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Gov. Pruce celebrates 1st anniversary

Governor Daniel Pruce celebrated one year in office on January 29, 2025. Photo: Facebook
Governor Daniel Pruce was sworn in as the Virgin Islands' 15th Governor on January 29, 2024. Photo: VINO
Governor Daniel Pruce was sworn in as the Virgin Islands' 15th Governor on January 29, 2024. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Governor Daniel Pruce has celebrated one year as Governor of the Virgin Islands (VI).

On his first anniversary, January 29, 2025, the United Kingdom-appointed Governor said, “It has been a “real privilege to get out and about working with new friends and contacts in the community, partners across government, and also colleagues in the Sister Islands.” 

The Governor said 2025 will be a busy year for him and his office as well as an important one. 

“I remain absolutely determined to make a difference and look forward to serving you all,” he said in a video message on Facebook. 

In his opinion, the Governor said real progress has been made in each of the three priority areas he had set for 2024. These areas included security, helping to deliver good governance, and contributing to building a better future for the people of the Virgin Islands. 

“I’ve been incredibly impressed by the commitment and support that I’ve received across the board,” he said. 

Priority areas for 2025 are still security, good governance and building a better future

Governor Pruce said in 2025 he will continue working on security as he aims to make the Virgin Islands a safer place for everyone. 

“I am particularly keen to provide solid, practical support to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force as they go about their duties,” he committed. 

He will also continue work on good governance. “We will be entering a period where we assess the progress on the Commission of Inquiry. That will be a very important stage with a focus on implementation. This whole undertaking has been about delivering a real-world, positive, practical outcomes for the people of the Virgin Islands,” he said. 

Governor Pruce’s third area of priority for 2025 will also be a better future as he said work will continue to progress on what has already been done

“I am delighted that we now have in place a future fund to help provide funding support to individual projects and I’m very much looking ahead to taking that work forward through 2025,” Governor Pruce added. 

Governor Pruce is the VI's 15th Governor. 

11 Responses to “Gov. Pruce celebrates 1st anniversary”

  • Citizen (01/02/2025, 12:34) Like (5) Dislike (15) Reply
    He messed up with his blind eyes to mark collins crimes but our eyes are on him over Jacky’s appointment as cop, it will tell us if he is into white power and white nationalism or not!
  • lord o. (01/02/2025, 12:43) Like (13) Dislike (8) Reply
    What's the accomplishment. Corruption still Rampant, Political war in the midst of no progress. People are bathing in Bucket no water, They are trying a thing with the roads that cama flash will soon end unfinished, just like the Govt complex. Poverty on the rise, all we get are excuses.
  • (01/02/2025, 16:31) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    What a nice vacation he is on and it is clear he is not committed to the rule of law after how he handled the x cop situation
  • Negatives (01/02/2025, 19:51) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Every Governor who comes here you all will have an issue. Note that many are happy that he is here because then the handful of you all would have done sink we
  • Pruce if you are reading (01/02/2025, 20:30) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    You hit the ground running but you have gone soft..
  • FIRE (01/02/2025, 22:37) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    Let him go home and celebrate. Not needed here.
  • resident (02/02/2025, 10:06) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    the governors do so little I forget their names for the most part except for Jaspert, he exposed our corruption and gave us a path to fixing it, he deserves our thanks
  • Black Lives Matter (02/02/2025, 10:39) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The big picture here is that the bvi should be ashamed to have a governor aka a white master in 2025
  • Kingfish (02/02/2025, 11:15) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    He needs to go he here in cabinet trying to block locals from eating

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