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Health Minister rebukes ‘blunt instrument’ of CoI

- Said review of governance in VI would have been a better option
Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has blasted the ongoing Commission of Inquiry called by controversial ex-governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, saying that a review of governance would have been better served. Photo: GIS/Facebook
 Many in the Virgin Islands see the Commission of Inquiry as an imperialist move to possibly impose direct rule and set back the territory's constitutional advancement, as has been seen in other Overseas Territories. The takeover is usually initiated with a CoI called under allegations of corruption and then a suspension of the territory's constitution as was the case in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Photo: VINO/File
Many in the Virgin Islands see the Commission of Inquiry as an imperialist move to possibly impose direct rule and set back the territory's constitutional advancement, as has been seen in other Overseas Territories. The takeover is usually initiated with a CoI called under allegations of corruption and then a suspension of the territory's constitution as was the case in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Photo: VINO/File
WICKHAM’S CAY II, Tortola, VI- Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has blasted the ongoing Commission of Inquiry called by controversial ex-governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, saying that a review of governance would have been better served.

Honourable Malone expressed his sentiments during his opening statement to the Commission of Inquiry on June 21, 2021.

The Health Minister noted that while the ultimate goal of the CoI is to fulfil the Terms of Reference, as outlined in the appointment letter, it is by contrast, his ultimate goal to fulfill his duty as a democratically elected representative of the Virgin Islands, “part of which is to educate, protect and defend the political, economic and social advances gained by present and past leaders of the Virgin Islands, our fathers and our forefathers and to fulfil the needs and aspiration of the People of the Virgin Islands, generations past, present and future.”

A slap in the face?

Ironically, the CoI was called just a month after the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA) met in honour of the 70th anniversary of the restoration of the legislature in the Virgin Islands and the same day recognised by the United States and some in the Virgin Islands as Martin Luther King Jr Day- January 18, 2021.

Hon Malone added it is predicted that, though not originally envisaged, the final Commission of Inquiry Report would serve as a blueprint for the UK’s discharge of its obligation to prepare the Virgin Islands for future political advancement.

Is UK committed to UN declarations?

“As with all other Administrating Powers, this is what the United Kingdom committed to and is obligated to provide under Resolution 66(1) of Chapter XI of the Charter of the United Nations.”

Under Chapter XI of the Charter of the United Nations, the Non-Self-Governing Territories are defined as "territories whose people have not yet attained a full measure of self-government”.

The General Assembly, on February 9, 1946, approved a resolution on Non-Self-Governing Peoples.

Among other things, members of the United Nations are to develop self-government, to take due account of the political aspirations of the peoples, and to assist them in the progressive development of their free political institutions, according to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples and their varying stages of advancement.

Members are also to transmit regularly to the Secretary-General for information purposes, subject to such limitation as security and constitutional considerations may require, statistical and other information of a technical nature relating to economic, social, and educational conditions in the territories for which they are respectively responsible for.

'Blunt instrument'

“This, I contend, would have been better served in a review of governance in the Virgin Islands as opposed to this blunt instrument of a Commission of Inquiry being conducted without disclosure of the specifics represented to United Kingdom officials by Governor Jaspert, upon which it relies,” Hon Malone stated.

“These allegations were however issued in a statement in the House of Commons by the Secretary of State, Dominic Raab on January 18, 2021 and carried widely in British Press,” Hon Malone added.

There have also been concerns and speculations as to why Mr Jaspert is not part of the CoI or has not been called to give evidence.

Political pundits said the absence of such a critical element as Mr Jaspert further undermines the credibility of the CoI.

16 Responses to “Health Minister rebukes ‘blunt instrument’ of CoI”

  • cake (22/06/2021, 13:21) Like (30) Dislike (13) Reply
    There is always a bigger fish in the pond. Slap in the face or a dish served cold, either way buckle up and enjoy!
    • Rubber aduck (23/06/2021, 09:20) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      We want to see the list of contracts that the cabinet awarded with tender waivers, and we want to know how many were given to the relatives , friends and cronies of the government including Mr Carvin Malones family.
    • Tre (23/06/2021, 10:46) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      What has Martin Luthier King Day got to do with anything? It isn’t even a national holiday in the states. Irrelevant.
  • Sigh (22/06/2021, 13:41) Like (33) Dislike (4) Reply
    First of all... I heard the comissioner say that Jaspert will be informed and will be able to defend himself before the process is done. Why is it still being said that he will be absent?... why not wait and see.. Why is this being dragged about... is this just to make persons rowdy?... This is embarrassing and everyone except Mr Neville Smith should be ashamed of themselves...Just admit where wrong and accept that you have failed in that particular area without bringing all the extras in...
    • Do so dont like so (22/06/2021, 15:52) Like (16) Dislike (22) Reply
      It took the UK 20 years to get their Registry of Interest in order..... It took the BVI 13 years...

      Im not excusing the BVI but how can the UK want to come to the BVI and point fingers at us for our 13 years of infractions when they themselves have been causing the same infractions for 20 years??

      A little but of the pot calling the kettle black?? Do so don't like so?

      Tell the UK haul dem MK. Cause if you live in a glass house you should not throw stones
    • BuzzBvi (22/06/2021, 17:44) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Neville too unfortunately as he has now rejoined the pack with his wholehearted support behind the Ministers pile of photocopies and unsupported statements.
  • War.. Too late now. (22/06/2021, 14:22) Like (27) Dislike (2) Reply
    U all start this war, now the war get messy and you all end up on the losing side all of sudden you all have all the solutions...Why didnt you all think of all these solutions before the war and the COI..? Too late now..
  • My girl (22/06/2021, 14:34) Like (27) Dislike (21) Reply
    We with you mr carvin
  • Ballot (22/06/2021, 14:50) Like (29) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am hoping that the people will be voting yea or nay for self government. Yours truly would want to vote nay. You guys are as far as evidence ,goes lack ntegrity common sense and respect for wethepeople.. Tha distrust is real. Real embarrassment and a big let down. Continued overdsght by yhe UK offers a sense of relief.
  • mmmm (22/06/2021, 15:59) Like (37) Dislike (0) Reply
    The current government brought this on itself. If the Premier had not acted the way he did then maybe the then governor would have left well enough alone. So be men with backbone admit your wrong doing and move forward
  • bvi to the bone (22/06/2021, 20:48) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The COI yes but Colonialism no.
  • Regrete or negrect which one? (22/06/2021, 21:05) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Crocodile tears and lame excuses won't do. You had plenty of time to think before you acted. "If you can"t take the heat, get out of the furnish ares. Since it seems so easy, acordind to you, to see and talk abour the CoI insuffiencies, why is it so hard to admit your own shortcomings?
    Thanks to God for the CoI.
  • Road Town Rebel (23/06/2021, 06:12) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    A 400million budget in the hands of some black people is rattling some white nerve over yonder. Yeah I went there. Hate me now n bitch too.
  • Secret Bear (23/06/2021, 13:47) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is a "review of governence?" Malone pulled that term out of his ***. Besides, there's been dozens of reviews, audits, consultations, reports, and evaluations over the years, all of which have accomplished approximately nothing. This commission did not just come out of the blue. It is the LAST resort, not the first.
  • UK (25/06/2021, 00:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Governor's Group blogging heavy here.

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