. And the Hon Walwyn knows this I think. Hopefully , the Hon Walwyn is not still piss and steaming from his 2019 loss at the poll. To all elected members in the HoA, being in the HoA is not about your self interest but the interest of the people.
Nuf said….
Mr Menal told our news center that The decision by any carrier to introduce a new route or service will be driven by economics
@ There You Go Again, if you are going to report, criticize , or be a watch dog, at least have the decency to do it accurately. Here are the facts. No where in my folly have I even call Cindy’s name. Cindy do her thing and I do mine. Further, other than this article I don’t think in any of my folly, I think, I ever mention Hon Walwyn’s name. Nevertheless, In regards to the UK and colonialism, yes,,I beat up on them for they deserve it, they are fair game, and persists with their racist, discriminatory, exclusionary, exploitive, privileged, entitled, anti-democratic, etc, behaviors. When one throws shade or paints with a broad brush, one is likely to get daub. Bring the receipts to show where I have tagged Cindy or Walwyn as being racist? If no shut the &%^ck up!!
Question years ago this said airlines did not take their subsidary company american eagle out of the caribbean saying it was not feesable for them economic wise.
The game has now changed so they now need to be part of it.