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Higher risk of blood clots from COVID-19 than AstraZeneca vaccine– Dr Pickering

- Gov't says higher risk from smoking & use of birth control pills
Medical doctor and former Deputy Premier in the Virgin Islands, Dr Kedrick D. Pickering has once again urged the Virgin Islands (VI) to get vaccinated, declaring that the incidents of blood clots by the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines are so rare, the COVID-19 virus itself presents higher risks of persons getting clots. Photo: VINO/File
Dr. Pickering said despite the uncertainties surrounding the vaccines regarding the incidents of blood clots, the vaccines have remained safe and just about 1 in 250,000 persons have developed that complication. Photo: Internet Source
Dr. Pickering said despite the uncertainties surrounding the vaccines regarding the incidents of blood clots, the vaccines have remained safe and just about 1 in 250,000 persons have developed that complication. Photo: Internet Source
Government has also been informing the public that the risk of blood clots from taking the AstraZeneca vaccine is far less than the possibility of developing blood clots from COVID-19 infection, smoking and the use of birth control pills. Photo: Facebook
Government has also been informing the public that the risk of blood clots from taking the AstraZeneca vaccine is far less than the possibility of developing blood clots from COVID-19 infection, smoking and the use of birth control pills. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Medical doctor and former Deputy Premier in the Virgin Islands, Dr Kedrick D. Pickering has once again urged the Virgin Islands (VI) to get vaccinated, declaring that the incidents of blood clots by the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines are so rare, the COVID-19 virus itself presents higher risks of persons getting clots.

Dr Pickering was at the time speaking during the Saturday, April 17, 2021, episode of ‘ZOEJ’ Speaks with host Zoe J. Walcott, where he reiterated that with vaccination, the benefits outweigh the risk.

Many persons in the Virgin Islands have been reluctant to get vaccinated and their hesitation has been compounded by reports of rare blood clots developing in a very small number of persons. A little over 9000 persons of a population of around 30,000 have received at least a first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and there reportedly have been no major adverse reactions to the jab.

Benefits outweigh risks - Dr Pickering 

“The whole concept of anything that we use from a medical point of use, [is] what are the risks, what are the benefits and anyway you sift through this whole discussion this debate, the benefits far outweigh the risk.

“In addition, what the data has not categorically shown is that you have much higher risk of getting blood clots from COVID, the disease itself, than the rare rare phenomenal of getting blood clots from the vaccine,” he said.

According to the medical doctor, persons can even get blood clots from air travel, which also presents higher incidents than vaccination.

“By comparison, although there are separate mechanisms by which you get blood clots, a birth control pill has a much higher incidence of women developing blood clots, you have a much higher incidence of developing blood clots when you fly on long flights and pregnancy itself predisposes to the blood,” he said.

Blood clots rare - Dr Pickering 

Dr Pickering said despite the uncertainties surrounding the vaccines due to incidents of blood clots, the vaccines have remained safe and just about 1 in 250,000 have developed this complication.

During the April 4, 2021, edition of Real Talk with Karia J. Christopher on Flow Television and broadcasted online, Dr Pickering said vaccination remains a safe bet to fight the pandemic. 

“What is important to understand in the context of this particular situation that we find ourselves in this pandemic that is caused by the virus COVID-19, our only weapon against this virus is vaccination.”

More risk of blood clots from COVID infection, smoking & birth control pills!

Meanwhile, Government has also been informing the public that the risk of blood clots from taking the AstraZeneca vaccine is far less than the possibility of developing blood clots from COVID-19 infection, smoking and the use of birth control pills.

According to Government, the risk of blood clots from taking the AstraZeneca vaccine is 4 cases in 1 million shots or 0.0004%.

The risk from birth control pills is 500-1200 in 1 million women or 0.05%-0.15%.

The risk from smoking is 1763 cases in 1 million smokers or 0.18%.

The risk from COVID-19 infection is 165,000 cases in 1 million cases or 16.5%.

47 Responses to “Higher risk of blood clots from COVID-19 than AstraZeneca vaccine– Dr Pickering”

  • long look me come from (19/04/2021, 16:21) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
    Trying hard to make a come back but it’s an up hill battle
  • YOLO (19/04/2021, 16:32) Like (15) Dislike (6) Reply
    Have the doctor taken his jab our he just talking for talking sake ....stay in your field and keep delivering babies....leave the real taking to the experience.
  • Hmmmm (19/04/2021, 16:49) Like (33) Dislike (5) Reply
    How he know that. What research did he read. Stop the BS. Doc and come to the point. The US paused one, European Countries stop using it. You saying they wrong?
    • Researcher (20/04/2021, 09:16) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      and just like how he can read...we can read too... we can also do credible research.
  • nurse (19/04/2021, 16:49) Like (9) Dislike (24) Reply
    Thank you for trying Dr. Pickering.
    I only wish people would open their minds and eyes and see what’s been going on in the rest of the world. And listen.
  • here we go again (19/04/2021, 16:52) Like (21) Dislike (6) Reply
    Well put our faith in Almighty God instead of a man-made vaccine.

    All the cases we have had, people recovering by passing the time
    • Visitor who’d like to come back (19/04/2021, 17:38) Like (7) Dislike (31) Reply
      Then God will taketh away those who won’t believe in the vaccines.
    • nurse (19/04/2021, 18:13) Like (8) Dislike (14) Reply
      What makes people think that Almighty God has has a problem with vaccines?
      Don’t put your ignorance on God!
      • @Nurse (19/04/2021, 21:43) Like (27) Dislike (3) Reply
        It Is Very Bad When You See People Who Talk Like That With NO SENSE!!! Keep That Negative Energy Far From This Site...IN GOD I TRUST THE ONE & ONLY!!!
      • @ nurse (20/04/2021, 04:09) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
        You must be the devil dressed as a nurse....go so ———>
    • Rubber Duck (20/04/2021, 07:48) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Once we open up watch how different it will be.
    • 007 (20/04/2021, 07:52) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Uphill battle against the voodoo folk and other stupids Doc.

      Frankly I don’t care, let them die and go and meet Jesus sooner
    • taxman (20/04/2021, 08:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      What about the people that died in the rest of the world? Did they not have enough faith?
    • Rubber Duck (20/04/2021, 14:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      They might have done that in SUNNY India...
  • Sure (19/04/2021, 16:59) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
  • gfdfdggfdgfdgfdg (19/04/2021, 17:13) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    These are the so called coalition government to form o guuess
  • Be Observant (19/04/2021, 17:18) Like (34) Dislike (3) Reply
    Covid 19 Vaccine

    - Does Not Provide Immunity
    - Does Not Eliminate The Virus
    - Does Not Eliminate Mask Wearing & Social Distancing
    - Does Not Guarantee You Won't Get It
    - Does Not Prevent Death

    For Those Who Want To Be Foolish AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

    "No Weapon Form Against Me Shall Prosper" Have Faith In GOD Alone!!!

    • Nurse to B Observant (19/04/2021, 19:51) Like (5) Dislike (16) Reply
      The vaccine is NOT a weapon against God.
      Read the research. You are speaking opinion, NOT fact.
      The Covid vaccine does provide immunity to a high percentage, and it does and will prevent many needless deaths. You are correct that it doesn’t guarantee you won’t get it. No vaccine does that. But it makes it much less likely that one will become seriously ill, require advanced hospital care, or die from this disease.
      • Nurse 2 (20/04/2021, 09:32) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        Research or no research. Stop forcing people to take it. God or no God we have choices. If one chose to take it and fall ill then so be it. If another choose not to and gets the disease so be it. My point we are all accountable for ourselves. So take it or don't take it. Just do what you know is right(stay home if you are sick, wash your hands, cough or sneeze in your "elbow", and when possible wear a mask, and for the love of the universe clean up after yourself. Soon or later the herd will be vaccinated and......................................
        • Nurse to Nurse 2 (20/04/2021, 13:12) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
          You make valid points.
          And believe me, it’s not that I don’t understand people’s concerns about new types of medicines. But I feel that the serious consequences of so many people declining vaccination against Covid fall on the less privileged and poorer people in the world.
      • Firebunvaccine (20/04/2021, 16:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I will take my chances. The human body builds it's own immunity to viruses and diseases
    • Rubber Duck (20/04/2021, 14:39) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Total crap from an ignoramus.

      Of course vaccines prevent you from catching it and spreading it.

      Wtf do you think the point of them is?
  • Local (19/04/2021, 17:33) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    While that sounds good Doc. You have a situation where you are clotting and bleeding at the same time .
    2. With regards to the smoking and birh control the risk associated with the vqccine is different. Goverment dont force you to smoke or take birth control pills
  • Local (19/04/2021, 17:38) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lots of info has change since the roll out
    People are advised not to smoke it is bad. People are advised to tak the vaccine . The end result can be the same ,-- blood clots.
    Do better Education than that Doc
    • bruh (19/04/2021, 19:01) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
      The end result of driving can be you get in an accident and die. Do people advise you from driving? No.
  • Be Observant (19/04/2021, 17:58) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    STUPID IS KNOWING THE TRUTH, Seeing The TRUTH And Still Believing The LIES...
  • The real numbers for young people (19/04/2021, 17:59) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    BBC posted these figures today: a young person age 25 had a 110 in a million chance of dying from an accident or injury but only a 23 in a million chance of dying from covid. So technically ... it is better they walk slowly and wrap themselves in sponge than take this vaccine. Little to no reason why they cannot go out and socialize as long as they and everyone else take commonsense precautions... sanitize, and mask up. Anyone who feels the need should feel free to take the vaccine and trying pressure others.
    • ALL I KNOW (19/04/2021, 18:57) Like (2) Dislike (16) Reply
      I was strongly against the vaccine. My boss ask me to take it to keep the office safe and I did. I aint feel no way, no pain no side effects, its like nothing happen....Cant talk for other people..
      • To keep who safe? (19/04/2021, 20:43) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        The other workers or him ...wen he at it ...?
      • @ALL I KNOW (19/04/2021, 23:18) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
        All I Know Is That You Is A Fool, Retarded, Stupid & Dumb At The Same Time...Your Boss So Important That He Can Easily Manipulate You Into Taking Sumn You Don't Even Have A Clue Of What Is Inside..You Should Of Ask Your Boss The Next Fool Ehat The Vaccine Is Made Of...THINK BEFORE YOU ACT!!! SETTA CLOWNS
    • misleading (19/04/2021, 19:04) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
      The consequences of COVID are much more than just dying. Many are hospitalised before recovering due to complications, and a sizeablee percent are left with long-lasting symptoms and injuries.
  • tola (19/04/2021, 18:19) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
    Yes tell them woman about them birth control pills.
  • hmm (19/04/2021, 18:25) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Considering the vaccines contain "weakened" forms of the virus, i woukd think it makes sense to say the clot risk is lower. I still rather take my chances with covid. Those vaccines will be working FOREVER....
  • Chey (19/04/2021, 19:42) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Our only weapon against everything in this world is God. Psalm 118:8 states "it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.
  • @ ALL U KNO & MOUTH CHAMP > picko (19/04/2021, 20:47) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Love n life (19/04/2021, 21:18) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    This doctor is no scientist period. Why is he so insisting on pushing something that causing bloodclott? God said use herbs as your medicine, Ezekiel 47:12 , and they refuse to do so. Trust in God alone and not man
  • Wayne DEAD (19/04/2021, 21:25) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why are we listening to a got damn OBGYN!
    • VI Gyal (20/04/2021, 10:13) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      But he was not only an OBGYN. He was my medical doctor from a child. I am now 40. He is a doctor, not a scientist.
  • SHAME (19/04/2021, 21:32) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    How much money did you yet to come on here once again to push this vaccine? You and these other Dr's and nurses just speaking what CDC and WHO told ayo to say.

    People are not idiots. STOP IT!! #unvaccinatedlivesmattertoo.
  • faith (19/04/2021, 22:02) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Trust God seek him first and obay him and everything will be ok no weapon form aginst u shall prosper .the lord is my shepard
    • @faith (20/04/2021, 09:38) Like (1) Dislike (9) Reply
      I don’t hear any Faith in these blog comments. A lot of Judgement of others, and misusing Bible quotations as fact. And Social Media conspiracy theories. I trust in God, and I trust medical professionals who, I believe, are trying to do God’s work, caring for the sick!
      The Bible was written thousands of years ago. Who among us are actually living, in all ways, as people did thousands of years ago?
      It’s the spirit of the Word, not the Letter of the Word that’s important.
      Love God Above All, and Love your Neighbor as yourself. Take the vaccine in order to protect yourself AND your neighbor from this deadly virus.

  • Trini (20/04/2021, 00:35) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    It killed 2 in trini

    Minister Khan died 4 days after.

    • taxman (20/04/2021, 11:48) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      and now COVID has started killing babies in Brazil because they have done nothing to try and stop it.

      You also seem to be overlooking that the 2 trini deaths had underlying heart conditions so whether the vaccine actually caused it can be questioned.
  • Lucifer (20/04/2021, 08:15) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Im amazed the BVI has any illnesses given all the qualified doctors we seem to have on these comments. Clearly 3 hours watching fake news videos on facebook is equivalent to a medical degree in these parts
  • Rubber Duck (20/04/2021, 14:41) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    9000 have taken in in BVI

    Not one reported case of a serious reaction.

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