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Group of citizens hire Attorney to challenge election qualifications

-will petition the results of the 2018/19 election based on Sec 58 & 63 of Elections Act of 1994
Word reaching our newsroom is that a group of Virgin Islanders have hired a local Attorney, to challenge the results of the next General Elections, as it relates to who is qualified to sit in the House of Assembly (HoA), in keeping with the Elections Act. Photo: Internet Source
Once Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (AL), the Minister for Education and Culture became the new Chairman and Co leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP) many of his own NDP senior members and some founders have openly questioned his qualifications to be in the HoA or even the Premier. Photo: VINO/File
Once Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (AL), the Minister for Education and Culture became the new Chairman and Co leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP) many of his own NDP senior members and some founders have openly questioned his qualifications to be in the HoA or even the Premier. Photo: VINO/File
The NDP’s Legal advisor Ayana S. Hull, has already given her opinion on Mr Walwyn, telling the NDP Executive in an Email—obtained by our news desk—that he is qualified to sit in the HoA, as per the Constitutional Order of 2007, therefore can be Premier, if the NDP win the next general elections. Photo: Internet Source
The NDP’s Legal advisor Ayana S. Hull, has already given her opinion on Mr Walwyn, telling the NDP Executive in an Email—obtained by our news desk—that he is qualified to sit in the HoA, as per the Constitutional Order of 2007, therefore can be Premier, if the NDP win the next general elections. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Word reaching our newsroom is that a group of Virgin Islanders have hired a local Attorney, to challenge the results of the next General Elections, as it relates to who is qualified to sit in the House of Assembly (HoA), in keeping with the Elections Act.

While the group wishes to remain anonymous at this time for fear of victimisation, they have already retained legal counsel and will file a petition as per the Election Act.

It is unclear which winning politicians will be targeted immediately after the results of the 2018/2019 General Election, constitutionally due by June 2019—to be announced by the Elections Supervisor.

Why the Election Act?

The Elections Act, Part IV Section 58, speaks to the ability of any voter to file a petition, complaining of an undue return or undue election of a member of the Council and it must be filed with the High Court and will be decided on by the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), Court of Appeal.

It is our newsroom understanding that the petition will seek to confirm who is qualified to run for Office and be elected to the HoA, as per the Constitution.

According to one source close to the group, the Attorney will also be relying on Section 63, of the Election Act, to ensure that persons are subpoenaed in a trial format, in the bid to to confirm the "intention and spirit" of the Constitution, as to who is qualified to sit in the HoA.

The Court of Appeal will be able to call witnesses and they will be subjected to the same penalties for perjury.

Do not blame VIP

Over the past few weeks, the Opposition Virgin Islands Party (VIP), has distance themselves from rumours of challenging any member of the current Legislature. 

However, once Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (AL), the Minister for Education and Culture became the new Chairman and Co leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP), many of his own NDP senior members and some founders, have openly questioned his qualifications to be in the HoA or even the Premier.

The NDP’s Legal advisor Ayana S. Hull, has already given her opinion  on Mr Walwyn,  telling the NDP Executive in  an Email—obtained by our news desk—that he is qualified to sit in the HoA, as per the Constitutional Order of 2007, therefore can be Premier, if the NDP win the next general elections.

Whichever side wins at the Court of Appeal level, following the 2018/19 Election petition, there is expected to be an Appeal to the Privy Council, according to the same source close to the group.

32 Responses to “Group of citizens hire Attorney to challenge election qualifications”

  • 123 (31/07/2018, 14:03) Like (48) Dislike (117) Reply
    its about time some one do this!
    • youth (31/07/2018, 14:28) Like (25) Dislike (6) Reply
      Children, children . It is time to pack up our bundles and leave our country that we loved and being an embassador and go to our mothers and father’s land who will gladly embrace us for what we can offer.

      God you know I love my country and I am asking you to have mercy on us

      We are going to get a second picking if we don’t humble ourselves.
      • . (01/08/2018, 11:58) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
        All due respect but if neither your father's nor your mother's land is the BVI, then the BVI is NOT YOUR COUNTRY. Why is it so hard for allyu to understand?
        • voter (01/08/2018, 12:39) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
          The BVI is God’s Land. He is the one who said Let there be and there was .
        • Youth (01/08/2018, 14:14) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
          It is people like you have the bvi like thing. We are depressed by the evil words spoken on these media. Nothing to motivate and challenge us. Just hatred, malice and strife but you know we weep what we so.

          I am anchored in Jesus. He is my morning star and anchor and when he returns which will be very soon. He will determine where our destiny is.

          God is love


          Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, sins love covers a multitude of sins.

          A pleasant day!
    • island man (31/07/2018, 18:49) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
      My people I pray God to enlighten us with Knowledge wisdom and understanding. We are not going anywhere; one step forward and two steps ack in times...
  • wowww (31/07/2018, 14:11) Like (77) Dislike (21) Reply
    If you want Andrew Fahie be the premier thumbs up

    If you want Myron walwyn be the premier thumbs down
    • True (31/07/2018, 15:47) Like (17) Dislike (6) Reply
      whats the third choice?
    • The Hooded Claw (01/08/2018, 14:15) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
      If you want a true concensus who the electorate wants for premier tell Fahie to run at large so EVERYONE can thumbs up or thumbs down between both candidates.
  • wowww (31/07/2018, 14:12) Like (55) Dislike (20) Reply
    If you want VIP win thumbs up!!!

    If you want NDP win thumbs down!!!
  • qc (31/07/2018, 14:18) Like (22) Dislike (35) Reply
    We don’t need no more NDP antics to trip up Myron.
  • Yes (31/07/2018, 14:19) Like (36) Dislike (22) Reply
    The million dollar wall did not get him out of office this will not work lol
  • Not2Sure (31/07/2018, 14:22) Like (52) Dislike (63) Reply
    Has anyone ever seen a thief admit that they are a thief until they are caught?????/ I just listen to funny man tape. Yea right there is no corruption, just like there is a plane call BVI airways
  • Own It! (31/07/2018, 15:02) Like (51) Dislike (16) Reply
    Please!!! Victimization my boooty. If you are man/woman enough to question this, then be bold enough to own this action and show your faces. Stop hiding! Clearly if he wasn’t a legit candidate, he would not have be in the position to contest. Instead of uniting to carry the country forward, you busy with a crab in a barrel mentality. Clearly Irma taught you nothing! #TrumpismInEffect
  • HAHA (31/07/2018, 15:23) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    It’s clear we need fresh people! Just take a look at the hunger for power and greed. I will not call no names but if people in their right minds pay attention you will see for yourself! The Poison is everywhere. Damn if you do damn if you don’t because whoever inherits the government woe be unto them because the sitting government has the country in such a mess! They themselves should be afraid to be re-elected. Worst I’ve seen in my lifetime!
  • REX FERAL (31/07/2018, 15:41) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Crock of Bull shiggidy
  • Fed Up (31/07/2018, 15:53) Like (30) Dislike (3) Reply
    Sick of the lengths people will go to to get what they want. Sick of it. If someone is elected they are elected by the people. Like it or not. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean you try to discredit someone. Grow up.
  • Fish on a bun (31/07/2018, 16:34) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
    The group wishes to remain anonymous at this time for fear of victimisation. LOL, the way people talk around here, you all names will be out there soon.Someone who is trying to bring Myron down is the ring leader. People in Tortola is not going to do something like that, they are to timid. LOL, you are bold enough to do this, you should be bold enough to stand up reveal yourselves man or woman and take your lick.
  • wowww (31/07/2018, 16:51) Like (16) Dislike (43) Reply
    I think Myron gonna win as oppostion side leader.
  • No problem (31/07/2018, 17:00) Like (18) Dislike (9) Reply
    I smell a rat, someone is trying to do everything to bring Myron down. This is a personal Witch Hunt.
  • What a ting (31/07/2018, 19:27) Like (24) Dislike (6) Reply
    Nobody will victimized anybody . They are ashamed to say who they are and the low based low down thing and lengths they would go to destroy someone they hate purely on one criteria . He had expat heritage . Don’t be fooled
    • questionable (31/07/2018, 23:36) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      Who's hiding behind the curtain? Who is the mastermind behind all of this to get rid of Myron? Sadly, we are all not headed in the same direction so we cannot move forward until the chains of deception, manipulation and hypocrisy are destroyed. Lord, help us please.
    • But get this (01/08/2018, 08:16) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      Back in December when Myron threw the big lunch, most of them who is against him was right there filling their stomachs. Nothing but a bunch of backstabbing, i bite the hands that feed evil ingrates. They will sit and eat with you while they are plotting and plunging the knife in your back.
  • DON Q (31/07/2018, 20:36) Like (3) Dislike (26) Reply
    This move in support but hope it's a good attorney
  • Grandma said (31/07/2018, 20:40) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Always keep your grass cut low so you can see thé snakes. This BVI have some sick people who would go to any lenght to discrédit, hurt, plot against and destroy each other.
  • Lord o (31/07/2018, 21:07) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    Seems like we need anothee Irma to bring us to our senses... Knock the bitterness, evil and Envy out of us... Thought Irma did it.. I was wrong.. Seems like we need another one..
    • . (01/08/2018, 12:05) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      You go ahead calling disaster down upon the BVI. When the next Irma devastate YOUR country maybe you would get out of MINE so go home and settle yourself.
  • Honestly Speaking (31/07/2018, 23:13) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Say one, say two. Lets put things in the right context. When the NDP took office in 2011 they inherited a country with a ton load of mess caused by the VIP administration. The red flags of corruption, cronyism, mismanagement of the public purse, et. al. was rampant in this country. Whilst the present govt. did not conduct themselves in an appropriate manner ; (and there is absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION for their behavior), I can't see how or why either of the two set have the nerves to publicly face the electorate of this territory whether by media or on the campaign trail. In my opinion, its 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other. BOTH parties MUST GO! We the people of this territory deserve better and the answer is neither the VIP or the NDP.
  • Maryland (01/08/2018, 07:27) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    I am going to say this. The VIP is behind thé whole thing. They are the ones who round up a bunch of I can't think for myself people to do their dirty work. You have enough ba* *s to do this, you should have enough ba* *s to stand up and show who you are. Don't hide out under your attorney skirt tail or pants leg and talk sh* t about being Victimized. I agree, this is full blown witchhunt.
  • AMERICA (01/08/2018, 07:59) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    You people in the BVI would do anything to destroy and tear each other down. It seems like someone who have a personal issue with Waylon is behind the whole thing. From what is being said, Tortola people don't have enough common sensé to make that type of move on their own. Stop hiding behind a attorney with the I am in fear of being Victimized défense bu***hit and reveal yourselves.

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