HLSCC struggles to pay staff!

In addition, there continues to be serious red flags raised by Governor John S. Duncan OBE, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Opposition and residents about the lack of government audited financial reports since the NDP took office in 2011, so that the real state of the public purse can be made known.
With all the many government Departments and Statutory Bodies dependent on taxpayers for funding continuing to feel the lack of financial support because of the inadequacy of funds, the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) is one of many.
Delays in salary payments
The college, a Statutory Body under the Ministry of Education and Culture, which depends on central government for much of its funding via a subvention, is facing cash flow challenges.
According to senior sources at the college and some current Board Members, the HLSCC is facing serious financial challenges and struggles monthly to pay its staff.
Over the past few months the college has not been able to pay its staff on the due dates, which are the 15 and 28 of each month.
In a series of Emails to the staff, the Acting President Dr Janet B. Smith continued to apologise for the late salary payments due to the lack of funds.
For today November 15, 2016 salary, for example, an Email was already issued from President Smith last night around 9:04 P.M. expressing her “sincere apologies that paychecks will not be received tomorrow. I do not yet know when they will be issued, but will let you know as soon as I have additional information” she wrote to staff.
Similar Emails were issued by the Acting President in September and October 2016 of this year and some going back to the former President Dr Karl Dawson about not being able to pay college staff on the due date.
Many college staff and the faculty remain in distress by these developments and are worried about the survival of the college, an institution started by the late Chief Minister H. Lavity Stoutt.
Walwyn’s waste of money wall
Many other non-revenue Statutory Bodies have also complained to our newsroom that their subvention from central government are most often late or not forthcoming, causing cash flow problems which include their inability to pay operational bills.
One College Board Member blasted the Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL), who is responsible for the college, for wasting over $1 Million on a small wall around the Elmore Stoutt High School in Road Town just before the 2015 snap election. The Board Member argued that those funds could have been used to help support HLSCC.

44 Responses to “HLSCC struggles to pay staff!”
VINO thanks for having the ballz to write this story.
There cant be no money in the kitty. The new illustrious ............. done waste a set of it since they come..upgrade the presidential suite where they sit they old tired draconian self, install a set of speed bumps at the college, turn the atm house into a security guard post and have a security company there collecting more money of what the college don't have. Don't forget those blessed banners all over town. Ya need to talk with di faculty and ask if it alwayz have money for paper for dem to print on. Ting to talk. I hope the poor staff gets their dollar$ by the end of today cause people got bill$ to pay.
When you have a toothache you probably wouldn't go to a mechanic and if your car breaks down you probably wouldn't take it to a dentist. Makes no sense. Vote them in again next time.
Talk the truth. The college is in a fiscal mess because NDP made tuition free which was not necessary because it was already cheap. The current President is busy counting cars in the parking lot instead of addressing the fiscal problems. In addition to not paying people on time the staff is treated like shit. She needs to go ASAP!!!!
Thats why they send someone who don't need to carry news and not looking favors to get the job done..Give her a chance and she would fix most of it.People in senior position don't do a thing for their salary. They should be charged for fraud. Collecting government money without working for it.Bunch of fraudsters. And am sure they know who they are.They should be thankful for the college and the changes that is taking place to make it a better institution.
Is the college finances effectively managed? Is the school effectively staffed? Does the school have any endowments? Is the Board paid? Should service on the Board be voluntary? Would the interest in serving on the Board be the same if it were voluntary/unpaid? Is politics interfering with school operations? Is the small population a factor in the school's woes? Is the salary worries adversely impacting the quality of education/service?