Henry O. Creque among bidders for Anegada Hybrid Renewable Energy Project

We continue to monitor process- Mr Creque
In a press release today, April 1, 2020, Mr Creque said his company- Creque’s Engineering Services- and another local company- aTec BVI- have teamed up with international developers BMR Energy owned by Richard C.N. Branson’s Virgin Group and Advanced Solar Products of New Jersey, USA, to “present a very attractive and competitive bid” for the Project.
According to Creque, “Our group continues to monitor the progression of this RFP process. I am extremely excited about the team we have assembled, and every aspect of the final product we have offered to BVIEC, the residents of Anegada and the entire Territory, on this project.”
Advanced Solar Products, according to information released by BVIEC, submitted a bid for $4, 751, 061.00- the second lowest bid.
According to the press release, Mr Creque is an instrumental advocate for greater sustainable and resilient energy adoption in the VI.
Mr Creque had quit as Deputy General Manager of BVIEC to contest the February 25, 2019 General Elections as an At Large Candidate with the National Democratic Party (NDP) but failed to win a seat and the NDP was booted from office by the electorate.
Dana Miller of aTec BVI remarked: “aTEC has been integrally involved with the installation and maintenance of the vast majority of the commercial, industrial and residential solar and wind power projects in the Territory to date, and we are extremely proud of our record having done so using a local labour force. We too are very happy to have been involved with this bid and are looking forward to our continued involvement through what will be the Territory’s first Utility Scale Renewable Energy Project.”
Mr Miller said aTec has also managed other projects around the Caribbean, including most recently a major solar car-port project for the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank on the island of St Kitts.
Advanced Solar Products (ASP)
Advanced Solar Products (ASP), the press release said, is one of the oldest and most respected solar installers from the North Eastern United States region, with over 28 years in the solar industry led the bid development partnership.
“Our company is the premier installer of solar micro-grid systems in the North Eastern US. We see microgrids utilising solar power and energy storage components playing an integral role in a sustainable and resilient energy future for not only the Caribbean but also larger countries in the years ahead. The Anegada Project is one that may be an exemplar model of this technology for the region and even wider afield. In addition to helping preserve and protect the BVI’s unparalleled natural beauty, nothing would make us happier than to be a part of providing jobs, training and development for existing and future workers in the solar, electrical and construction fields in the BVI. This lift will have even deeper meaning than usual as the BVI’s economy starts to rebound from the CoVID-19 pandemic. From day one, ASP saw partnering with local companies as an imperative for our firm on this job,” ASP President and CEO, Lyle Rawlings was quoted in the press release.
BMR Energy
The press release also said BMR has vast experience acquiring, financing, constructing and operating energy infrastructure throughout the Caribbean and Central America.
President and CEO Bruce Levy said, “BMR has extensive experience in this industry and around the region, including owning and operating three projects in the Caribbean. If successful, this will be our first investment in the British Virgin Islands. We are pleased that our team has been able to present a very high quality and competitive proposal for the project and especially that we have been able work with such strong local partners in Creque’s Engineering Services and aTec BVI.
“If selected I am optimistic and looking forward to working with the Government of the BVI, BVIEC and the people of the Territory to develop local expertise and foster the many direct and indirect community-related benefits of this project and industry as a whole.”
BMR Energy was acquired by Richard C.N. Branson’s Virgin Group in 2016.
"One of our latest investments is particularly close to my heart, right here in the Caribbean. We have recently purchased BMR Energy, a developer, and manager and owner of energy generation projects in the Caribbean and Central America," Mr Branson had stated back in 2016.
The Virgin Islands Belonger and businessman, who owns two private islands in the Territory, had commented that the potential for renewable energy across the world is massive, especially in the Caribbean. "We are perfectly placed as an example from which clean, innovative energy solutions can scale. Caribbean economies suffer from some of the highest electricity prices in the world—perpetuating poverty, contributing to national debts, and preventing any form of sustainable development."
Meanwhile, BVIEC has indicated that they are in the process of evaluating the five bids which were submitted on February 24, 2020.
See below table for bids submitted:

13 Responses to “Henry O. Creque among bidders for Anegada Hybrid Renewable Energy Project”
if you are a national of the territory ask your family who cares when they have grab & flee to make living in the territory: we continue fulling the pockets of others while your own sitting in limbo